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Muckrakers: STPs
TR Square Deal: CCC
Control o Corp
Consumer protection
Conservation o Natural ResourceRoad to WWI
Lusitania (1915)
House-Grey Memorandum
National Defense Act
Sussex Pledge (1916)
Unlimited Sub Warfare (1917)
St. Mihiel
Meuse Argonne Offensive
A Week in Wartime
Gasless Sunday
Fuel Admin
Fuelless Mondays
Fuel Admin
Wheatless Mondays
Food Admin
(Mondays must suck.)
Meatless Tuesdays
Food Admin
Lost Generation/Other Artsy stuff
Die ?
"Hem" to
O !!
…Now I know my ABC’s (I hope)
AEF : American Expeditionary Force (in WWI)
CPI : Committe on Public Info (WWI propaganda)
RFC: Reconstruction Fianance Corp.
BEF: Bonus Expeditionary Force
RRR: (FDR) Relief, Recovery, Reform
CCC: Civil Conservation Corp
FERA: Federal Emergency Relief Act
AAA: Agricultural Adjustment Act
CWA: Civil Works Administration
WPA: Work Progress Admin
PWA: Public Works Admin
FHA: Federal Housing Admin
NYA: Nat’l Youth Admin
TVA: Tennesse Valley Authority
NRA: National Recovery Act
SEC: Security Exchange Comission
FDIC: Federal Dept. Insurance Corp
CIO: Committee o Industrial Org
(IWW): Industrial Workers o the World
WPB: War Production Board
WLB: War Labor Board
WAACS: Women in Army
WAVES: Women in Navy
SPARS: Women Coast Guard
CORE: Congress Of Racial Equality
FEPC: Fair Employment Practice Commission
SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conf
SNCC: Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee
Amerrican Neutrality Patrol
Unlimited National Emergency
Atlantic Charter
Aid to Russia
Destroyer destroyed
War w/ Japan
Buttan Death March
Corregidor, Philippines (US lose)
Coral Sea
Solomon Islands (1942-43)
Instead of
Island Hoppinsg (1943)
Battle o Philippine Sea (1944)
Little Golfing
Battle o Leyte Gulf
Manila liberated (1945)
Battle for Okinawa
War w/ Germany
N. Afr.
Battle o Kassarine Pass/Desert Fox
Battle o the Bulge
Casablanca Conf
Moscow Conf
Declaration o Cairo
Teheran Conf
Yalta Conf
Potsdam Conf
1. Teddy Rosevelt: Progressivism, end monopoly, lower trusts, Bull Moose party
2. 1899: Aguinaldo: Filipino nationalist; rebelled against US; FX: 70,000 US troops crushed rebellion
3. Riis: How the Other Half Lives: NY slums; influenced TR
4. Vleben: Theory o Liesure Class: attack new rich in the gilded age
5. Norris: The Octopus: condemned monopoly
6. Dreiser: writer in Prog. Age
7. Addams: Settlement houses in city for poor guys; stressed edu and health
8. Wald:
9. Steffens: muckraker: The Shame o Cities: corrupt alliance o big business & gov’t ppl
10. Tarbell, Ida: muckraker: factual exposé on Standard Oil Co.
11. Phillips: (Cosmo) Treason o the Senate: charge 75 senators for supporting RR & trust not for the people
12. La Follete: gov’r of Wisconsin: most militant progressive: lower pwr of crooked corp; pwr  ppl
13. Johnson: gov’t o California: graft down, set up own political machine
14. 1906: Sinclair: The Jungle: unsanitary (muckraker)
15. Eugene Debs: leads socialist mvt
16. Pinchot, Gifford: head U.S. Forest Service, insist that trees be planted as well as harvested
17. Dewey, John: Educator: focus on personal growth, edu through experience
18. Eliot, Charles: pioneered elective courses & other techniques for university
19. Booker T. Washington: Atlanta Compromise; self-help and accommodation
20. WEB DuBois: Niagara Mvt (full RT o citizenship); want blacks to assert and agitate for rights; form NAACP
21. Charlotte Gilman: attack male monopoly; declare domesticity obsolete value
22. Margaret Sanger: birth control
23. Taft: bust trusts, split in Republican party got worse; 44 anti-trust suits
24. Ballinger: Sectary o Interior o Taft: gave away natural resource to private co  not illegal, but bad; Taft support him
25. Wilson: 2nd Demo after CW;
26. Francisco “Pancho” Villa: seeking Am. Intervention to undermine Carranza => shot Americans & burned town
27. Creel: head o Committee o Public Info: WWI propganda guy
28. Goldstein: The Spirit o 76: fined $10,000 & 10 yrs in prison for showing GB (US’s ally) in bad light
29. Foch : US and Fr. united under this guy for WWI’
30. Wilson : moral foreign policy :  imperialism & dollar diplo ; spread democratic captitalism
31. Hoover : headed Food Administration (Wilson); secretary o commerce (Harding/Coolidge) ; pres in ’28
32. Garfield : Fuel Admin
33. Lodge : Republican senator, Wilson’s foe ; dislike League, propose 14 Resolutions
34. Ford : Car guy ; Model T ; Roadster
35. Wright Bros : Plan guys
36. Lindbergh : WE across Atlantic : Spirit o St. Louis
37. 1925 : Al Capone : gangster : « publicy enemy no. 1 » ; Chicago, 500 murdered
38. Baby Ruth : commercialized ball player o 1920s
39. Freud : sex => health
40. Jazz « peeps » : Morton, King Oliver ; Langston Hughs
41. Garvey : start UNIA ; other company create to keep black $ in black hands => black pride => Nation o Islam mvt
42. Lost Generation (see acronym)
- Mencken : American Monthly : assail marriage, patriotism, demo, prohibition, etc
- Fitzgerald : yeah…
- Dreiser : An American Tragedy
- Hemingway : troubled soul in war
- Lewis : satire
- O’Neill : playwright, freudian sex notion
43. Wright : Archetecture : materialism & functionalism : Empire State Building
44. Mellon : Sec. O Treasury : millionaire ; lay tax burden on MC « spare the rich » : $26 bil$16 bil ; couldda done more
45. Fall : Sec. O Interior o Harding : Teapot Dome Scandal
- 1921 Teapot Dome Scandal : Fall (sec o interior) convince sec o navy to give him some navy oil land,
which he lease to Sinclair/Doheny after bribe ; FX : 1 yr in jail in 1929
46. Daugherty : Attorney General : illegal sale o pardon & liquor permit ; FX : pardoned b/c jury couldn’t agree
47. Harding : Pres :1920-3 : died in office ; doesn’t wanna hurt friend’s feelings => scandal ; see aboves
48. FDR: New Deal, Forgotten Man; 4 terms
49. Father Coughlin: Anti-ND; anti-semetic; fascist; favored inflationary currency; got to millions through radio
50. Long: confiscate all fortune >$5 mil so every family have “homestead” ($5K) & min. annual income o $2K; populist
51. Towsend: retired >60 yr pension o $200/month (2x worker’s wage) if money spend within the month => $ circulate
52. 1935: Lewis: Mine Union leader; CIO
53. Against War: Senator Pittman (promp NA o 1935); Congressmen Fish, Senator Norris, all Republicans
54. Wilkie: liberal Republican (1940 election): fought against TVA; strong defense; criticize New Deal; 500 speeches
55. MacArthur: held off Japan in Philippine for 4 mo
56. Eisenhower: Desert Fox; D-Day; end Korea; good leader: fair, optimistic, respect citizen, hero;  small gov’t
57. Oppenheimer: directed design o A-bomb
58. 1950s& 60s: Levitt bros: pioneered home construction; house monotony increase
59. Truman: after FDR died: average man, no college edu, “if can’t take heat, get outta kitchen”, Potsdam
