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Understanding Statistics in
Final drafts of the APA Style Paper are due
in lecture next Wednesday (Nov 19)
Descriptive Statistics
Describe the data you collected from the
Inferential Statistics
Making inferences about the population from
the data collected from the sample
Generalize results from study to the population
Inferential Statistics
 Example Experiment:
 Group A - gets treatment to improve memory
 Group B - gets no treatment (control)
After treatment period test both groups for memory
 Group A’s average memory score is 80%
 Group B’s average memory score is 76%
Is the 4% difference a “real” difference (statistically
significant) or is it just sampling error?
Inferential Statistics
This type of statistics is based on making
hypotheses and testing them
Five main steps to test hypotheses
Testing hypotheses
Step 1: State your hypotheses
Step 2: Set your criteria
Step 3: Collect your data from your sample
Step 4: Compute your test statistics
Step 5: Make a decision about your
Reject your null hypothesis
Fail to reject your null hypothesis
Testing hypotheses
Step 1: State your hypotheses
Null hypothesis (H0):
“There are no differences between the groups”
This is the hypothesis that you are testing!
Alternative hypothesis (Ha):
“There are effects/differences between the groups”
This is what you expect to find!
State your hypotheses
 The Null hypothesis is always opposite the
alternative hypothesis
 Example:
Ha: The training group will be different from the
control group
H0: The training group will not be different from the
control group
 Example:
Ha: The training group will perform better than the
control group
H0: The training group will not perform better than
the control group (equal or worse)
State your hypotheses
You are not attempting to prove your
alternative hypotheses
You are testing the null hypothesis
If you reject the null hypothesis, then you
are left with support for the alternative(s)
State your hypotheses
In memory example experiment
Alternative- Ha: mean of Group A ≠ mean of
Group B
(Or: Group A > Group B)
State your hypotheses
In memory example experiment
Alternative- Ha: mean of Group A ≠ mean of
Group B
(Or: Group A > Group B)
Null- H0: mean of Group A = mean of Group B
(Or: Group A  Group B)
State your hypotheses
In memory example experiment
Alternative- Ha: mean of Group A ≠ mean of
Group B
(Or: Group A > Group B)
Null- H0: mean of Group A = mean of Group B
(Or: Group A  Group B)
Which hypothesis do we test?
Testing hypotheses
Step 1: State your hypotheses
Step 2: Set your decision criteria
Your alpha level will tell you what to decide
Reject the null hypothesis
Fail to reject the null hypothesis
Set your decision criteria
Because you set the criteria it is possible
that you could make the wrong decision
Type I error: saying there is a difference when
there really isn’t one
Reject null when you should fail to reject
alpha level = probably of making this type of error
Type II error: saying there is not a difference
when there really is one
Fail to reject when you should have reject
Types of Errors
Real world (truth)
H0 is correct
(really are no
Reject H0
(there are
Fail to reject H0
(there are no
Type I
H0 is wrong
(really are
Type II
Type II
Types of Errors
Real world example:
Courtroom Analogy
Real world (truth)
Defendant really
is innocent
Defendant really
is guilty
Type I error
Found guilty
Jury’s decision
Type II error
Found not guilty
Types of Errors
 Type I error: concluding that there is an effect (a
difference between groups) when there really
Alpha level ()
Sometimes called “significance level”
Pick a low level of alpha
Psychology: 0.05 and 0.01 most common
 Type II error: concluding that there isn’t an
effect, when there really is.
Beta ()
Related to the Statistical Power of a test (1- )
How likely are you able to detect a difference if it is
Testing hypotheses
Step 1: State your hypotheses
Step 2: Set your decision criteria
Step 3: Collect your data from your
Step 4: Compute your test statistics
Descriptive statistics (means, standard
deviations, etc)
Inferential statistics (t-tests, ANOVA, etc)
Testing hypotheses
Step 1: State your hypotheses
Step 2: Set your decision criteria
Step 3: Collect your data from your
Step 4: Compute your test statistics
Step 5: Make a decision about your
Reject H0: Statistically significant differences
Fail to reject H0: Not statistically significantly
Decision about your hypotheses
What does statistically significant
differences mean?
Reject the null hypothesis
Support the alternative hypothesis
The differences/effects you found are above
what you’d expect by “chance”
Decision about your hypotheses
Level of chance is determined by how
much sampling error there is
More sampling error less likely to have a
significant finding
Sampling error is the difference between
the sample and the population
Influenced by:
Sample Size
Population variability
Sampling Error
Population mean
Sampling error
(Pop mean - sample mean)
Sampling Error
Population mean
Sample mean
Sampling error
(Pop mean - sample mean)
Sampling Error
Population mean
Sample mean
n = 10
x x
x xx
As the sample
Sampling error
size increases,
(Pop mean - sample mean)
the sampling
error decreases
Sampling Error
 Due to a smaller range of possible sample
means, the sampling error decreases
Small population variability
Large population variability
Sampling Error
Influenced by:
Sample size
As sample size increases, the sampling error
Population variability
As the population variability decreases, the sampling
error decreases
Distribution of sample means
 These two factors (pop variability and sample size)
combine to impact the distribution of sample means.
 A distribution of all possible sample means of a particular
sample size that can be drawn from the population
Distribution of
sample means
of size = n
Avg. Sampling
What is Significance?
 Rejecting the null hypothesis
 A statistically significant difference means:
The researcher is concluding that there is a difference
above and beyond chance
With the probability of making a type I error at 5%
(assuming an alpha level = 0.05)
 Not the same thing as theoretical significance
Only a statistical difference
Doesn’t mean that it is an important difference
What is Non-significance?
Failing to reject the null hypothesis
Can’t accept because can’t prove anything
Usually not as interesting as rejecting the null
Typically, check to see if you made a Type II
error (failed to detect a difference that is really
Check the statistical power (probability of finding an
effect if there is one) of your test
• Sample size is too small
• Effects that you’re looking for are really small
Check your method, may be too much variability
Testing hypotheses: Next lecture
Tests that calculate significance
Generic statistical test
T-test: 2 group means
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): more than 2
group means