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Directions: Answer all questions on a separate sheet of paper using your knowledge of US History and
government. You must provide an explanation for at least 20 of the 40 multiple choice questions.
"Compromise Enables Maine and Missouri To Enter Union"
"California Admitted to Union as Free State" (1850)
"Kansas-Nebraska Act Sets Up Popular Sovereignty" (1854)
Base your answer to the question below on the poster below
and on your knowledge of social studies
1) Which issue is reflected in these headlines?
(A) enactment of protective tariffs
(B) extension of slavery
(C) voting rights for minorities
(D) universal public education
2) Before the Civil War, the principle of popular
sovereignty was proposed as a means of
(A) allowing states to secede from the Union
(B) permitting voters to nullify federal laws
(C) deciding the legalization of slavery in a new state
(D) overturning unpopular decisions of the Supreme Court
3) Before the Civil War, slavery expanded in the South
rather than in the North because
(A) the Constitution contained a clause that outlawed the
importation of slaves into the Northern states
(B) Congress passed a law forbidding slavery in the North
(C) Northern states passed affirmative action legislation
(D) geographic conditions in the South encouraged the
development of large plantations
4) Which term refers to the idea that settlers had the right
to decide whether slavery would be legal in their
(A) nullification
(B) sectionalism
(C) popular sovereignty
(D) southern secession
5) Sectional rivalries during the period from 1820 to 1860
centered mainly on the issues of
(A) The currency system
(B) States rights
(C) Conservation tariffs
(D) Women’s suffrage
6) An underlying cause of the Civil War was
(A) the North's unwillingness to compromise on tariffs
(B) the Supreme Court's unwillingness to rule on slavery
(C) sectional tensions created by slavery
(D) the Democratic party's commitment to abolitionism
7) Which statement best describes the economic
differences between the North and South just prior to the
Civil War?
(A) The Northern economy was primarily agricultural, while the
Southern economy was based on manufacturing.
(B) Jobs on plantations attracted more European immigrants
to the South than to the North.
(C) Transportation systems were more developed in the North
than in the South.
(D) The Southern economy was more diversified than the
Northern economy.
8) This poster from the 1850s appeared in response to the
(A) passage of the fugitive slave law
(B) start of the Civil War
(C) issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation
(D) enactment of the 13th Amendment
9) By the time of the Civil War, slavery had nearly
disappeared in the North mainly because
(A) slave rebellions in Northern states had forced the end of
(B) the United States Constitution required the end of slavery
in Northern states
(C) slaves had become too expensive for Northern farmers
(D) slavery did not fit the economic interests of the North
10) "By the 1850’s, the Constitution, originally framed as an
instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional
This quotation suggests that
(A) vast differences of opinion existed over the issue of States
(B) the Federal Government had become more interested in
foreign affairs than in domestic problems
(C) the Constitution had no provisions for governing new
(D) the Southern States continued to import slaves
11) The Dred Scott decision
(A) upheld the Compromise of 1850
(B) ended slavery in the territories
(C) established that slavery was legal in any territory
(D) ruled that slaves could sue their owners in a federal court
12) Which event was the immediate cause for the
secession of several States in 1860?
(A) the Dred Scott decision
(B) the Missouri Compromise
(C) the raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry
(D) the election of President Abraham Lincoln.
13) Abolitionists in the pre–Civil War period were most
likely to support the
(A) removal of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia
(B) passage of the Fugitive Slave Act
(C) activities of the Underground Railroad
(D) use of popular sovereignty in the territories
14) The publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, written by
Harriet Beecher Stowe, contributed to the start of the Civil
War by
(A) exposing the dangers of cotton manufacturing
(B) intensifying Northern dislike of slavery
(C) pressuring the president to support emancipation
(D) convincing Congress to ban the importation of slaves
Base your answers to questions 15 and 16 on the graphs below and on your knowledge of social studies
15) The data shown in the graphs best support the
conclusion that the North
(A) was better prepared economically to fight the Civil War
(B) lagged behind the South in bank deposits
(C) produced more agricultural products than the South
(D) lacked several important resources to fight the war
16) The South won many battles and the Civil War lasted
four years. These two facts support the conclusion that
(A) the Underground Railroad was important to the Southern
(B) factors other than those shown in the graphs were
(C) the North was more dependent on foreign aid than the
(D) personal wealth was a key factor in determining the
outcome of the war
17) Which phrase best completes the title for the partial
outline shown below?
I. Reasons for the ______________________ include:
Increasing sectionalism, Disagreements over states’ rights
issues, Breakdown of compromise, and the Election of 1860
(A) Start of the Revolutionary War
(B) Adoption of the Bill of Rights
(C) Failure of the Whiskey Rebellion
(D) Secession of Southern States from the Union
19) Early in his Presidency, Abraham Lincoln declared
that his primary goal as President was to
(A) enforce the Emancipation Proclamation
(B) preserve the Union
(C) end slavery throughout the entire country
(D) encourage sectionalism
18) "A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this
government cannot endure permanently half slave and half
-Abraham Lincoln, 1858
According to this quotation,
(A) Abraham Lincoln believed that slavery was immoral and
should be abolished immediately
(B) sectional differences threatened to destroy the Union
(C) the Southern states should be allowed to secede
(D) to save the nation, the North should compromise with the
South on slavery
20) Which statement best explains President Abraham
Lincoln’s justification for the Civil War?