60. McCarthy: attacked State official for being communist, attack everybody; attack army (Marshall) & got censured
61. 1955: Emmett Till: lynched for allegedly “ leering at a white woman”
62. 1944: Myrdal: An American Dilemna: all men created equal v. treatment o blacks
63. Robins: 1st black in major league baseball
64. 1955: Rosa Parks: (college) year long boycott o bus
65. Rev. ML King Jr: speech, bible, constitution, Gandhi; SCLC & organize Church for Civil RTs
66. Dulles: Sec o State: Policy o boldness: army/navy down; Air Fleet up; super bomber; Nukes
67. Friedman: La Feminine Mystique
68. Galbraith: The Affluent Society: relation b/t private wealth public good
69. Plays: Tenneessee Williams, Arthur Miller
70. Kennedy: Space guy; youngest pres
71. Nixon: Watergate guy
1. Progressives: no: monopoly, corruption, injustice: “strengthen the state”; support gov’t intervention; edu  good gov
2. Socialists: New Immi: better housing & conditions for poor, progressivism; led by Eugene Debs
3. Feminists: suffrage, clean city, factory, food; improve family life; taxation w/o rep
4. Muckrakers: Cosmo, Everybody’s: dirt => circulation; against tariff lobbyist, trusts; believed: more democracy
- Against social evil: “white slaves”; slum, child labor, subjugation o blacks
5. “Millionaire’s Club” Senate’s nickname during Prog Age
6. Woman’s Christian Temperance Union: ~ 1 mill women (militant)
7. Anti Saloon League: militant, in league w/ above
8. 1903: Department o Commerce and Labor: Bureao o corp: trust bust, bust monopoly, regulate interstate trade
9. ICC: Interstate Commerce Commision
10. 1913: Federal Reserve System: bankers’ bank; flexible new currency; held gold reserve; reg. banks have to buy stocks
11. 1914: Federal Trade Commission: stop unfair practice in business (monopolies, etc): can issue cease/desist order, suitss
12. National Conservation Commission: oversee nation’s resource
13. National Monetary Commission: basis for Federal Reserve System
14. Wilson: “New Freedom” campaign
15. 1909: NAACP: start by WEB DuBois; grew during WWII
16. Industrial Workers o the World: IWW/Wobblies: promote voilence & revolution; many deported after Red Scare
17. Committee o Public Info: 75,000 four minute min: patriotic pep: billboard, book, movie, song
18. Food Administration: Hoover head; food  Belgium; meatless Tuesdays, etc.
19. 1917 : War Industries Board : WIB : control raw material, production, prices, labor relation
20. 1917 : Food Admin
21. 1917 : Fuel Admin : under Garfield : moderate coal production/distrubution
22. 1917 : US Railroad Admin : improve tracks & efficiency
23. 1917 : US Shipping Board : created Emergency Fleet Corporation, build shipyard, sieze enemy ship => losta ships
Emergency Fleet Corporation : buy, build, lease, operate merchant ships
24. 1918 : War Labor Board : prevent strikes via higher wages, 8 hr day, unionization (2.5 mil  5 mil)
25. American Protective League : humiliated ppl : not buy bond, Germans, etc : « Liberty sausage » « Liberty measles »
26. League o Nations : Lodge (Rep)  b/c it took away Congress’s power to DW
27. Modernists : God’s a good guy & universe is chummy ; wholesome film for the young ‘uns
28. Freudians : teenagers embracing wildness : jazz, cars (house o prost) ; touching
29. Gangsters : gambled, prost., narcostix, ransom, exhort $ : like Al Pacone
30. UNIA : Blacks back to Africa, started by Garvey
31. 1921 : Veteran’s Bureau : operate hospital & rehab
32. 1919 : American Legion : militarism, conservatism, antiradicism
33. Disarmament Conference in DC : major naval pwer (sans Russ) ; scale down navy ; weak : no X small ship, no enforce
5 pwr treaty : 5 :5 :3 ratio (US :GB :Jap) ; 4 Pwr Treaty : US, GB, Jap, Fr ally ; 9 pwr : Open Door up
Fariff Commission : reduce/increase tariff by 50% (32% increase, 5% reduce)
1921 : Farm Bloc :
1929: Federal Farm Board: $500 mil to lend to agr. Corp; kept Ag. Price above world level until 1931  price decline
1932: RFC: Reconstruction Finance Corp: can borrow $1.5 bil for loans to RR, Banks, etc; stop failure of basic firms
1932: BEF: Bonus Expeditionary Force (d’AEF): 14,000 unemployed vets  Washington to protest;
FX: 2 vets killed; MacArthur (w/ army) removed Vets using force
1932: Farm Holiday Association: head by Reno; call farm strike for higher prices; led to violence & collapsed
1932: CCC: Civil Conservation Corp: (100D) gov’t camps: 3 mill ppl: FFF (reForest, Fight fire, Flood)  get pension
plant 200 mil. Trees during Dust Bowl
1933: CWA: Civil Works Admin: branch o FERA; temporary job in winter (shovelin’)
1935: WPA: Work Progress Admin: Hopkin: employment on projects: building & infra. ($11 bil); 9 mil job/8 yr; “art”
NRA: Nat’l Recovery Admin: short&long term; hours dn => work up & min. wage; RTorg; bargain w/ rep o choice
PWA: Pub. Work Admin: Ickes; long term; $4 bil on 34K project: infra, build, dam
1935: Resettlement Admin: (Dust) near farmless ppl move to better farms
1934: SEC: Security Exchange Commission: battle fraud, deception; FX: stock is trade, not gamble
1933: TVA: Tenn. Val Authority: (100D) 3-ppl board: 20 dams, X flood/erode; hydroelectric pwr, reforest, rehab. land
1935: US Housing Auth: lend $  state & local for low cost construction
1935: CIO: Committee for Industrial Organization: 1936: strike @ General Motors; part o w/ AF o L (esp. blacks)
1938: CIO: Congres o blah blah: include 200,000 blacks
1933: London Conference: held to stabilize values o currency; FDR not want world to mess up US eco => Conf X
1933: 7th Pan American Conf: renounc armed intervention, esp. Rosevelt Corollary
1940: Havana Conference:
America First Committee: Isolationists
1941: Atlantic Conf: Churchill, FDR => 8 pt Atlantic Charter:; talk about post war; self-deter
1941: American Neutrality Patrol: search out but not attack German subs in W. Atlantic (so they can warn GB)
WPB: War Production Board: 2.6 mil machine gun, 14 ships/day; halt production o cars, other luxuries
Office o Price Admin: control inflation
WLB: War Labor Board: control wage
Women in Military: WAACS (army); WAVES (Navy); SPARS (coast guard)
1942: CORE: Congress Of Racial Equality: militant
FEPC: Fair Employment Practice Commission: X Discrimination; cause by black migration up N. in WWII
1943: 1.14-25: Casablanca: FDR & Churchill: declare policy o unconditional surrender
1943. Oct: Moscow Conf: SU agree to war against Japan after Germany defeated and participate in UN
1943: 12.1: Dec. o Cairo: FDR & Chiang Kai-shek: Japan’s unconditional surrender; land return to China; Korea free
1943: Nov-Dec: Teheran: FDR, Churchill, Stalin: reaffirm Soviet war v. Japan, discuss D-Day
1945: Feb: Yalta: Big 3: SU:Pacific (Manchuria & Korea) 3 mo after Eu;call for UN conf on 4.25.45;divide Germ.
