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TRENDY Hair & Beauty Salon have been operating for 3 years, this is a Korean style hair & beauty salon
which is located in one of the main road in Box Hill, naturally, we having Korean style of hairstyle and
Korean hairdressing skill. Barbi Kim hair & beauty salon has a mission, we promise, providing excellent
services to every client, and makes everyone special!! Other than that, we hope that we can build up a good
reputation in Melbourne hairdressing industry and promote Korean style hairdressing techniques and
popularity in Melbourne. Our goals to train graduate assistant hairdressers or apprentice hairdressers to
become a qualified hairdressers and providing more job opportunities in this industry to achieve our good
reputation in this hairdressing industry!!
We believe in coming 2years, Barbi Kim Hair & Beauty Salon will be the famous salon in Box Hill area. So
on in coming 5 years, Barbi Kim Hair & Beauty Salon will be the greatest top 10 hairdressing salon in
Our salon main clientele are families and ladies, they’re regular clients, the highest volumes of services is
haircut and the lowest is make up. The strongest sales of services is haircut , color and perm. To make
clients remember this hairdressing salon, client will be given a business cards holder with some Oil clear
film , client always keep our business card in their handbag or wallet, and a small price list at the back of
this small envelop.
To make people attracted by our salon, we have to organize a launching in our salon or having a catering by
sending invitation card to our regular customer, once they bring a new friend coming in , they will get an
extra 10% discount of everything.
To encourage more clients to visit our salon, we could give clients some incentive schemes, for example:
Cut + Color 10% discount or Cut + Perm + Color 20% discount or free hair treatment , or 2 people come for
Cut + Color 30% discount !
To attract new clients, we can assign some 5% discount vouchers or products samples in front of the salon
or in shopping centre. Other than that, we can have some off peak season promotion instead of just waiting
business in salon during the quiet period. For example : Monday to thursday 1pm—3pm 10% discount of all
services. Adding different range of products on the display rack, so regular clients will feel something
different. Also updating the latest trend from magazines or product’s suppliers.All of these should discuss
with supplier, staff members and financial advisor.
We could have a promotion special deal in twin package such as , shampoo + conditioner, or treatment +
finishing product (conditioning mousse or serum). Or we can give client a discount voucher when the client
visit our salon more than 5 times, or giving them some trial of the product .
Rather than just doing regular customers, we can have some new services to increase our sales, for example,
Friday and Saturday party night! we can do a package with Hair color / Perm + make up + hair up in only
$200!! but this promotion only will do like randomly not always.
Instead of having a same promotion all the time, we can have different promotion every month, for example :
this month we have perm promotion start from $120... however, next month we can have straightening start
from $100... then permanent color promotion on..
Always encourage client to have hair treatment after a chemical service, and tell them if you want your hair
look like the magazine’s model’s hair, you have to have hair treatment regularly. We can let Assistant or
Apprentice hairdresser to do treatment so the qualified hairdressers can have another service on another
At the end, we can gather client’s feedback by doing market surveys or questionnaire to measure our
success of our marketing strategies and promotions.
We need to provide clear & concise information on OH&S to employees, for example :
Prevent injury
We must provide clear and concise information on OH&S to employees to prevent any injury /
accident happen. Salon’s job isn’t a high risk job but if we didn’t follow policies according to
OH&S, it could be fatal!
Especially electric equipment in salon, we should always maintain them in good condition to
avoid electrical shock, we have to put a sign on faulty equipment as “do not use” or “faulty
equipment”, to prevent any accident happen. For example, if any wires are place at the walkway,
we must remove it to safety place to prevent clients or staff member falling over. Even if it isn’t
fatal, an accident can cause permanent injury that can cause suffering for the rest of their life too.
Pay for death
If someone dead in any accident in salon, employer has to go to court, this can cause a very big
problem to this salon. Every accidents are mistake, as a employer or manager, we should always
remind our staff member to follow policies according to OH&S, as we know, if anything happen
to anyone, this can cause mentally destroy for other person especially their family member,
because they lost their family member. However, besides that, the injured person a financial
burden may fall on another member of their family if the injured person can’t work longer to
generate their income.
Reputation of salon
If we made a mistake that had injured someone, reputation of our salon will be destroy too!
Seriously a business could go down with death!
To protect the image or reputation of our salon, we should always follow policies and OH&S to
prevent and controlling any injury and hazardous happen!
procedure and control measures we need to put in place for reporting all safety related incidents at
the salon.
