Download Overview Spring 1

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Curriculum Map Spring 2016 - Year 4
Week 1: Animal Poems
Week 2: Zoo Poems / reflective poem (Wonderful World)
Week 3: The Zoo - The Zoo diary entry
Week 4: The Zoo - Play-script
Week 5: The Zoo - Persuasive writing (animal point of view)
Week 6: The Zoo - Letter writing / persuasive
Week 7: The Zoo - Persuasive writing for a new Zoo
Week 8: The Zoo - Tiger Campaign
Week 8: Information writing on Zoos
Week 9: Assessment week
Week10: News reports (Active planet)
Week 11: Information writing (Active planet)
Week 1: Shape (2d & 3D) / symmetry
Week 2: Number sequences/ negative numbers
Week 3: Fractions
Week 4: Fractions
Week 5: Division
Week 6: Position and direction
Week 7:Mental division
Week 8: Mental X & written division
Week 9: Assessment week
Week 10: Written multiplication
Week 11: 2d shape & position
Week 1 & 2: Understand that organisms can be grouped in different
Week 3 & 4: Begin to use a classification key to classify organisms
Week 5 & 6: To compare features/ characteristics of vertebrates
Week 7 & 8: Create own classification key to group animals
Week 9: Living organisms in their habitats
Week 10: How a changing habitat might affect the
living organisms
Week 11: Presentation of homework
PSHE Dreams and Goals
The Big Idea
The tectonic plates that form the Earth’s crust
are always moving. Even the smallest movement
can cause huge earthquakes, volcanoes and
tsunamis that devastate communities across wide
areas. If we can understand what is happening
underground we can learn to predict and protect
ourselves in the future.
Week 1: French Culture: To learn about France culture
Week 2: To be able to find and to discuss about French facts
Week 3: Napoléon: To learn about the biography of Napoléon Part 1
(until he became an emperor)
Week 4: To learn about the biography of Napoléon Part 2
Week 5: To learn and create the lifetime of Napoléon
Week 6: To edit and publish the lifetime of Napoleon
Week 7: The body: To learn the body in French
Week 8: To recognize body parts in a song
Week 9: To learn the verb to have and the personal pronouns in
Week 10: To describe body part using I have, he/she has
Week 11: To build sentence using the vocabulary of the body
Week 1: Hopes and dreams
Week 2: Broken dreams
Week 3: Overcoming disappointment
Week 4: Creating new dreams
Week 5: Achieving goals
Week 6: We did it!
PSHE Healthy me
Week 7: My friends and me
Week 8: Group dynamics
Week 9: Smoking
Week 10: Alcohol
Week 11: Healthy friendships
Week 1: Knowledge harvest/ mind map volcanoes & earthquakes
Week 2: WOW! Create a disaster relief centre / news-reporters
Week 3: Cross section volcanoes / volcanoes around the world
Week 4: Research a specific volcano / Tourist brochure – Task 2
Week 5: Earthquakes and tectonic plates –Task 4
Week 8: Museum trip TBC
Topic: Active Planet (Volcanoes and Earthquakes)
Entry Point: A Disaster Relief Centre
Exit Point: A Museum Style Exhibition
Open Afternoon for parent/carers: 8. 2. 16
Topic Talk Assembly: 29/01/16 (Parent/Carers
Week 2: Reflective poem- Wonderful World (see Literacy)
Week 7: Read the Christian Creation Story – order events
How do Jews celebrate the creation of the world?
THAMES – Year 4 Strings (Violin and Cello ) weekly
Week 9: Legends about phenomena e.g. eruptions
Week 10: Pompeii
ICT: Digital Music
PE Dance
Art and Design
Week 1: Create simple tune
Week 2: Improve/ rhythm
Week 3: Consider tempo
Week 4: Tempo & sequence
Week 5: Sequences, samples
Week 6: Review blogging
Week 1: Dance – Cats Week 2: Dance - Cats lives
Week 3/4/5&6: Dance - ‘Giraffes can’t dance’
PE Games
Week 7/8/9/10&11: Problem Solving and inventing games
Week 9: Hot & cold colours (Jackson Pollock) Volcanic eruptions
January 2016
Design Technology
Week 6: Plan earthquake proof
Week 7: Make structures & test
January 2016