1945: Jul-Aug: Potsdam: Truman, Stalin, Atlee (GB): disagree, but est’d council to draft treaty in Balkan; concept o
war crime trial; demil. & denazi o Germanys
69. FHA: Federal Housing Authority: home loan guarantee
70. VA: Veteran’ s admin:loan money for house & small business
71. 1944: IMF: Internat’l Monetary Fund: est’d world exchange rates & found…
72. World Bank: US lead
73. 1945: UN: like old League’s covenant; : peace in Iran, Israel, WHO, UNESCO; : no control A-bomb, veto pwr
74. WHO: World Health Org
75. 1949: NATO: 12 count: attack one, all rescue; 1952: Gr & Turkey; 1955: Germany
76. 1947: Loyalty Review Board: 3 mill federal employee investigated, 3,000 resign/dismissed
77. 1948: Committee on Un-American Activity
78. 1957: Civil RTs Commission: investigate voilations o Civil RT
79. SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conf: ML King’s thing: organize Church for Civil RT
80. SNCC: Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee: focus & force; later loose patience w/ even NAACP
81. 1955: Geneva Convention: Krushchev decline offer for peace
82. SEATO: SE Asia Treaty Org
Written Stuff
1. Treaty o Paris: Cuban independence, US got Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam; Sp. Got $20 mil. For Philippines
2. 1901: Platt Amendment: Cuba’s protectorate o US: Cuba can’t make foreign treaties; US have right to station there
3. 1901: Hay-Pauncefote Treaty: abrogate Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (jointly occupany canal); now US singly occupy
4. 1903: Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty: US control Panama construction: $10 mill + annuals o $250K starting 9 yrs after
1902: Anti-Trust Policy: strict enforce Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)
suit against N. Security Co backed by JP Morgan; suit against Standard Oil Co.
1898: Erdman Act: chair o ICC and commisioner of Bureau o Labor can mediate in unresolved RR controversies
1900: Currency Act: standardized gold; separate gold reserve set up; gov’t bonds sold to maintain reserve
1898: Teller Admendment:
1903: Elkins Act: heavy fine for giving rebates: Part o Square Deal
1906: Hepburn Act: free pass restriction (no bribes); ICC pwr up; control of rates raised
1906: Meat Inspection Act: Federal check meat going over state line; big business use to drive little business down
1906: Food & Drug Act: No mislabel & adulterate
1906: Immunity o Witness Act: corporations can’t make plea o immunity to avoid testifying
1877: Desert Land Act: sold land cheap if buy and irrigate in 3 years
1891: Forest Reserve Act: President can set aside Natural land
1894: Carey Act: like Desert Land Act except sold land to states
1902: Newland Acts: Fed gov’t use move from desert land to irrigate & get $ from settlers
Roosevelt Corollary: (to Monroe doc): US can intervene in LA if Europe use military to collect debt, “big stick”
Dry Laws: contral and abolish alchohol (predecessor o 18 th amd)
1909: Payne Aldrich Tariff: (Taft) protect industries, kept consumer prices high  Progressives felt betrayed
1913: Underwood Tariff (Wilson): 1st significant reduction since 1860s (reduce 29%); graduated income tax balanced
1914: Clayton Antitrust Act: dn monopolies: no inter-directorates, price discrim.; Fed. Trade Commission; unions OK
1910: Mann Elins Act: ICC more powerful: regulate cable/wireless company; suspend questionable rates
1913: 16th amd: graduated income tax
1913: 17th amd: direct election o senator
1916: Keating Owen Act: protection for kids in workforce
1916: Federal Farm Loan Act: credit reform for agr.; bank in 12 regions o US; good mortgage rates (hypo)
1910: Mann Act: interstate prostitution is a federal crime
1911: Lodge Corollary to MD: include non-European powers (Japan tried to buy land S. o Cali from MX)
1916: Child Labor Act: no shipment o products made by kids 14-16 interstate; (hypo) (1918: S. Ct. dec. unconst)
1916: Adamson Act: for RR worker: 8 hr day; 1.5 * wage for overtime; max o 16 hr/shift;   for Unions
1918: 14 Pts: X secret treaty, freedom o sea, X eco. barrier, dn arms, adjust colonial claim, Self Det., League
1917: Espionage Act and Sedition Act: 1,900 prosecution: Anti-war socialists, Wobblies, Debs, Goldstein
1915 : National Defense Act : Army : 90K220K ; enlarge National Guard
1917 : Lever Act : gave pres. Broad control over production, price, distribution o food & fuel
1918 : Revenue Act o 1918 : graduated income tax ; tax on luxury items,etc.
1919 : 14 Formal Reservation : US have power to reserve RT (other nation can pull us into war otherwise)
1921 : Emergency Quota Act : 3% o ppl o that nationality in 1910
1924 : Immigration Act : 2% o ppl o that nationality in 1890 (S. Eu)
1919 : 18th Amd : Prohibition
1919 : Volstead Act : implemented 18th : defined intoxicating beverage
1932 : Linderburgh Laws : Interstate abduction is punishable by death (after Linderburgh baby trials)
1920 : Esch Cummins Act : RR return to private management
1920 : Merchant Marine Act : shipping return to private enterprises
LaFollete’s Seaman Act : ?
1924 : Adjusted Comp. Act : insurance policy due in 20 years
1928 : Kellog Briad Pact : 62 nation, 2 million sig., out law war : no use war as instrument
Fordney McCumber Tariff : 27%-38% : response to post war Europe competition w/ domestic Markets
Capper Volstead Act : exempt marketing cooperatives from antitrust persecution
1927 : McNary Haugen Bill : keep Ag. Price up by making gov. Buy & sell to foreign & give tax to farmers, 2x veto’d
1924 : Dawes Plan : US give private loans  Germany, Germ pay back Allies, Allie pay bad debt to US
1929: Agricultural Marketing Act: created Federal Farm Board
1930: Hawley Smoot Tariff: law that raise agr. & manu. Import; probably spread internat’l depression; did little for US
1932: Federal Home Loan Bank Act: $125 mil to make loan to building to avoid foreclosures
1933: Emergency Banking Relief Act: president got power to regulate bank & foreign exchange
Glass Steagall Banking Reform Act: FDIC: $5,000
1932: FERA: Fed. Emergency Relief Act: short term: Hopkin: $3 bil  state to dole $ to work projects
1932: AAA: Agriculture Adjustment Act: help farmer w/ mortgage; paid farmer to reduce acre w/ $ o processor
1936: S. Ct. declared unconst
1933: 21th Amd: Repeal o prohibition: $5 tax/barrel => gov’t rich!s
1936: Soil Conservation & Domestic Allotment Act: subsidize soil for conserving crop (soybeans)
61. 1938: 2nd Agr. Adjust. Act: subsidize certain crop’s if acreage dropped, fair sprice, nat’l income increase
62. 1934: Frazier Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act: suspend mortgage foreclosure for 5 yr (b/c o Dust Bowl)
- 1938: S. Ct. dec. unconst
63. 1934: Indian Reorganization Act: encourage local gov’t & culture; 75 refuse; 200 established tribal gov.
