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1. Which of the following phylogenetic
groups within the animal kingdom
encompasses all the others in the list?
A. rotifera B. deuterostomes
C. bilateria
D. arthropoda E. protostomes
2. Sharks and rays _______.
a. have skeletons made of cartilage
b. are gnathostomes
c. have true jaws
d. all of the above
3. Chitin can be found in _______.
a. cell walls of fungi
b. exoskeleton of arthropods
c. cell walls of plants
d. both a and b
e. all of the above
4. Which of the following does not function in
filter feeding?
a. Radula of snails
b. Choanocytes of sponges
c. Mucus-coated gills of clams
d. Crown of cilia of rotifers
e. All of the above function in filter feeding
5. Which of the following is incorrectly paired
with its gas exchange mechanism?
a. Amphibians- skin and lungs
b. Lungfishes- gills and lungs
c. Reptiles- lungs
d. Bony fishes- swim bladder
e. Mammals-lungs with diaphragm to
6. Acoelomates are characterized by
a. the absence of a brain.
b. the absence of mesoderm.
c. deuterostome development.
d. a coelom that is not completely lined with
e. a solid body without a cavity surrounding
internal organs.
7. Which characteristic below is shared by
plants, fungi, and animals?
a. They all have cell walls.
b. All are eukaryotes.
c. All obtain nutrition through ingestion.
d. All possess the same types of tissues.
8. During the development of most animals,
cleavage leads to _____.
a. the formation of a zygote
b. the formation of a blastula
c. the formation of a gastrula
d. fertilization
e. metamorphosis
Bio 211 SI Practice Exam #2
9. Ectoderm can give rise to _____; mesoderm
can give rise to _____; endoderm can give
rise to _____.
a. muscle ... the outer covering of the animal
... the central nervous system
b. the lining of the digestive tract ... muscle
... the outer covering of the animal
c. the central nervous system ... the outer
covering of the animal ... the lining of the
digestive tube
d. muscle ... the outer covering of the animal
... the lining of the digestive tube
e. the central nervous system ... muscle ...
the lining of the digestive tube
10. The presence of a coelom is advantageous
because _____.
a. it allows for a third embryonic germ layer
b. it permits the development of an open
circulatory system
c. it allows room for the development and
movement of internal organs
d. it is necessary for a complete digestive
e. all of these
11. Platyhelminthes are
a. Bilateral
b. Flattened dorsoventrally
c. Acoelomate
d. A and B
e. All of the Above
12. How do parasitic flatworms differ from
free-living flatworms?
a. Free-living flatworms feed off of a
b. Parasitic flatworms are
deuterostomes while free-living
flatworms are protostomes.
c. Parasites have more of their body
devoted to reproductive structures
than free-living flatworms.
d. Free-living flatworms have reduced
organ system size compared to
13. Which of the following characteristics is
responsible for the incredible diversification
and success of insects on land?
a. Segmentation
b. Specialized mouth parts
c. Metamorphosis
d. Flight
e. All of the above
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14. Some cnidarians go through both a motile
and a sessile (attached) stage during their
life cycle. The attached stage is called a(n)
a. embryo
b. medusa
c. larva
d. polyp
15. An active marine predator is found
possessing these characteristics: a series of
tentacles (modified from the foot), a highly
developed nervous system, and elaborate
eyes. To which of the following animal
classes does this organism most likely
a. Chelicerata
b. Crustacea
c. Cephalopoda
d. Bivalvia
16. Which choice includes three different phyla
of organisms commonly known as
a. Nematoda, Mollusca, Platyhelminthes
b. Cnidaria, Arthropoda, Porifera
c. Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Nematoda
d. Nematoda, Arthropoda, Platyhelminthes
e. Mollusca, Porifera, Platyhelminthes
17. Which of the following is not a derived
character of craniates?
a. Cranium or skull
b. Neural crest in embryonic
c. A mineralized endoskeleton
d. Heart with at least two chambers
e. Cephalization with sensory organs
18. Which of the following is not in the same
lineage as the others?
a. Lizards
b. Birds
c. Dinosaurs
d. Crocodilians
e. Pterosaurs
19. Invertebrates include:
a. All animals except for the phylum
b. All animals without backbones
c. Only animals that use hydrostatic
d. Members of the protostomes, but
not of the deuterostomes
e. All animals without an
Bio 211 SI Practice Exam #2
20. Which of the following does not have a
gastrovascular cavity for digestion?
