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Date ____________________
Chapter 29 Section 1 Structure of the Sun
I read in the text…
Read pgs. 755-760
(Evidence/quotes from the text)
Composition of the Sun
Spectrograph –device used to break up the sun’s light
into a spectrum. Scientist can determine the amount
of elements that are present in a star’s atmosphere
What four things can be determined by
analyzing a star’s spectrograph?
1. the amount of elements present
2. temperature
3. density
4. pressure
What percent of the sun’s mass is hydrogen?
Hydrogen and helium make up what percent
of the sun’s mass? 99%
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion – the process of combining nuclei of
small atoms to form more massive nuclei. Huge
amounts of energy is released
The three main steps of nuclear fusion
1. Two hydrogen nuclei, or protons, collide
and fuse---positive charge of one of the
protons is neutralized as the proton
emits a particle called a positron
What is the primary fuel for the sun’s fusion?
Another proton combines with this
proton-neutron pair to produce a nucleus
made up of two protons and one neutron
3. Two nuclei made up of two protons and
one neutron collide and fuse—as this
fusion happens two protons are released,
the remaining fuse together and form a
helium nucleus
How much less mass does a helium nucleus
have compared to a hydrogen nucleus? 0.7%
The Final Product
What is one of the final products of nuclear
fusion? Helium nucleus
What happened to the lost mass? It is
converted into energy during which causes the
sun to shine and gives the sun its high
Mass Changing into Energy
What is the equation for Einstein’s theory of
relativity? E = mc2
Used to calculate the amount of energy produced
from a given amount of matter
In Einstein’s equation what do the following
stand for:
E energy produced
m mass or amount of matter that is changed
c2 speed of light
What is the speed of light?
300,000 km /s
How much hydrogen does the sun convert into
helium every second? 600 million tons of
hydrogen into helium every second
Neutrino – a type of subatomic particle that occurs
during fusion, they escape the sun and reach Earth in
about 8 minutes
What are fused in the nuclear reactions of
stars that are hotter than the sun?
Energy is produced by fusion reactions of the
nuclei of carbon (C) , nitrogen (N) , and oxygen
What percent of the sun’s diameter is the
core? 25%
The Sun’s Interior
Core – center of the sun
The core is made of _ionized_____ gas.
What is the temperature of the sun’s core?
15,000,000 0C
How many times denser is the core than iron?
10 times
What is fused in the core and what does it
become? The fusion of hydrogen into helium
Radiative Zone – the zone surrounding the core in
which energy moves by radiation
Convective Zone – the region of the sun’s interior
that is between the radiative zone and photosphere,
where energy is carried upward by convection
What is the temperature range? 2,000,000 0C
to 7,000,000 0C
How does energy move outward in this zone?
It moves outward in the form of
electromagnetic waves, or radiation
This zone surrounds the ___Radiative_ zone.
What is the temperature of this zone?
2,000,000 0C
How does energy move outward in this zone?
Upward by convection
The Sun’s Atmosphere
Photosphere – inner most layer of the atmosphere,
the visible surface of the sun
What does the term atmosphere refer to?
The uppermost region of solar gasses
What does photosphere mean? Sphere of light
What is the temperature of this zone?
How is most of the energy given off in this
sphere? Visible light
Sunspots – the cool, dark spots found on the
What is the temperature of sunspots?
3,800 0C
What does chromosphere mean? Color sphere
Chromosphere – thin layer of the sun that is just
above the photosphere and that flows a reddish color
during eclipses
The Sun’s Outer Parts
Corona - the outer most layer of the sun’s
atmosphere, thin zone where the temperature rises
What is the temperature range of this
sphere? 4,0000C to 50,000 0C
What does corona mean? crown
What is the temperature of this sphere?
Above 1,000,000 0C
What streams out from the corona?
Electrons and electrically charged particles
called ions
These particles are called ___ solar wind __
and occur as the corona expands
When is the corona visible? When the moon
moves between Earth and the sun and blocks out
the light of the photosphere---Total Solar
Pick one section from 29-1 ______________________________________________
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