64. Federal Securities Act: seller SWEAR soundness
65. 1935: Public Utility Holding Company Act: decrease bloated growth (so if big company X, little Co don’t X)
66. 1937: Social Security Act: unemp. Insurance & pension: Republican no like: “dog tag for life”
67. 1935: Wagner Act (Nat’l Labor Relation): after NRA X:  self org. & bargain collectively
68. 1938: Fair Labor Standards Act: max hr/min wage, child labor; exclude: agr., service, domestic, black, MX, womens
69. 1934: Tydings McDuffle Act: Philippines independence: army gone, navy stay; Philipine want dominion status tho\
70. 1934: Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act: relief/recovery: tariff down: lower 50% if other country lower => internat’l up
71. 1934: Johnson Debt Default Act: no borrow from US; incite argue for referendum to DW (w/o Cong)
72. Neutrality Act o 1935: if war, US export embargo for 6 mo; no carry arm  Belligerent; no travel on B ships
73. Ditto o 1936: Pres can determine when state o war exist; no loan/credit to B (belligerents)
74. Ditto o 1937: Prohibit all arm sales to belligerent; cash and carry sale o non-military stuff to B is OK
75. Ditto o 1939: Officially say US neutral; allowed cash and carry sale o arms & short term loan; no travel o B ships
76. Lend Lease Law: armsvictims; GB deplete in cash => supplies paid for in goods/service after war;
- FX: US  non-B ally;  “black check bill”; end Neutrality; German consider a DW & begin to attack US ships
77. 1940: Conscription Law: 1.2 mil troops, 800,000 reserves
78. 1941: Atlantic Charter: what to do w/ Japan, oppose imperialistic annex, self-deter, disarm, new League
79. Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act: gov’t can sieze/operate tied up industries: TO coal mine, RR
80. War Bill: $330 bill => Income tax raise
81. Taft-Hartley Act: outlaw Union shop made union take non-communist oath
82. 1946: Employment Act: gov. policy to promote max production, employment, purchasing pwr
83. 1944: Servicemen Readjustment Act: GI Bill: send GI  School : 8 mil benefit
84. 1947: Truman Doctrine: $400 mil  Gr/Turkey; Critix: too polarized
85. 1947: Marshall Plan: (Stalin walked out) 12.5 bil in 4 years; Check o S: Su sponsored; FX: W. Eu up, Commu. Dn
86. 1947: National Security Act: est’d National Security Council & CIA; conscription 19025 yr; Selective Service Sys.
87. 1950: Internal Security Act: pres can arrest/detain suspicious ppl; passed over President’s veto
88. 1949: Housing Act: FD: clear slum, build public housing, rent control
89. 1950: Social Security Act : FD : extend social security to more ppl, more benefits
90. Jim Crow: segregation; school, restrooms, etc.
91. 1957: Civil Rights Act: set up Civil RTs Comission
92. 1956: Highway Act: $27 bil => job up, suburb grow, air bad, auto industroy ups
93. 1957: Eisenhower Dictrine: help any count. Threatened by communist (real threat Nat’lism); Y? Oil down
94. 1960: OPEC: S. Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela => hold eco together
95. Landrum Griffin Act: control unfair union acts
96. 1961: Housing Act: $5 bill over 4 years: preservation o urban space, mass transit, MC housing
1. 1898: Spanish American War
- 3.27: Ultimatum: let US mediate; call armstice; end concentration camps in Cuba
- 4.21: Congress DW
- 7.17: in Cuba: Admiral Sampson’s squadron destroyed Spanish fleet; Santiage surrendered; Puerto Rico captured
- 5.1: Philippines: Spanish fleet destroyed
- Treaty o Paris: Cuban independence, US got Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam; Sp. Got $20 mil. For Philippines
2. 1901: McKinely Assasinated: by anarchist leon Czolgosz; FX: TR bc pres
3. 1902: Strike: Penn Coal mine: demand improvement & pay up 20%; FX: fed troops came & got 10% raise
4. 1907: Roosevelt Panic o 1907: b/c o iffy bank speculation, back money & credit policy, gold standard; FX: banking ref
5. 1905: Treaty o Portsmouth: US mediated the peace treaty o Russo-Jap war  TR received Nobel Prize in 1906
6. 1907: Taft-Katsura Memo: Jap recognize US control in Phiippine; US granted Japanese protectorate in Korea
7. 1907: Gentleman’s Agreement w/ Japan: Japan restrict emigration o unskilled workers to US (b/c racial discrim.)
8. 1906: Algeciras Conference: open door policy for Morocco
9. 1907: 2nd Hague Conference: 46 nations; resolution banning use o military to collect foreign debts
10. 1914-1916: MX War-ish thing: Heurta  Vera Cruz  Carranza  Villa  Pershing  WWI
- 1914: Heurta abdicated power to Carraza; “Pacho” Villa shot America (35 killed in 2 incidents)
11. 1917: Road to WWI: 1.31 Unlimited Sub; 3.1: Z-Note; U-Boat sank 4 US merchant; Rus. Rev (fight 4 demo)
12. 1919: Greatest Strike in Steel => Blacks break the strike => Racial violence (Chicago): 15 whites X, 23 Blacks X
13. Road to WWI
1915 : 5.7 : Lusitania : 128 Americans X => "Arabic Pledge" : stop attacking passengers
1916 : 3.24 : Sussex Pledge : stop unlimited Sub warfare IF GB stop violations o international law
1915 : House-Grey Memorandum : US would mediate a peace, if Germ. Not there, then US DW (GB agree)
1915 : National Defense Act
1917 : 1.31 : Germ. Announce unlimited Sub warfare
1917 : 2.24 : Zimmerman : « lost territorys » go to MX ; Japan invite to join alliance against US
WWI : 1918 part
May : Château-Thiery : 1st US battle (@ Marne)
July : Marne : begining of German withdraw
9.12 : St. Mihiel : US battle German, unsuccessful
Meuse Argonne offensive : Pershing drive Germ defense b/t Verdun & Sedan : 10% casualty ; Germ ready to surrender
11.11 : Armistic
Post WWI
1.11.18 : armistice  1.12.19 : Paris Peace Conf.  2.19 : Senator Protest => Wilson changed League little
7.26.19 : Senate not ratify  9.3.19 : Tour  3.19.20 : Defeated again (w/ & w/o reservations)
7.2.21 : Offically ended war  7.25.21 : separate peace treaty ratified
Palmer Raids : 1919 : arrented ~700 arrested (most anarchist) ; 556 deported eventually ; May Day scare (REA)
1929: Stock Market X : Margin (90% borrowed) ; Black Thurs (10.24) : 13 mil. Traded ; Black Tues (10.29): crash !
1929-32: Great Depression:13 million unemployed; GNP: $104.6 bil  $56.1 billion; homeless, malnutrition
1936: CIO strike @ General Motors: no striek breaker so victory!
