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What is the "fertile crescent"?
The Fertile Crescent is the land between two river and is about 300 miles long and 150
miles wide.
2. What modern countries are included in the fertile crescent?
The modern countries located in the Fertile Crescent included Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,
Cyprus, Jordan, Palestine, Kuwait, the Sinai peninsula and northern Mesopotamia.
3. Where was ancient Mesopotamia located?
Ancient Mesopotamia was located in the Fertile Crescent.
4. Define the word "Mesopotamia".
The Greek term Mesopotamia means the land between the two rivers.
5. Why might someone want to live in Mesopotamia?
People might want to live here because they farmed which is a reliable food supplied.
6. How did people survive so well there?
People survived in the Fertile Crescent so well because it was fertile.
7. Now click on this link and complete the next activities
8. Go to "story". Read the story of Gilgamesh.
9. What is the main idea of "The Story of Gilgamesh"?
The main idea is that two friends set off for a forest to get cedar wood for building and to
fight the demon in the forest. Once they arrived in the forest they started cutting trees
and the demon appeared so the friends summoned the 13 great winds. Then the friends cut
off the demons head took some wood and went home.