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Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites DQ 2014-2015
Name: _______________________
1. Research has led scientists to conclude that fevers help the human body fight infection by
elevating body temperatures and causing parts of the immune system to work better.
Which statement does this conclusion best support?
A. Fevers are a disruption of homeostasis.
B. Fevers should immediately be treated with medication.
C. Fevers are a necessary part of maintaining homeostasis.
D. Fevers are rarely caused by bacterial infections.
Justification: ____________________________________________________________
2. All of the following symptoms are likely associated with bacterial infection except —
A. skin rashes or lesions
B. elevated body temperature
C. swollen glands or tissues
D. increased red blood cell count
Justification: ____________________________________________________________
3. Viruses differ from bacteria in that all viruses —
A. must be reproduced in living cells
B. can be destroyed by antibiotics
C. cause insect-borne diseases
D. have rigid cell walls
Justification: ____________________________________________________________
4. The cell shown in the diagram is found in which type of organism?
A. bacterium
B. moss
C. yeast
D. paramecium
5. Antibiotics are a type of medicine that kills bacteria. Antibiotics
can be used to fight bacterial infections. Which of the following
diseases could antibiotics be used to treat?
A. yellow fever
C. strep throat
D. common cold
6. Why is it important to wash and protect cuts and open wounds?
A. to prevent a scab from forming
B. to remove dirt only
C. to make it bleed more
D. to remove dirt and prevent infection
7. Which of the following hurts the body by interfering with its ability to get oxygen?
A. a virus in the eye
B. bacteria that infect lung tissue
C. a fungus that grows on the skin
D. parasites in the intestines
Justification: ____________________________________________________________
Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites DQ 2014-2015
Name: _______________________
8. Some infections, particularly those of the mucus membrane, are caused by a type of fungal
microorganism. Although this fungus is usually harmless in small amounts, if it is allowed to multiply
in the human body, it can become painful and, in rare cases, even lead to death.
What type of microorganism is this?
A. bacterium
B. parasite
C. virus
D. yeast
Justification: ____________________________________________________________
9. Which of these does a virus need in order to multiply?
A. Chloroplasts from a host cell
B. A host cell to provide oxygen for the virus
C. New ADP from a host cell
D. A host cell to replicate the virus’s DNA
Justification: ____________________________________________________________
10. Lactose is a naturally occurring sugar found in milk. Some dairy products, such as yogurt, may
contain live bacteria. These products are useful to people who lack the ability to digest lactose. What
does this information demonstrate?
A Some bacteria are beneficial to human health.
B Some bacteria interfere with digestion.
C Bacteria can prevent insulin production.
D Bacteria raise the acidity of processed foods.
Justification: ____________________________________________________________
11. The myxoma virus was used to control an overpopulation of European rabbits in Australia. When
first introduced in the mid-1900s, the virus greatly reduced the European rabbit population. Today the
virus is not an effective control of the European rabbit population. Fewer European rabbits are affected
by the virus today because they have —
A. learned to avoid the virus
B. moved away from infected areas
C. undergone a change in diet
D. developed resistance to the virus
Justification: ____________________________________________________________
12. Which of these events is most likely to cause a widespread influenza outbreak?
A. People in northern regions are affected by weather patterns.
B. The influenza virus is recognized by host immune systems.
C. Global warming causes increased winter precipitation.
D. People lack immunity to a new strain of flu virus.
Justification: ____________________________________________________________
13. Streptococcus infection in a person’s throat can cause pain and fever. Streptococcus can be
controlled by antibiotics. Streptococcus is a —
A. virus
B. bacterium
C. protozoan
D. fungus
Justification: ____________________________________________________________