1940: Embargo o 1940: respond to Japan’s occupation o N. Fr. Indochina; embargo on: gas, iron, steel; loan  China
1941: Embargo o 1941: control o S. Fr. Indochina => freeze Japanese funds; close Panama to Jap; embargo more
1941: 12.7: “Date which will live in infamy”: 3,000 casualties; 8 craft destroy/sunk
Japan War
Butaan Death March: 85 miles; Japan atrocity
1942: 5.6: US surrender at Corregidor, Philippines
1942: 5.7-8: Coral Sea: May: heavey loss o Japanese, FX: stop Japanese advance on Australia
1942: Midway: Nimitz directed under Spruance; FX: turning point in Pacific
1942-43: Series o Battles around Guadalcanal in Solomon Isalnds: stopping Japanese
1943: Island Hopping: MacArthur: land & Nimitz: naval
1944: 6.19-20: Battle o the Philippine Sea: Japanese lost 300 planes; US lost 17 planes
1944: 10.25: Battle o Leyte Gulf; FX: Japan lost most o remaining naval, 1st use kamikaze
1945: Mar: MacArthur liberated Manila
1945: Apr-June: Battle for Okinawa: FX: 50,000 US casualties; Japan’s remaning defenses destroyed
Europe War
1942: Jul: Start Bombinb
1942: Nov: Fr. N. Afr.: Eisenhower; FX: Fr. surrender
1943: Feb: Battle o Kassarine Pass: :Ally v. Rommel (win/stand off)  May: GB trapped Rommel from Egypt
1943: Jul: Italy: Patton (ally) invade Sicily; Sept. Ally invade mainland It.; 9.43: It. Surrender, 6.44:  Rome
1944: 6.6: D-Day: EisenhowerNormandy, Fr. (SU  W. Fr; Am S. Fr); Aug: freed Paris; X RR to hurt Germany
1944: 12.16: Battle o the Bulge: German countered => drove ally back
1945: Mar: Ally cross Rhine
1945: Apr: Eisenhower met Soviet army @ the Elbe
1945: 5.7: Germany surrender
1948: Berlin Airlift: Y: controversy over currency & pwr control; FX: uh… airlift, & Cold War
1950: Korea: 7.25: NK  SK  Pusan; 7.25: UN decide NK agressor (SU not there); NSC-68: US 4x mil. Budget
Truman send unit w/o congress approval
MacArthur push all way to China => China push all way back south => Mac push up & want blockade => ~~ til ’53
1957: Sept: Little Rock: Faubus (gov’r) mobilize army to stop 9 student from going to Little Rock High School
Fed troops put town state troops; FX: Civil RTs Act
1960: 2.1: Sit In: 4 coll. Freshmen in NC demand service => 1000 ppl by end o week
1. 1901-03: Insular Cases: constitutional right not extend to territories (sucks for US conquered places)
2. 1908: Muller v. Oregon: factory condition tough on women’s body  sexist but celebrated
3. 1905: Lochner v. NY: overturned demand for 10 hours for baker (later 10 hours for factory)  think this was bad
4. 1919: Shenk v. US: upheld Espionage Act: can’t cry “fire” case
1919: Abrams v. US: upheld Sedition Act
1921-77 : Sacco & Venzetti (anarchist): 1921 : guilty o robbing & killing ; Execute b/c anarchist ; world protest ;
1927 : executed ; 1977 : vindicated
1925 : Scopes/Monkey trial : Dayton, Tenn : WJ Bryan pros. ; Scope found guilty, fined $100 ; WJB had stroke & X
1935: Schechter v. US: declared NRA unconst
FDR Thing: ask for Judicial Reorg. Bill: new judge for ea. Judge over 70; appointment max to 50, 6 can be added
1944: Korematsu v. US: Japanese relocation constitutional
1988: Not constitutional: $20,000 to survivor
1948: Hiss Case: say Hiss is communist & supplied classified document to SU; 1950: convicted o perjury
1950: Rosenberg: charged w/ giving atmoic secrets to SU; 1953: executed  only ppl X in peacetime for spying
1944: S. Ct. declare white primary unconst
1950: Sweatt v. Painter: Afri American must be allowed to attend integrated law schools
1954: Brown v. Board o Education o Topeka: NAACP Thurgood Marshall challenge “separate but equal”  won
1. 1932: 3.6-10: National Bank Holiday: sound basis to plan bank
2. 1932: Hundred Days: discuss unemp. Insurance, min wage, conservation, child labor  catch up w/ Eu
3. Good Neighbor Policy: gave up world power in Latin America; US turned from vulture  eagle
4. 1948: Israel Recognized: 5.14.48: vote & oil
Progressives: TR mostly
- Progressives: what their POV? Who they attack? What type o people they consist of?(4) What cause it? (4)
- Blacks: 1/3 illit
- Muckrakers: what they against? For? Examples?
- Political Progressivism: How did they bring down: trusts? Socialists? Bosses?
- Initiative & referendum  what?
- Directly elect Senate
- 17th Amd says…?
- Women Rights & Suffrage: What changed in work field? Who? (2, outline)
- City Progressivism: why city bad? Which city set precedence? When? How?
- Settlement houses: who? Established for what group? What these houses do? (3, outline)
- State Level Prog: change esp. where? Gov. who? How other states follow: what they do? Gov. who? Did?
- What were the reforms (outline)? (3) + (1: 3)
- Social Ills:
- Factory: what problem needs fixin’? (4); Sweatshop caugh on fire: where? When? How many died?
- Temperance: Which org? (2) => Dry Laws: what it do? Where did it not work? Conditions in 1914? 1918?
- Saloons: 1900: NYC/San Fran: 1 saloon/200 ppl; What are (2) ills associated w/ saloon?
- TR: Square Deal: what it do? Penn strike: what happened? FX? New Dept o Commerce & Labor: when? What it do?
- Interstate trade: 2 acts: when? What?
- Antitrust: attack N. Security Co.  owned by whom? FX: (4); Taft busted more
- Meat: how bad? What book? Led to TR do what? What acts? (2)
- Earth: which acts: deserts? (3) Forest? (1) & what TR do w/ forest? (2); FX: who worry? Which org. grow?
- Forest: what gov. org. got forest? Who head?
- 1913: San Fran build dam in Yosemite nat’l park: not blindly follow preservation
- multiple use resource management: what they combine? FX: single person business down; business w/ gov up
- Edu: who? (2) What they believe it? What % of women in college by 1920? What’s bad about edu this period?
- Civil Rights: who? (2, outline did what? What they argue for?
- Roosevelt Panic o 1907: why? FX?
Laffy Tafty: all from outline
- less progressive than TR in which areas? (2)
- What tariff was issued? What it do? How’d Taft like it?
- What land scandal? Who involved? FX?
- Election o 1912: which party? who are the candidates?; Who won? Why they win?
- TR organized what party? Nickname? Platforms?
- Democrat candidate is ? Platforms? (4)
- Socialists candidate is ? Platform?
Wilson... no, not the tennis ball
- Economy: What Tariff? Currency/Bank Reform: Federal Reserve System  what it do? Clayton Antitrust Act?
Progressivism in General: Weaknesses in Prog: (5); Accomplishments: (4)
REA Notes: 1900-1917: TR, Taft, Wilson
- Election o 1900: candidates? (5) ;Who won?
- McKinley Assassination: when? Shot by whom?
- Erdman Act & Currency Act  when? What?
- US Steep Corp (1901); Standard Oil Co (1899)
- DeLome Letter (1898): Spanish minister, critisizes McKinley
- Sinking o Maine: (1898): USS Maine blew up (internal combustion); US blame on Spanish  Argh! War!\
- Spanish War: Why: market bad, Cuba’s poor, Americans in Cuba threatened, Cuba generally, Maine
- Ultimatum  DW  Cuba & Philippines (list dates)  Treaty o Paris (what happened there?)
Philippines Insurrection: who? When? FX?
