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Fifth Semester
(For B.Sc. Bioinformatics)
Time: Three Hours
Total Marks: 80
Part A (Short Answer Questions)
Answer All Questions. 1 mark each.
1. Define Scripting Language.
2. What is HTML tag? Give three examples.
3. Define Bio-PERL.
4. Explain UNTIL statement in PERL.
5. Define XML.
6. Write down the tags for ordered and unordered list in HTML
7. List data types available in Java Script.
8. Name the attributes of frame tag.
9. What is Dialogue Box in Java Script?Give an example.
10. Define Arrays in PERL.
Part B (Brief Answer Questions)
Answer any Eight Questions. 2 marks each.
11. What is Decision - Making?
12. Write a note on Web Programming Languages.
13. Define PERL and give any two perl editor.
14. Write the HTML tags for adding text and images.
15. Write a note on operators and expressions in Java Script.
16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of PERL?
17. What is internet? Explain its components?
18. Explain FOR and FOREACH statements in PERL.
19. Write about open and close functions in PERL.
20. Explain how to place a text in Browser in Java Script.
21. Describe DHTML?
22. Give the General structure of IF statement in Java Script.
Part C (Short Essay Questions)
Answer any Six Questions. 4 marks each.
23. Explain formatting characters (Escape sequences) in PERL.
24. Explain push,pop,unshift functions in PERL.
25. Define PERL SCRIPT and Explain.
26. Explain the important uses of HTML
27. Define Browsers and give examples.
28. What is Looping statement? Give an example?
29. Differentiate while and do-while in Java Script.
30. Explain the Structure of HTML.
31. Explain about Tables and Linking tags in HTML with an example.
Part D (Essay Questions)
Answer any Two Questions. 15 marks each.
32. Define and Explain:
(i) Conditional statement.
(ii) Looping statement in Java Script.
33. Write down the HTML tags to Display Amino Acid and Nucleic Acid in aTable.
34. Write HTML Tags and Explain the following:
(i) Text formatting.
(ii) Frames
(iii) Forms.
35. Explain the string functions for the following:(a) Concatenation.
(b) Reverse a string.
(c) To find the length of a string.
(d) To convert upper case and lower case.
(e) Splitting a string.
(f) Joining a string.
(g) Finding substring