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Definition: The ability to move joints of the body through normal range of motion.
Benefits of stretching:
Flexible muscles move more efficiently and this improves performance and posture
Increases physical and mental relaxation
Releases muscle tension and reduces muscle soreness
Helps prevent risk of injury
Some people are naturally more flexible. Flexibility is primarily due to one's genetics, age and level of
physical activity. As we grow older, we tend to lose flexibility, usually as a result of inactivity rather than
the aging process itself.
The less active we are, the less flexible we are likely to be. As with cardiovascular endurance and muscle
strength, flexibility will improve with regular training.
Stretch for success
Take a few minutes before any workout to warm up your muscles. A light jog, for example, helps warm
the muscles with in turn makes stretching easier and more effective. Stretch to a point of feeling a pull and
hold that for 20-30 seconds. For example, in the hamstring stretch, when doing toe touches, even if you
cannot touch your toes, just go as far as you can and hold that position. Stretching should occur before and
after all physical activities.
The purpose of warm up:
To increase oxygen and blood supply to working muscles.
To prepare the body for cardiovascular activity.
When performing any stretch:
Start each stretch slowly, breathing as you gently stretch the muscle.
Try to hold each stretch for at least 20 to 30 seconds.
Avoid these stretching mistakes:
Don't bounce a stretch. Holding a stretch is more effective and there is less risk of injury.
Don't stretch a muscle that is not warmed up.
Don't strain or push a muscle too far. If a stretch is painful, ease up.
Don't hold your breath.
Types of Stretches:
 Static Stretch/ stretch is held for 20-30 seconds (more appropriate for PE).
 Ballistic (Dynamic) Stretch/ involves bouncing into a stretch, NOT RECOMMENDED.