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Microbiology Practice Test
***Note: This practice test does not represent everything on the test!***
Part 1:
1. _________________________ An amoeba creates extensions of the cytoplasm for movement called ________.
2. _________________________ If an organism makes its own food, it is called _____________________.
3 . _________________________ In the paramecium, which organelle is responsible for pumping out water?
4. _________________________ Name an example of an organism found in the Phylum Sarcodina?
5. _________________________ Entamoeba causes what illness.
6. _________________________
7. _________________________
Name the three shapes of bacteria (not a description of its shape!)
8. _________________________
9. _________________________ Smallpox, a disease caused by a virus, appears to have been eliminated by the use of ____.
10. _________________________ Unlike the cell wall in plants, the cell wall in fungi is made up of ________.
11. _________________________ The kingdom to which the blue-green algae and bacteria belong to is the Kingdom _____.
12. _________________________ To what kingdom does yeast belong to?
13. _________________________ Which kingdom is best classified as eukaryotic, saprophytic, and immobile?
14. _________________________ Members of Kingdom Fungi are made up of tube-like structures called _________.
15. _________________________ An organism that feeds off of decaying plants and animals are known as ________.
16. _________________________ Viruses that infect bacteria are called _________.
17. _________________________ Which of the fungi groups creates a mushroom?
18. _________________________ Common molds that grow on cheese and bread are members of this phyla.
19. _________________________ Malaria is transmitted from person to person by what insect?
20. _________________________
Lichens are a combination of what two organisms?
21. _________________________
22. _________________________ In the space provided draw what a diplococcus would look like.
23. _________________________ Which Ascomycota reproduces forming buds?
Diagrams answers
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