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Notes WWII
o inflation increases
o 1919: loaf of bread two marks
o 1922: 1500 marks
o 1923: 4 million (wheel barrow of money to buy food)
o 1932: unemployment 40%
o an ideology stressing dictatorship and nationalism which places the strength of the
state above the welfare of the individual citizens
o extreme form of nationalism
o denied individual right
o state is supreme
o scorned democracy
o the notion that one's own racial or national group is superior to others
o compared Jews to a disease
Starts in Italy (Fascism)
o Mussolini
o takes over government
o abolishes democracy
o opponents sent to prison
o all things are censored
Rise of the Nazis
o National Socialist German Workers' Party
o Hitler becomes leader
o 1932: largest political party
o promised to fix all problems
o 1933: named Chancellor
o now leader with absolute power
o all political parties are banned
o Gestapo (secret police)
o arrested anyone who opposed the Nazi rule
o SS
o protection squad or security force loyal only to Hilter
o killed several thousand opponents
control news, radio, films, books
school children required to join Hitler's youth movement
Unemployment gets better
1932: 6 million unemployed
o 1936: 1.5 million unemployed
Allied Powers
France: Petain
 Dunkirk: GB civilian boats saved 338,000 French Troops
 D-Day (Operation Overlord)
Great Britain: Churchill
 Battle of Britain: GB never surrenders
 Montgomery (Africa/Europe)
USA: F.D. Roosevelt/ Truman
 MacArthur (Pacific)
 Eisenhower (Europe)
 Patton (Europe)
 Battle of Midway
 Doolittle raid
 Battle of Guadalcanal
 Iwo Jima
Russia: Stalin
 Battle of Stalingrad (1942 starts)
Axis Powers
Germany: Hitler
 Rommel (Europe/Africa) 1944 takes poison
 Battle of the Bulge
Italy: Mussolini
 Africa
Japan: Hirohito
 Yamamoto
 Pearl Harbor
1935: Germany breaks the treaty of Versailles
 rebuilds its military
 airplanes, etc.
1936: Germany breaks the treaty of Versailles
 takes troops into Rhineland
 French/Belgium borders
France and GB do nothing (trying to rebuild country didn't want war
 1936 Germany and Italy form an alliance
1937: Germany breaks the treaty of Versailles
 Troops march into Austria and declare it a German province
 Austria supports unity w/ Germany
 France and GB did not take action because they want to preserve peace
1938: Hitler now moves to Czechoslavakia
 15 million Czechs and Slovaks
 3 million Germans
o large pop. of Germans in Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland
 GB, Germany, Italy, and France met in Munich and decide to give
parts of Czechoslovakia to Germany (Germany promises that this is
their last territory)
1939: (6 months later), Germany takes all of Czechoslovakia and moves
on Poland
 Russia wants to send troops in Poland to attack Germany; however,
Poland will not let them
 GB and France claim to defend Poland's boarders
 Germany marches into Poland and France and GB declare war
1939: Russia (Stalin) and Germany sign a pact of friendship and
promised 1/2 half of Poland and Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
Russia takes countries along with Finland
 Country after country fell to Germany
1940: Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France
(GB civilians in boats save French army (338,000 troops)
 Italy declares war on France and GB (1940)
1941: GB (Winston Churchill prime minister) stood alone in fighting
 Germany asks GB to surrender, GB refuses and Hilter bombs their
 invention of radar helps GB: tells # of planes, speed, and direction they
were going also German code-making machine told what Germany
was going to do
 US joins Russia and GB in late 1941
 300-600 GB died a day (1000-3000 wounded)
 GB holds off Germany
1941: Germany takes over Greece and Yugoslavia
 Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary allied themselves with Germany
1941: Germany now invades the Soviet Union (felt they could take it over
before winter set in)
Germany to destroy communism and seize Soviet territory
Germany has 3,300 tanks, 5,000 planes, and 4 million soldiers
Soviet troops w/draw
Soviets burn crops and destroy equipment; therefore,
able to stop the Germans from advancing (500,000 German
troops died)
Russia surrendered in 1943
Dec 7, 1941: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
 1931 take over Manchuria
 1937 Sino-Japanese war gain eastern china
 1940 third member of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
 US wants to stop Japanese expansion in Asia
 Japanese military leaders decide to cripple American naval bases in the
Pacific to US could not interfere in Asia
 Dec 8, 1941: US and GB declares war on Japan two days later
Germany and Italy declare war on the US
 1942: Japanese win many victories
 1942: (spring) US wins Battle of Midway (turning pt. of war)
1943: Mussolini (Itlay) is defeated
 1944: German armies are driven out of Rome
D-day June 6, 1944
 Normandy occupied by Germany
 Paris liberated and now pushing towards Germany
 US and GB troops now nearing Germany from the
West Russia from the East
April 30, 1945: Hitler commits suicide (Mussolini is assassinated)
May 8, 1945: war ends with Germany and Italy
1944: US planes bombing Tokyo daily
 August 6, 1945: atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima
o no buildings left standing (62,000 destroyed)
 7,000 degrees F
 980 miles per hour
 20,000 ton of TNT
o 70,000 people killed immediately
o 37,000 suffered severe injuries
o Dead by 1945 140,000 people
o Total deaths related (radiation) to A-bomb 200,000 people
 August 8, 1945: Russia declares war on Japan and takes Manchuria
 August 10, 1945: 2nd atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki
o 40,000 killed
 August 15, 1945: Hirohito announced defeat
 Sept 2, 1945: Japan surrendered
Allied Powers (leaders/military commanders)
France: Petain
 Dunkirk: GB civilian boats saved 338,000 French Troops
 D-Day (Operation Overlord)
Great Britain: Churchill
 Battle of Britain: GB never surrenders
 Montgomery (Africa/Europe)
USA: F.D. Roosevelt/ Truman
 MacArthur (Pacific)
 Eisenhower (Europe)
 Patton (Europe)
 Battle of Midway
 Doolittle raid
 Iwo Jima
Russia: Stalin
 Battle of Stalingrad (1942 starts)
Axis Powers (axis around which Europe would rotate)
Germany: Hitler
 Rommel (Europe/Africa) 1944 takes poison
 Heinrich Himmler (SS)
 Battle of the Bulge
Italy: Mussolini
 Africa
Japan: Hirohito
 Yamamoto (Pacific)
 Pearl Harbor
50 million killed
20 million from Russia
Military Killed/Civilians Killed
 US: 292,131
 GB: 271,311
 France: 205,707
 Russia: 13,600,000
 Germany: 3,300,000
Japan: 1,140,429