- More territory: Hawaii (7.7.1898); Wake Island (1900)
- US Foreign Evil: Open Door (1899); Platt Amd (1901); Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901); Insular Cases (1901-1903)
- TR: Anti-Trust Policy (1902); Root out bosses (Mitchell: reformed NY)
- Election o 1904: TR (Rep) v. Parker (Demo): trust-busting, great power for regulatory agencies, gold standard; TR
- Progressives:  MC, Marxists, activist; eh-ers: mainstream business and labor leaders
- 1903: Wright brothers flew  news travelled slowly
- TR’s Big Stick: Panama (1904-14), Roosevelt Corollary; eventually “big stick” turned into “dollar diplomacy”
- Russo-Japanese War, Taft-Katsura Memo, Gentleman’s Agreement, Algeciras Conference, 2 nd Hague Conf.
- Taft: Ballinger Pinchot Dispute, Mann Elins Act, Mann Act
- Foreign: LA: kept military there; Lod Corollary, Bryan Arbitration Treaties: 30 some in LA; Manchuria RR
- Election o 1912:
- New Nationalism: tariff commision, women’s suff, min. wage, direct election, presidential primary, no child labor
- New Freedom: similar progressive as above; big business evil: need to break up (Nationalism just wanna reform);
favor independence o Philippines
- Wilson: finished prog’v: low tariff; 16th & 17th amd; Fed. Reserve Banking Sys.; Fed. Trade Commission; Clayton AT
- Also: Keating Owen Act, Fed. Farm Loan Act; BUT: no fed gov’t give farmer loans, child labor reg, women suff
- By end: New Freedom & Nationalism merged (NF: US Tariff, Fed Res Act, Clayton AT; NN: Fed Trade Com)
- MX War: Diaz  Madero (progressive)  Huerta: no demo election => US invade in 1914 & 1916
- 1913: workers were segragated in federal department, Wilson no object => protest => no further seg & bad rep
- Federal Farm Loan, Child Labor, Adamson, and Kerr McGillicuddy Act; 19 th amd,  what? When? Hypo?
- Election o 1916: Democrats (Wilson): abandoned “limited gov’t” for broad eco/soc ref: Hypo, no war in Eu; won EZ
The War to End War: 1917-18
- Why go to war? (4) When Prez ask Congres to DW? How many senator  war? What they think of: GB? Germ?
- Wilson Idealism in pertaining to war?
- 14 pts: when deliver to Cong? Why? Want to do? (6)  who supported what point?; Who Oppose?s
- Proganda for war: Who? Head of what committee?  what they do?
- Factories Prep: Obstacles? (2)
- Workers: work or fight. What board created to settle dispute? Which two opposing unions? IWW: why they mad?
- Greatest Strike: when? How many? What industry? FX? ; What group was strikebreakers? (Ex of violence?)
- Women: jobs during war? After war?
- Food Eco: Food Administration: who head? What they do? (2); Victory Gardens. FX: (2) Why alchohol down? FX?
- Lightless night; BONDS
- 1917: Gov’t take control: what industry? ;
Ships: what medium?s
REA cont…
- "Neutrality" : trade w/ central pwr : $169 mil  none (1914) ; w/ Allies : $825 mil  $3.2 bill (1914)
- Road to war : Lusitania  Sussex  US is preparing  Final effort at peace  Unlimited Sub  Z-note
- Why conscription : what’s wrong w/ US military that != what Eu. Needed ? how to exempt ? blacks ? what’s  ?
- Where did US go in Europe ? How late ? Where US go outside o Eu ? Who was  about that ? Why ?
- War : which battles/events ? (5)
- Home Front : WIB ; Overman Act ; most arms came from GB/Fr. ; Lever Act ; Hoover ; food export 3x
- Admins : Food, Fuel, US RR ; Board : US Shipping Board, War Labor Board
- Money !: cost : (inflation 1915-9) $33.5 billion ; Borrowed $23 billion and TAX : raised in 1917, Revenue Act,
- Propagandists : CPI, American Protective League  quite humorous things, these are
- Reforms : Women : b/c got jobs during War ; blacks : migrated to N ; Prohibition : Liberty Beer is bad !
What Kaiser do @ end o war ?
Wilson’s decline : (2)
Peace : A Paris : Who were the Big Four ?
- Why Wilson come back ?
- What land does France want ? Italy ? Japan ? How were they (sans 1) compensated ?
- FX : Germany ? Wilson ? Poles & other minority ?America ?
- League FX : Who didn’t support it ? (4) why ?
- 1) League 2) Germ. responsible ($33 bil) 3) self-det. to new nations: E. Eu 4) Germ. colonies mandates o League
- Wilson’s tour : why ? what happened ? FX ?
- Lodge : 14 formal resolution  what it say? Wilson’s response ? when ? When did US get outta League ? Why ?
- Soviet Influence : Wilson believed demo. Need to stay united => compromises at Versaillles
- Domestic Problems : 1920 : price 105% above prewar level ; 2,655 strikes in 1919 (but Communism => US v. unions)
American Life in Roaring Twenties : 1919-1929
- Isolationism : anti-(2)
- Red scare : cause (domestic) ? FX ? Palmer Raids  what ? Unions ?
- Sacco & Vanzetti : what’s up with them ? 1921 ? 1927 ? 1977 ?
- KKK : Who where they ? when they peak ? when they fall ? why they fall ?
- Immi : (2) quota acts ; WHEN ?; Which race really stopped coming ? How did the companies use immi ?
- Prohibition : which amd ? which act ? when ?
- Where support ? Where not support ? Who not support ? (3) Other problems ? (2)
- Get around Proh : (2) ; Good FX ? (2)
- Gangsta : What the cause ? Example : who ? Gangster activity ? (5) Underworld income in 1930s ? (larger than DC’s)
- 1920s Goods : Education (who ?), science, health (life expectancy now what ?)
- Problems the Church has : (2) ; Monkey Trial  where ? what ? FX ? who prosecute ?
- Economy’s shape from 1919-1929 : (up down up)  which years ? Why up’d last ? (3)
- Consumption : esp what luxury ? How advertise now ? more luxuries (fridge, vacuum) => debt
- Sports : which sporter’s population up up up ? What was 1st million dollar gates ?
- Cars : Which 2 company ? who head ? Which city ? Model T ? (6) ; 1930 ?# cars/year ; 1923 : president!
- Relation w/ steel ? What it do 4 employment ? What new industry ? What old industry  ?  FX (6) ;  FX (3)
- Wings : Who start ? Who popularized ?What gave industry boost ? when 1st passenger line ? FX ? (5)
- Radio : Who invent ? for what ? 1st radio station : called ? where ? FX : (4)
- Film : what’s 1st story on screen ? List another movie ? when ? WWI => propaganda. 1st Talkie : when ? FX : (3)
- Other : 1st time urban > rural ; women advances (3) ; Modernists ; Freud & Freudians ; Jazz (where start ? who/ex ?)
- Racial Pride : Harlem : what ? who/ex ? Garvey : what he do ?
- Sex : one piece bathing suits, makeup
- Lit : old generation peeps (3) ; new generation : what type o peeps ? (4)
- Architecture : who ? what he believe ? what he build ?
- Wall Street : 1920s : 100 banks failed  why ? esp what state ? ; DC’s debt grew from ? to ?  how solved? by who?
- Harding : popular, inept, hate to hurt friend’s feelings => leeches !!; say Harding’s front for industrialists.
- Who is cabinet : Sec o State ? Treasury ? Commerce ? Interior ? Attorney General ? Which 2 worst leeches ?
- S. Ct : Harding appointed how many o 9 S. Ct judges ?  what were they ? Who was a good choice ?
- Which progressive legislations X’ed ? (3) (why women’s min wage X) ; antitrust laws ignored ; ICC dom by RR
- What about big industrys ? What did Hoover urge them to do ?