a. Flatworm
b. Hydra
c. Polychaete worm
d. Sea anemone
e. Fluke
21. The basal group in clade Eumetazoa is:
a. Ectoprocta
b. Lophophorates
c. Platyhelminthes
d. Calcarea and silicea
e. Cnidaria
22. Which of the following combinations of
phylum and characteristics is incorrect?
a. Brachiopoda- lophophore, stalked,
marine animals with hinged shells
b. Rotifera- parthenogenesis, crown of
cilia, microscopic animals
c. Nematode- tough cuticle,
coelomate, internal fertilization
d. Annelid- segmentation, closed
circulatory system, hydrostatic
e. Echinodermata- radial anatomy in
adults, endoskeleton, water vascular
23. Torsion
a. Is embryonic rotation of the visceral
mass that results in a u-shaped
digestive tract in gastropods
b. Is characteristic of mollusks
c. Is responsible for the spiral growth
of bivalve shells
d. Describes the thrashing movement
of nematodes
e. Is responsible for the
metamorphosis of insects
24. Bivalves differ from other mollusks in that
a. Are predaceous
b. Have no heads and are suspension
c. Have shells
d. Have open circulatory systems
e. Use a radula to feed as they burrow
through sand
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25. The exoskeleton of arthropods
a. Functions in protection and
anchorage for muscles
b. Is composed of chitin and cellulose
c. Is absent in millipedes and
d. Expands at the joints when the
arthropod grows
e. Functions in respiration and
26. Many animals are parasitic. Which of the
following is an incorrect description of one
of these parasites?
a. Ticks are bloodsucking parasites
belonging to Class Arachnida
b. Some roundworms (nematode) are
internal parasites of humans
c. Lice are wingless ectoparasites in
class Insecta
d. Flukes are flatworms and may have
complex life cycles
e. Tapeworms are annelids that
reproduce by shedding proglottids
27. Cephalization
a. Is the development of bilateral
b. Is the formation of a coelom by
budding from the archenteron
c. Is a diagnostic characteristic of
d. Is common in radially symmetrical
e. Is associated with motile animals
that concentrate sensory organs in a
head region
28. Which of the following is descriptive of
protostome development?
a. Radial and determinate cleavage,
blastopore becomes mouth
b. Spiral and indeterminate cleavage,
coelom forms as split in solid mass
of mesoderm
c. Spiral and determinate cleavage,
blastopore becomes mouth, coelom
from split in mass of mesoderm
d. Spiral and indeterminate cleavage,
blastopore becomes mouth, coelom
from mesoderm outpockets
e. Radial and determinate cleavage,
coelom from mesoderm outpockets,
blastopore becomes anus
Bio 211 SI Practice Exam #2
29. Which of the following characteristics is
found only in animals?
a. Homeobox-containing genes
b. Flagellated sperm
c. Heterotrophic nutrition
d. Hox genes
e. All of the above are exclusive
animal traits
30. The fact that karyogamy and meiosis do not
immediately follow plasmogamy
a. Is necessary to create coenocytic
b. Is characteristic of all fungi
c. Allows fungi to reproduce asexually
most often
d. Results in heterokaryotic cells that
may benefit from the variation
present in two genomes
e. Is characteristic of yeasts
31. In the ascomycota,
a. Sexual reproduction occurs by
b. Spores often line up in a sac in the
order in which they were formed by
c. Asexual spores form in sporangia
on erect hyphae
d. Most hyphae are dikaryotic
e. Reproduction is always sexual
32. Lichens are symbiotic associations that
a. Usually involve an ascomycete and
a green alga or cyanobacterium
b. Can reproduce sexually by forming
c. require moist environments to grow
d. fix nitrogen for absorption by plant
e. are unusually resistant to air
33. Fungi and animals appear to evolved from a
common ancestor
a. Because neither of them are
b. Based on similarities in cell
c. Based on molecular analyses
d. About the time that fungi and plants
moved onto land
e. Based on homologous ultrastructure
of their flagella
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34. The choanocyte of a sponge and the
nematocyst (of a cnidocyte) of a cnidarian
both function in _____.
a. reproduction
b. locomotion
c. obtaining food
d. locating mates
e. sight
35. Mycorrhizal fungi ________
a. Harm plants
b. Help plants
c. Neither help nor harm plants
d. Have nothing to do with plants
Bio 211 SI Practice Exam #2
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