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Engelsk B
Test assignment
Morten Kristensen
Class: 1.a
Deliverydate: 30-03-2007
Number of pages: 3
Teacher: Marianne
Education: HTX
School: EUC Sjælland
English, assignment
EUC Sjælland, HTX
Morten Kristensen
A: Spørgsmål til tekst
a. Explain how scientists believed to have eradicated infection and
Scientist believed in the 1970s, that they could eradicate most disease with
better hygiene, more antibiotics and vaccines.
b. Some sceptics did not believe in the elimination of deadly
infectious disease. Find evidence in the text that they were right.
On line 14 in the text: “Agents of disease ranging from bacteria to insects had
started to show resistance to the drugs and chemicals that had once so
successfully killed them.”
This proves that you can’t just kill diseases with drugs, the bacteria will be
On line 20 in the text: “Then came Lyme disease (1975, Legionnaire’s disease
(1978), toxic-shock syndrome (1978) and, more recently AIDS (1981)”
This will prove that you can’t kill deadly diseases, but you can inhibit them.
Later cholera reappeared in Indonesia, which were eradicated earlier. The
sceptics were right; you could never eliminate the diseases completely.
c. Mention some of the factors that the scientists of the 90s should
consider in the combat of diseases.
Scientists of the 90s have to examine the patterns of the old diseases, so they
effective can kill the diseases. If they understand they pattern, maybe they
could develop even more effective drugs.
d. What is the relevance of the wood carving from 1845 to the
problem of epidemic disease in our time?
Many people died of the plague. Today plague is nearly eradicated, but we do
have a lot of other diseases and epidemics that could kill us. Therefore it has a
lot of relevance to show the picture, to warn us. You can’t fool the death.
There will always be another disease to kill. People are trying to run away, but
they can’t.
English, assignment
EUC Sjælland, HTX
Morten Kristensen
B: Oversættelse fra dansk til engelsk
Don’t kill the plague rats!
After seen pictures of dead rats in TV-transmissions about the plague in India,
a reader has raised the question if it is smart to kill the rats, because their
fleas then maybe will attack people.
The reader has completely right. English epidemiologists are horrified that they
in India are started to kill the rats. Proper plague is not a human disease, but a
rat disease. It is widespread among wild rodents in some area of for example
Himalaya, where they have immunity to the disease, or in other words, they
have been chronic ill, like rats in the Middle age, where the plague spread via
rats on ships from the East.