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Terminal Objectives:
Drugs & Endocrine System
The student will become familiar with some representative groups of drugs and their effect on
the body. The student will also learn how the endocrine system influences the physiology,
homeostasis and behavior of the body.
Intermediate Objectives:
Upon completion of this unit the student will be able to:
1. Describe the functions of the endocrine system as a regulating system explaining terms such
as ductless glands, hormones and target organs.
2. Briefly describe the process of the negative feedback mechanism of the endocrine system
using the effects of insulin on the body as an example.
3. Explain why the Pituitary gland is called the “master gland” and explain its relationship to
the Hypothalamus.
4. Provide the functions of the hormones released by the posterior pituitary gland (ADH &
5. Provide the function of the hormones released by the anterior pituitary gland (TSH, GH,
ACTH, FSH, LH, and prolactin).
6. Describe the function of the hormone produced by the parathyroid gland (parathormone), and
explain how this hormone and one produced by the thyroid gland regulate the calcium blood
7. Describe the function of the two hormones produced by the thyroid gland; thyroxine and
8. Describe the effects that the two hormones produced by the pancreas (insulin and glucagons)
have on the glucose blood levels.
9. State the two regions of the adrenal glands and hormones that are produced by each region.
10. State and describe the function of the two hormones produced by the ovaries (estrogen and
11. Describe the function of the hormone produced by the testes (testosterone).
12. Describe the function of the pineal gland and the hormone that it produces (melatonin).
13. Describe the location and function of the thymus gland and the hormone that it produces
14. Describe the disorders of the endocrine system including pituitary dwarfism, acromegaly,
simple goiters, Addison disease, and diabetes.
15. Explain how various drugs affect the nervous system.
16. Define and give examples of stimulants as well as describe their therapeutic and harmful
effects on the body.
17. Define and give examples of depressants as well as describe their therapeutic and harmful
effects on the body.