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Teacher: Ben Thurman
Subject: Chemistry
Preliminary Planning
SOL#: CH 2h, 5a,c
Liberty High School
Daily Plan
Dates Taught: September 12
Topic: Chemical/Physical Properties/Matter
Classify chemical/physical changes and properties
Distinguish between elements, compounds, and mixtures
Recall Concepts of Dimensional Analysis, Metric System, and Significant Digits
Materials Needed: (Include all pre-class preparation.)
Water, Beaker, Hot Plate
Food Coloring
Baking Soda, Vinegar, KMnO4, Glycerin
WS – Physical/Chemical Properties, Changes and Classification of Matter
Classification of Matter Puzzle
Classroom Set of Burner Labs and Burners
Homework: (How do you plan to reinforce the learning?)
Test Corrections
In Class Lesson
 Molecular Movement Demo:
 Hot Water/Cold Water - Food Coloring Demo to demonstrate molecular movement
Lesson Presentation /Activities:
 Return Tests – go over any questions, Review test correction policy (CHEM)
 Pre-AP – Finish Lab From #8 Analysis
 States of Matter Inquiry Activity
 Comp Book – Physical vs. Chemical Properties (USE TEXTBOOK pg15-19)
- Physical Properties – Describe the substance itself: state, color, odor, volume, density, melting point, boiling point
- Examples: student hair color, eye color
- Chemical Properties – properties that refer to a substance’s ability to change into another substance (Think Reaction)
- Example: The ability of iron to react with oxygen (rusting)
 Comp Book: Double Bubble Map - Physical Changes vs. Chemical Changes
o Do not produce a new substance – just the same as before, Can be easily reversed
o Examples: Phase changes, tearing paper, dissolving salt in water
Chemical Changes
o Produces a new substance – something new, different is formed
o Cannot be easily reversed
o Characteristics: light, heat (energy), color change, gas production, odor, sound, formation of precipitate
o Cooking anything, Burning paper, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate/Acetic Acid
Examples (think-pair-share)
o Cooking Scrambled Eggs - Chemical
o Breaking glass - Physical
o Lighting a candle - Chemical
o Steam from you shower condenses on the mirror – Physical
o Comp Book: Tree Map – Classification of Matter Puzzle
- Students work puzzle as a group, copy into notebooks
- Each group presents a section on the board
o Worksheet
o Burner Lab as time allows
 KMnO4 and Glycerin Reaction
 Exit Slip: Cite evidence of a Chemical Change
Lesson Reflection