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Exam Review
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Social Sciences
An economist who focused on ancient societies would most likely study the
a. development of trade
b. evolution of family patterns
c. effect of fire on the lives of the people
d. role of religion in river valley civilizations
Which aspect of social science would a geographer most likely study in depth? beliefs influence the behavior of a group of people economic events influence history location influences the way people live people influence governmental decisions
Early Humans
Where does the archeological evidence gathered by Louis and Mary Leakey suggest early humans developed?
a.Great Rift valley
b.Amazon Rain forest
c.Himalaya mountains
d.Philippine archipelago
Neolithic Revolution
A direct result of the Neolithic Revolution is that people
(1) began living in permanent settlements
(2) developed a nomadic way of life
(3) depended on hunting and gathering
(4) used crop rotation to increase agricultural output
Early River Valley Civilizations
The Indus and Huang He (Yellow) rivers are both closely associated with
(1) border disputes
(2) sacred biblical sites
(3) cradles of early civilization
(4) oil discoveries
a. Ancient Mesopotamia
Code of Hammurabi
b.Ancient China
1-Ethnocentrism is best defined as
(1) the belief that one’s culture is superior to all others
(2) military preparation for a civil war
(3) love and devotion to one’s country
(4) a belief in one god
2-Mandate of Heaven
3-Dynastic cycle
Belief Systems
1-Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are similar in that they all ask their followers to
(1) believe in reincarnation
(2) strive for nirvana
(3) follow a code of behavior
(4) practice polytheism
2-• Showing respect for parents
• Maintaining family honor
• Honoring all elders
Which term is most closely related to these three actions?
(1) nirvana (2) animism (3) filial piety (4) hadj (hajj)
Ancient Greece
In a comparison of the ancient cities of Athens and Sparta, Sparta placed more emphasis on
(1) education
(2) military service
(3) family order
(4) human rights
Social Sciences
Related terms/people/information
Economics, Anthropology, Archaeology, Geography
The study of the earth and how it influences the way people live:
location, physical features, etc.
5 themes of geography
The origins of early humans- Africa- “Lucy” Great Rift Valley by
Iceman founded in Alps- oldest intact human body
humans changed from living a nomadic lifestyle (during Paleolithic
Age) to permanent settlements after learning how to domesticate
plants & animals (farming, planting)
Tigris & Euphrates (Mesopotamia) – Hammurabi’s Code
Yellow River (China)
Nile (Ancient Egypt)
Indus River Valley (Mohenjo Daro)
Legalism, Confucianism, Daoism
Mandate of Heaven
Dynastic cycle
Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism,
Legalism, Islam, Daoism,
Geography: mountainous
effects: isolated city-states within Greece therefore no political
unity in Greece
Contributions: Myths, drama, philosophy
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
Hellenistic Culture (Alexander the Great)
Twelve Tables
Republic-citizens elect representatives
Early Humans
Neolithic Revolution
Early River Valley
Ancient China
Belief Systems
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome Republic