- Economy : which industries return to ppl ? (2) w/ what acts ? (2) ;
- Labor : X gov support ; Striker seen as ? RR cut ?% o wage ? when ? ; but Veterans  : (2) groups & (1) act
- League : what US do now that its out of it ? why ? ; Disarmament : what US do contrary ? Who & where this affect ?
- Disarmament Conf., DC : who attend ? what they do ? 5-pwr, 4-pwr, 9-pwr treaty  what it do ? why it false ? (2)
- 1928 : Kellog Briand
- Tariff : why higher ? Which tariff ? Which group ? how much it raise ? Eu’s predicament after war ? (2) Eu. FX : (3)
- Return to Scandals : Forbes, Teapot Dome Scandal, Daugherty :  when ? what happened ? FX/Punishment ?
- When did Harding die ?
- Coolidge : very Repub. : how ? (3) ; good leader ? What FX scandal have on him ? Public opinion ? US prosperity ?
- Farmers : why Farmers in trouble now ? ?% farms sold in 20s ? => (1) org, (1) act, (1) bill
- 1924 election : 3 candidate & parties ? Demo : how split ? (3)+ ; Progressive : platform (5) ; FX ?
- Foreign Pol : Where disarmed ? FX ? (2)  when ? What’s trouble w/ MX ? What Coolidge do ? What South rxn ?
- Internat’l debt : how much ? who owes it to US? what’s their justifications for « pay up ! » ? (3) What US do ?
REA : Hoover
Election o 1928 : Hoover (R) : end poverty v. Smith (D, Cath, wet) : attack prohibition & bigotry (S. )
Stock Boom & Crash : 1924 : start up (DJ : 120); ‘28-29 : really go up (DJ : 381) ; ‘29 : X ; ‘31 : (DJ : 41) ; ’33 : end
Cause o GD : stock on margin ; Recession pre-29 : farm, coal, RR< textile, construction, auto ; laid off, & 1929
Great Depression: Eco : 19291932: GNP: $104 bil  $56 bil; Unemployment13mil; 22% o banks failed
- Social : lost job/home/car; marriage/birth rate decline; homeless=>Hooverville; malnutrition => X o disease
- Hoover Policies: Agricultural Marketing Act (Fed. Farm Board); Hawley-Smoot Tariff; RFC; Fed. Home Loan Bank
Act; Bonus Army; Farm Holiday Association
- Bel: Voluntarism (no lay off, no strike); charity; No Bel: fed fund for needy; indirect relief
- Election o 1932: Hoover (R): gold, high tariff, aloof/cold
- FDR (D) new deal, repeal o proh., gov’t aid, 25% cut in gov spending, “forgotten man”; accept nom. Inperson
Great Depression & New Deal: 1933-1938
- What did Lame Duck try to do?
- FDR & 3R: What he do initially? (2); Short term goal? (2) Long term? (1) ; Congress is ready to…?
- $ & Bank Ref: Which acts? (2) ; what’s “fireside chat”; Gold: ask for ? which led to ?  how so? When?
- Jobs: ?% jobless; What Acts? (2) What Org.? (3)  what they do?
- Anti ND people: (3)  what they do?
- (REA): Small Business: (ND gave control to big business); elderyly (nothing done for them); tenant/sharecroppers
- Industry & Labor help: What (2) Admins?  short/long term?
- NRA: how help: industry? (2) Labor? (2); FX: (2) Critix: “nuts running US” Who’s Schecter? And local business?
- PWA: who head? How much $ on what project? (3)
- Alcohol: 1933: repeal o 18th => how benefit federal gov’t? how?
- Farm: problems w/ farm? (3) Acts? (3)  what do?
- AAA: where $ from? What $ do? How shaky start? What happened to it?
- Dust Bowl: where? Factors that caused it (beside weather)? (2) How many migrants? => Act? (1) Admin? (2)  Did?
- What about Indians: What act? How many “yes”? How many “no”?
- Bank/Business: curb money changers via… What Act? (2) What Org?
- Tenn. RV: what went up? => who  ? b/c…? (4) => What org?  did? FX? (3) => prosperity; Critix say…?
- Housing: Act? Org?  what it do?
- Social Security: What Act?  who  it? Why?
- Strike-related stuff: What act? AKA?  what it do? What unions organized? What strike in ’36? FX? How come?
- What did US Steel Co do different? Memorial Day Massacre  when? What happened?
=> what Act? : set what? (2) exclude whom? (6)
- How did Unions affect FDR’s election? When CIO change? What’s the change?
- 1936 election: Who ran against FDR? What his strengths? (2) FDR sweeped  which groups supported him? (4)
- FDR & Supremem Court:  What he ask to do? Why? (S. Ct. thwart 7/9 cases w/ ND)
- Court changes: which justices change to liberal? (2) What they do? (3) FDR appoint ?# o justices? How he lost?
- Depress’n in Dep.: when? Why? Unemp: ?%; FDR say: Keynesianism  what? What saved FDR from spendocracy
- FDR down, Cong up: What act? What it do? When? What other act? What it do? (3)
- Overall: Critix: ND make US Bolshevik, dummy Cong; business: ND too progressive; Rep: dictator!; WWII solve GD
FDR & Shadow o War: 1933-1941
- London Conference: why held? What’s FDR’s POV?
- Philippines’ Freedom: Why US free it? (2)  What Act freed Philippines? Phillipin rxn? Jap. Rxn?
- Why Recognize Russia now? (2)
- What’s policy toward LA now? What conference held to officiate this policy? When release: Cuba? Haiti? Panama?
- What is problem in MX? FX?
- Trade: Hall’s Reciprocal Trade Agreement (tariff down, two way, barriers => war)  which act? Did? FX?
- Meanwhile: Who’s Rome-Berlin Axis? It Ethiopia.
- Isolation: What’s the first act? What it say? What it incite? Subsequent Acts o Neutrality? (4) + (1) what say? FX?
- Who are “merchant of death”; Who against war? ; Midwest & Republican most against war? ;
- Loyalist Spain: Fascist Fraco v. Loyalist: What’s US’s Rxn? FX?
- Why FDR called war monger: what he do exactly?
- US Appease: How US appease Jap? Quaranteen Speech  what say? US Rxn? Jap Rxn? Germ appease? (7, ARASP)
- GB & Fr. & Russ & Germ  what’s up with that? Lead to which Neutrality Act?  how not really neutral?
- Fr Falls : nicknamed (?) war? => US send how much for what supplies?
- What induced US to increase air & navy? (2)  how much $ alloted? Consciption Law. Havana Conf.
- What led to US fighting? GB need destroy so…? Rxn:  & , why ?
- 1940 Election: What’s big deal about this one? Wilkie: who he? What he do? Critix o FDR say?
- What ended US neutrality? => Germans attack US ships
- Meanwhile: Germ control Balkan => Stalin  => Germ invade SU (1941)
Atlantic Conference: who met? When? What written doc resulted?  what it say? (5) what’s FDR’s 4 freedom?
Leading up to WWII: (REA): ANP GUNE I ARD ( Greer, Kearny, Reuben James)
Japan: Japan invade where? Embargos? (2); Why FDR reluctant to embargo? 2 times try peace conf  fail b/c Jap
won’t leave China; Pearl: how many casualty? How many ships sunk?
America in WWII: 1941-45
- War: Who to attack first? Why say Japan? Why say Germany? What happened to ND? What is the general sentiment?
- Japanese Americans: how many moved to CC? What court case?