Wearing personal protective equipment when dealing with chemical, Read the products
manufacturer instructions before using, make sure the chemical doesn’t going into contact with
our skin and eyes. If we didn’t follow these procedures can cause injury and harmful to our
Reporting form
Complete a safety audit physically by walking around salon with a checklist , if found a hazard,
tick the box and write down the location so that we can follow up later with appropriate action.
Invite few of our staff members to complete this form.
This can help us prevent any injury happen in our salon. So we don’t have to worry about any
court problem and suffering. We can be more concentrate in our performance in salon.
Safety representative
Arrange someone that we nominate to inspect others doing task and assess risks. For example,
category all staff member in several team to inspect risks in salon, write all potential hazards and
risks on safety inspection report, and then submit to the person who we’d nominated. Perform
this job as many times as necessary to ensure that we don’t overlook anything. After that remove
the hazards as soon as possible to prevent any injury, so that we can work effectively in salon.
Encourage team members to report all workplace safety issues.
Safety representative
Group staff member in several group to assess risks in salon then write down all potential
hazards and risks in safety inspection form, then submit to the person that we’d nominated to
inspect others doing task and assess risks.
This is to know what could harm us so we can remove it to prevent any accident.
Organize a meeting and discuss about workplace safety issues, ask staff member if they found
any potential hazards or risks in salon, ask them if we can remove it ?
Discuss on these topic and questionnaire them to find out a better way. Tell them to be
coordinate to provide a safety environment according to OH&S.
Show them in Australia, around 700 workers die and some 300,000 are injured because of
workplace illness and injury every year. Inform them don’t ignore any potential hazards , it can
cause very serious problem.
Employer or manager can nominate a staff in salon to be committee, they have responsibility to
take notes and keep records on OH&S issues, and they will need to communicating suggestions
and concerns from staff member, recording group findings and preparing policies and
procedures…etc… their main responsible is to source out any potential hazards in salon and
record it, then remove the hazards.
Also they have to preparing fire safety meeting and organize fire drills, ensure that everyone
understands what to do in an emergency.
This person as a committee is important in a business or working environment, committee has to
be very responsible to control all potential hazardous in a work environment.
Consult employees regarding any OH&S issues impacting on the salon’s policy?
We could tell employees that are to provide a safe working environment, preventing any injury or
If we didn’t follow these OH&S issues, can cause someone injured and destroy our salon’s image, or
salon might closing down with death.
Our salon main clientele are families and ladies, they’re regular clients, the highest volumes of services is
haircut and the lowest is make up. The strongest sales of services is haircut , color and perm. To make
clients remember this hairdressing salon, client will be given a business cards holder with some Oil clear
film , client always keep our business card in their handbag or wallet, and a small price list at the back of
this small envelop.
To make people attracted by our salon, we have to organize a launching in our salon or having a catering by
sending invitation card to our regular customer, once they bring a new friend coming in , they will get an
extra 10% discount of everything.
To encourage more clients to visit our salon, we could give clients some incentive schemes, for example:
Cut + Color 10% discount or Cut + Perm + Color 20% discount or free hair treatment , or 2 people come for
Cut + Color 30% discount !
To attract new clients, we can assign some 5% discount vouchers or products samples in front of the salon
or in shopping centre. Other than that, we can have some off peak season promotion instead of just waiting
business in salon during the quiet period. For example : Monday to thursday 1pm—3pm 10% discount of all
services. Adding different range of products on the display rack, so regular clients will feel something
different. Also updating the latest trend from magazines or product’s suppliers.All of these should discuss
with supplier, staff members and financial advisor.
We could have a promotion special deal in twin package such as , shampoo + conditioner, or treatment +
finishing product (conditioning mousse or serum). Or we can give client a discount voucher when the client
visit our salon more than 5 times, or giving them some trial of the product .
Rather than just doing regular customers, we can have some new services to increase our sales, for example,
Friday and Saturday party night! we can do a package with Hair color / Perm + make up + hair up in only
$200!! but this promotion only will do like randomly not always.
Instead of having a same promotion all the time, we can have different promotion every month, for example :
this month we have perm promotion start from $120... however, next month we can have straightening start
from $100... then permanent color promotion on..
Always encourage client to have hair treatment after a chemical service, and tell them if you want your hair
look like the magazine’s model’s hair, you have to have hair treatment regularly. We can let Assistant or
Apprentice hairdresser to do treatment so the qualified hairdressers can have another service on another
At the end, we can gather client’s feedback by doing market surveys or questionnaire to measure our
success of our marketing strategies and promotions.