(A) As an abolitionist, President Lincoln wanted to end slavery
in the United States
(B) President Lincoln wanted to keep the South economically
dependent on the industrial north
(C) President Lincoln’s oath of office required him to defend
and preserve the Union
(D) To keep the support of Great Britain and France, President
Lincoln had to try to end slavery immediately
21) What was the most important advantage the North had
during the Civil War?
(A) unified popular support for the war effort
(B) superior military leadership
(C) economic aid from Great Britain and France
(D) more human resources and war material
22) Which statement is best supported by the data in the
“No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge
the privileges . . . of citizens . . . nor shall any state deprive
any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of
law. . . .”
29) The major purpose of these provisions of the 14th
Amendment was to
(A) limit the power of the federal government
(B) expand the civil rights of women
(C) maintain competition in business
(D) protect the rights of African Americans
30) The 14th and 15th Amendments, passed during
Reconstruction, resulted in
(A) expanded rights for Native American Indians on
(B) increased individual rights for African Americans
(C) additional rights for Southern segregationists
(D) equal rights for women in the United States
(A) The Confederate troops lost the Civil War as a result of
their higher numbers of injuries and fatalities
(B) The Union army had better generals during the Civil War
(C) The Civil War had more casualties than any other war
(D) More soldiers died from disease than from wounds
23) A major result of the Civil War was that the
(A) economic system of the South came to dominate the
United States economy
(B) Federal Government’s power over the States was
(C) members of Congress from Southern States gained
control of the legislative branch
(D) nation’s industrial development came to a standstill
24) A major result of the Civil War was that
(A) disputes between the North and South were ended
(B) whites accepted blacks as social equals
(C) slavery was ended by an amendment to the Constitution
(D) the South lost territory to the North
25) The Civil War affected the northern economy by
(A) causing a severe depression
(B) increasing unemployment rates
(C) decreasing demand for agricultural products
(D) stimulating industrialization
26) Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan was based on
(A) punishing the South.
(B) treating the South like conquered territory.
(C) readmitting all Southern states except South Carolina. into
the Union
(D) readmitting Southern states as equals of Northern states.
27) Which newspaper headline would have appeared
during the Reconstruction Period after the Civil War?
(A) “Jim Crow Laws End”
(B) “Former Slaves Made Citizens”
(C) “Supreme Court Issues Dred Scott Decision”
(D) “Emancipation Proclamation Issued”
28) The institution of slavery was formally abolished in
the United States by the
(A) Compromise of 1850
(B) Emancipation Proclamation of 1863
(C) creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau in 1865
(D)ratification of the 13th amendment in 1865
31) In the South, the passage of Jim Crow laws in the
1870s and 1880s led directly to the
(A) racial integration of public schools
(B) decline of the Democratic party
(C) organization of the Ku Klux Klan
(D) segregation of public facilities
32) During Reconstruction, the Black Codes passed by
Southern states were attempts to
(A) provide land to former slaves
(B) punish former Confederate leaders
(C) repeal the Jim Crow laws
(D) deny equal rights to African Americans
33) The Jim Crow laws of the post-Civil War Era were
attempts by
(A) the Federal Government to improve the status of African
Americans and Native American Indians
(B) state and local governments to restrict the freedoms of
African Americans
(C) states to ban organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan
(D) the Radical Republicans in Congress to carry out
Reconstruction plans
34) The poll tax, the literacy test, and the actions of the Ku
Klux Klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of
(A) the 14th and 15th amendments
(B) the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of
(C) civil rights legislation passed in all states after the Civil
(D) immigration laws such as the Gentleman’s Agreement and
the Chinese Exclusion Act
"Although important strides were made, Reconstruction failed
to provide lasting guarantees of the civil rights of the
35) Which evidence best supports this statement?
(A) passage of Jim Crow laws in the latter part of the 19th
(B) ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments
(C) refusal of Southern States to allow sharecropping
(D) passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1866
36) Which statement is accurate about state legislatures
in the South following the period of Reconstruction?
(A) They established bureaus to assist the freedmen
(B) They provided 40 acres of land and a mule to all former
(C) They tried to deprive the freedmen of their legal rights
(D) They were generally dominated by former slaves
37) After the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th
amendments, African Americans continued to experience
political and economic oppression mainly because
(A) the amendments were not intended to solve their problems
(B) many African Americans distrusted the Federal
(C) Southern legislatures enacted Jim Crow laws
(D) poor communications kept people from learning about
their legal rights
38) Poll taxes and grandfather clauses were devices used
(A) deny African Americans the right to vote
(B) extend suffrage to women and 18-year-old citizens
(C) raise money for political campaigns
(D) prevent immigrants from becoming citizens
39) The dispute between President Andrew Johnson and
Congress during the Reconstruction Era illustrates the
constitutional principle of
(A) equality of justice under the law
(B) federalism
(C) one man, one vote
(D) separation of powers
40) In their plans for Reconstruction, both President
Abraham Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson sought
(A) punish the South for starting the Civil War
(B) force the Southern States to pay reparations to the Federal
(C) allow the Southern States to reenter the nation as quickly
as possible
(D) establish the Republican Party as the only political party in
the South
41) The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for
(A) free land for former slaves
(B) separate public facilities based on race
(C) racial integration of public schools
(D) voting rights for African-American males