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5019 E. 500 S. -57 Churubusco, IN 46723 ~ 260-693-1718
e-mail:[email protected] website:
Quizzers and Parents,
Wow! It’s here! Teens, I am so proud of all the work that each and every one of you has done!
Parents, thank you so much for all you sacrifice for your teen to be in Bible Quizzing!
We will leave from the church Wednesday, July 29th for Findlay, OH. We will probably meet for a
morning quiz practice (10 AM or so) and then stop at Steak and Shake for lunch on the way to
Findlay. We will stop for a meal on the way home as well. Please bring money for both of these
meals. Teens may also bring money for snacks, etc, but it is totally optional. You may also bring
snacks if you would like. I will be bringing a couple of cases of water.
Teens will want to bring: a swimsuit and a towel (they have an indoor pool), sports equipment
(basketball/tennis racket, etc.), TENNIS shoes if you want to play tennis/basketball, games to
play between quizzes (spoons, card games, board games, etc.), Bedding/Pillow, a
Bible/Notebook/Pen, Comfortable/Modest clothing, Washcloth/Towel/Toiletries, etc., a Camera (if
you want), and your quiz shirt, and Bible. You don’t need to wear your shirt Wednesday as we
won’t be quizzing until Thursday morning. Please wear your shirt to church the Sunday before as
well as the Sunday after we get back. We will be recognizing our quizzers during both services
when we get back.
Each registered person will also need $25 for a room key cash deposit or a check. Please write
separate checks for each person. Your check will not be cashed by the conference unless a key
is lost or not turned in.
We would love to have any “fans” come watch quizzing. Quizzing will take place Thursday and
Friday. Friday afternoon is typically the final rounds so all of our teams may or may not be
quizzing. We will get back late afternoon early evening on Saturday.
The cost for teens is $30. The youth fund is covering the rest of the fee. The fee is $115 for
adults who would like to stay in the dorms and get a meal pass. It cost nothing to watch if you
want to get a local hotel. Please fill out the release form and get it in to Lory along with a $30.00
check written out to Sugar Grove Youth. Please get your forms/checks in by June 28 so we have
time to plan teams and get registered PRIOR to the July 6th deadline.
Feel free to call me anytime.
Thanks so much for all of the time you have committed to quizzing! It’s a promise from Scripture
that His Word will not return void! Isn’t it nice there are some things you can count on in this
ever-changing world!
God Bless,
Lory Norden