The specialist advice on financial reporting requirements for our business can be : accountant,
bookkeeper, shareholder / investor.
Accountants keep track of a company's money. The company's managers and people outside the
company read their reports. Managers look at the accountants' reports to see how well their
companies are doing. Governments use the reports to tell how much tax a company should pay.
Some people read them to decide if they want to do business with the company. Others use them to
decide if they want to lend money to the company or not.
Expenditures. Receipts. Accounts payable and receivable. Profits and losses. Any organization that
uses money has to keep records—records of where money came from and where it went.
Bookkeeper keep these financial records.
Bookkeeping clerks add, subtract, multiply, and divide many numbers each day. They must be able
to use computers to calculate and record data. There is a wide variety of bookkeeping clerks. Certain
clerks handle only specific accounts. Some bookkeepers maintain books for an entire company.
In small businesses, bookkeeping clerks handle all financial recordkeeping. They post debits and
credits. They produce financial statements. They prepare reports and summaries for managers.
Bookkeepers also prepare bank deposits. They verify and balance receipts. Then they send cash and
checks to the bank. They also may handle payroll and make purchases. They might prepare invoices
and keep track of overdue accounts. In large companies, accounting clerks have more specialized
tasks. Their titles show the type of work they do: accounts payable clerk, accounts receivable clerk.
Their duties vary.
A shareholder is an individual or an institution that is part owner of the company where he or she
owns at least one share. A shareholder may purchase shares or stocks of a company from the
company itself or from the stock market through the aid of a share broker. A shareholder may
continue to purchase shares in the company depending on how well the company performs in the
stock market. If the share price of the company goes up or falls down, the shareholder has the option
to sell shares or stocks. Although a shareholder is part owner of the company, they are not required
to hold any position in the company. Unlike directors and officers of the company who are bound to
act in the best interest of the stakeholders, the stakeholders generally don't have such duties. The
money that the shareholder and other investors put into the company's coffers is used by the
company to finance its business or plans of expansion without having to borrow money from
financial institutions.
Accountant and bookeeper protect our accounting details and helps us to record all financial reports,
we have to refer to financial reports often to check if we earning money and how much we get our
Shareholder invest us money so we have enough capacity to purchase stocks and there will be our
opportunity to earn more profit..
Bookkeeper and
No meeting
No meeting
No meeting
Store keeper
Inform the sales volume
last week and discuss a
new promotion
Discuss the shortage of
Discuss new products lines
and ask for best deal to do
Discuss stock to order
Accountants keep track of a company's money. The company's managers and people outside the
company read their reports.
Bookkeeping clerks add, subtract, multiply, and divide many numbers each day. They must be able
to use computers to calculate and record data. There is a wide variety of bookkeeping clerks. Certain
clerks handle only specific accounts. Some bookkeepers maintain books for an entire company.
A shareholder is an individual or an institution that is part owner of the company where he or she owns at
least one share. A shareholder may purchase shares or stocks of a company from the company itself or from
the stock market through the aid of a share broker. A shareholder may continue to purchase shares in the
company depending on how well the company performs in the stock market. If the share price of the
company goes up or falls down, the shareholder has the option to sell shares or stocks.
SWOT analysis of working together:
 Choose the best idea to increase our
 Sales increase.
 Spend too much of time in meeting.
 Argument maybe occurs when
Always communicate with them using “win-win” negotiation skills – this is where both parties are able to
agree on resolution that suits them. Trying to find this point is quite difficult, especially when both parties
want very different things. But through negotiation and compromise, you can generally find a way to
resolve conflict in a way that at least partially satisfies both parties.
Another method to deal with difficult situations is collaborative problem solving. There are some steps need
to be taken into consideration:
Share perspectives : Attempt to communicate in order to gain a perspective of what the other
party is feeling, wanting or needing from given situation.
Define the issue : Exactly what needs to be discussed or resolved?
Identify the interests : discuss beyond what you have agreed on and attempt to determine
what everyone really wants or needs to happen in order for the problem to be resolved. This
established somewhere to start the problem solving from.
Generate options: Working with each other, attempt to find as many ideas that could be used
to resolve the issue as possible. Look at the problem from different angles and generate a
wide range of solutions which may be useful.
Develop a fair or objective way to decide : agree on the method that is used to select which
of the given solutions should be implemented to resolve the issue.
Agree on a solution.