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Creating a Government
The activity must be completed and turned in at the end of the period. Everybody must
turn their own neatly written paper.
Directions: By now you should be familiar with the different forms of Government. But
which form is the best or which combination is the best? Working your group of three,
you and your partners will create a government that best fulfills the purposes of
government. There are no wrong or right answers but you must explain your reasoning.
Below is information about Iraq to help you make the best decisions.
Ideas to Consider
Iraq is roughly the size of Texas
Ethnic/Religious groups
Kurds- The Kurds live in northern Iraq. They have longed for an Independent Kurdistan.
The Kurds are not accepted in either Iraq or Turkey. Turkey in particular would have
serious concerns for a “Kurdistan” due to the fact that there are over 15 million Kurds
living in southern Turkey. Kurds do not recognize the current border between Turkey
and Iraq as legitimate. Promoting the establishing of an independent Kurdistan may be
sowing the seeds for a future war involving Turkey (a NATO member). As a result this
could weaken NATO’s influence in the Middle East.
Sunni/Shia- Although Sunnis and the Shites are both Islamic they differ in many ways.
Most notably are their differing opinions on leadership. The Shites believe that only a
direct descendant of Mohammad (the founder of the Muslim faith) can be considered a
legitimate leader.
Worldwide the majority of Muslims are Sunni. In Iraq however there is a higher
percentage of Shia Muslims. Additionally, Shia Islam also dominates Iran. Many
Americans believe that a Shia controlled Iraq will help Iran gain greater influence in the
Middle East resulting in greater destabilization to the region.
Saddam Hussein was a Sunni dictator that controlled and stabilized Iraq but he did it
through fear and murder. While in power he ordered the gassing of both Kurds and
Shites. Other punishments included cutting out the tongues of those who complained and
cutting off the ears of those who would listen to the complainer.
Unlike Christianity, Islam has never had its own reformation. Along with changes to the
Christian religion the Protestant Reformation also lead to governmental changes. After
the Protestant Reformation, the concept of a separation between church and state began to
Muslims in Islamic nations have not been exposed the idea of a government that is not
based on Islamic law. Therefore a government that does not involve Islam may be
viewed as illegitimate in Iraq and the Middle East.
It has already been noted that the two different Islamic sects will not see eye to eye and as
a result a compromise would be difficult to reach.
Democracy involves the concept of majority rules. Yet there are 12 major political
parties seeking power. Are you willing to create a government in which the leaders do
not need to receive over 50% of the vote?
Democracy also necessitates voter turnout and education. These will be two major
struggles to over come.
Finally, Iraq’s neighbors cringe at the idea of a democratic Iraq. Syria has been fueling
insurgents located in Western Iraq. Iran has been busy doing the same thing in the east.
A weak government can and will lead to instability in the region which may open the
door for civil war, invasions by foreign nation, s or even the development of strong and
organized terrorist organizations that could eventually pose a threat to the United States.
Using the text and prior knowledge and on another sheet of poster board. I want you
to draw/diagram your answers to the questions below. When we are finished we
will have a gallery where you will be able to ask questions about the other group’s
First answer the overall question
Overall question: What is the best form of Government?
1. Based on Iraq’s current situation, what purposes must be met by the new
government? Of the six purposes covered determine the top three for Iraq.
Six Purposes: Protect, Unite, Provide, Order, Justice, Securing Liberty
2. Decide where the power will be located. Is your government Unitary, Federal, a
Confederation, or perhaps a combination? Please thoroughly explain your
decision. Consider: Concentrations of Power, Division of Labor, and
3. Decide upon the relationship between the legislative and executive branches. Is
the relationship presidential or parliamentary? Perhaps there is no relationship or
a different relationship other then that described in the text. Again please
completely explain your decision.
4. Who can participate in your government? Is it a dictatorship, democracy or a
combination? If it is a dictatorship is it totalitarian? If it is a democracy what
kind is it, direct or representative? Please explain why?
If Representative how will you determine the amount of seats for each group?
If direct does the majority or the plurality win elections?
5. There are other factors to consider such as the role of Islam, location of the
government, ownership of resources, ect.
6. What is the government’s role in the economy? Free markets, Command
economy, Mix markets? Why?
7. Now that you have created a government explain why you and your group feel
that this is the best form. Be as specific as possible. List any strengths and
weaknesses that your new government will possess. Finally determine how well
your group worked together and how easy or difficult it was to make a decision.
8. Predict the future for Iraq and the Middle East.
What would Hobbes say is the answer to the Overall Question? Locke?
Rousseau? Adam Smith?
10. Of the people listed above who would approve your structure of government?
Why? Who would disapprove? Why?
11. Compare and Contrast your ideas of government with the current 2007 Iraqi