- Building War Machine: Org? (3) Act? (1)
- WPB: how many ships/day? What it halt production of?
- Farmers? Why Economy strained & inflation? Led to creation o what org?
- Why Unions grow? Led to what act?
- Women: What is called women in army? Navy? Coast guard? How many women enlisted? How many men?
- Worker shortage => which (2) groups fill in?; Women: ?# worked => gov’t day care; but majority…?; FX (4)
- Migration: Boomtown  what are they? Examples (2); What happened to S. Eco?
- Blacks move where?: how many? Y? => race riot => What org. created  what they do? ; ?% black in N in ‘70s
- Blacks also move where? Why double V? FX o these two moves: NAACP grew ½ mill; CORE: militant
- Indians move where? How many: in city (%)? In army? How WWII use Indian knowledge?
- FX: Race Riots: (2) exampels
- Home Front: Eco? GNP change from ? to ? What happen to wage? Macy: what happened?
- Why price rise: 1946-8? Rise how much?
- How gov’t  Private: (6); War monies: what was “wartime welfare”? What it do? War Bill: did? FX? Debt: ? to ?
- Back to Japan: Where Japan attack? (6); But Can’t Cory Meet Solomon Instead (of) Philip’s Little Golfing Man, OK?
- Allies v. Hitler: What’s Hitler’s “wolf pack”  how many ships it destroy in ’42? Radar. Enigma.
- 1942: GB & US drop bombs on Germany; Desert Fox: who? When? Where? What?
- Surrender when?: Italy? Germ? Japan?
- Casablanca: who? Declared what?; Tehren: plan for what? Yalta? Potsdam?
- 1944 election: Whose rep. Candidate? POV? (3); Demo. Candidate? VP?; BUT: FDR dies; when?
- US Created and utilized “Weapons of Mass Destruction”: Which cities? Deaths in Hiroshima?
- Allies Win: How many US casualties? Penicillan. Considered “Best Fought” in US History.
Cold War Begins: 1945-52
- Postwar Eco: good or bad? Why/example? (5) What act slowed Union? How?; late 1940s: eco expanded tho
- Operation Dixie: what is it? Why fail? When union peak?
- 1946: What Demo Admin do w/ war factory & gov’t stuff?; Employment Act  what it do?  Council o Eco. Adviser
- Long Eco Boom: when to when?  stats (4); Wants: Am. Dream; MC: grew how much since pre-GD? Have TV, etc.
- Women: jobs in (?) sector., but what was glorified? => what revolt?
- Ref: (4); International Leaders Up; Why US all o sudden great? (6)
- Sunbelt: pop up in which states? (4); Why? (3); Regional Congress Rep increase => what (2) spirit?
- Suburb grew: which (2) org help surburb grow? What other causes for growth? (2); What this move called? Why?
- Baby Boom => wave: ?# o babys by end o 50s?  Birth Dearth  Fert. Rate dn  pop maintain by immi  when?
- Truman: describe the dude (4); What is the Yalta betrayal? Where US want SU to attack? What SU gain? Critix? (2)
- How come SU hates US’ guts? (3) What they want: how they see it? How US see it? ; Similar traits o US & SU: (2)
- Post War Eco: est’d what (3) org? UN: successes? (5) Where they find oil?
- Germany: trials called? How many hung? Who really want Germany to pay? Why? 4 zones. Berlin Airlift: Y? FX?
- CW (Cold War): Iran: what happened? Containment: by who? What it say?
- Truman Doc: Why? How much $? Critix? W. Eu? Marshall Plan: how much $ in ?# o years? Where? FX? (2)
- What is worst defeat in CW? List dates for US/SU: A-bomb, H-bomb?
- 2nd Red Scare: What act? What Org. created to investigate? (2) Outcome? Court cases? (2) McCarthy?
- Begin Rearm: Why? Which Act? What positions created? What org created?
- Japan: Who control mil/demo-zation: How many Japanese  Prison? ?# hanged?
- 1948 election: Demo divided: b/t whom? parties? views? Who won? Why he won? (4) & who voted for him? (3)
- Truman: Point Four:  what? (1); 1949: Fair Deal (3) => Housing Act & Social Security Act  what? When?
- 1950 Korea: worst party o CW; What happened? What’s up b/t MacArthur & Truman?
Eisenhower Era; 1952-60
- 1952 Election: Demo: why reputation down? Rep:Who w/ Who?
- TV Politix: Ike: strong pts? (2) Promised…?; Nixon: What he charge opponents? What speech he do on TV?
- How Ike end Korea? (4) steps; How’s Ike good guy? (4)
- 1ST Problem: McCarthy: why he problem? How he fall? FX: condemned by Senate
- Desegregate the South: Jim Crow; 20% vote; What happened to black veteran that cause stir? Emmil Till?
- Myrdal: (1944) An American Dilemna: all men created =; Advances: (4); Rosa Parks? King Jr? What inf. him? (4)\
Civil RT Seeds: Veteran lynching; When end seg. In federal civil service/army? Why?; Cong & Ike  Civil RT
- Who intervene for civil RT? What court case? Reverse which court case?
- Which states comply? Deep south wrote Dec. o Const Principle (1956)? What it say?
- Little Rock: What happened? When? FX: what Act?  => what Org?; ML King set up what org? SNCC? Sit in?
- Ike Republicanism: Stop spending so much on defense (10% o GNP);
- Small gov’t: pwr over offshore oil to state; curb TVA (private co build plant)
- Operation Wetback: round up a illegal immigrant (Bracero o WWII) => 1 mil MX return
- What he do to Indians? Cancel Indian New Deal  Dawes: most tribe resist => 1961: policy X
- Highway Act FX: (4) Budget (balanced 3x): ’59: biggest peacetime deficit(5 mil jobless)Eco  => Demo Cong.
- Foreign: Rep: containment futile, need to Roll back, cut budget;
- Dulles: who he? his policy? ; What happen @ Geneva Conf. (’55); 1956: Hung revolt, US won’t help; Hung mad
- 1953: Krushchev denounce Stalin’s murder; 1956: US allow 430,000 Hungarian refugee
- ‘Nam: Self-det de Fr; rebel is commu, 1954: Fr Garrison fell; Geneva Conf: divide @ 17 th ||; US help S. w/ $; SEATO
- Middle East: Iran resist West Oil Co => CIA install dictator shah: who hated US
- Suez Story: Prez Nasser want dam  US/GB help  Eg turn Commu  Help X  Nat’lize Suez
- Fr/GB w/o US strike Israel but oil ran low; US withdraw & UN police force sent
- Eisenhower Doc: Why? What it say? ;
OPEC: Who in there? FX?
- 1956 Election: Ike still won, but House & Cong. Not Ike’s Party
- rely on Dulles (X o cancer) & Adam (leaves b/c o scandal); Labor: reform bill; Landrum Griffin Act?
- Space Race: Sputnik I & II & dog => 4 mo later: 2.5 lb made by US: WEAK! => Edu better (fed scholarship)
- CW Cont…1958: Stop Nukes: Mar: SU Stop, Oct: West stop; still untrusting
- 1958: Lebannon: Commu (Egypt?) threaten to take over; Leb call for Eisenhower Doc => a decade to restore
- 1959: Krushchev wann disarm. No way to achieve.
- Camp David: ultimatum for evacuating Berlin is extended, say Krush
- 1960: US spy plane U-2 shot in SU: eve o Paris Conf => SU storm out
- Cuba Castro: (DC: better dictator than commu): 1959: Castro revolt v. Battista => US cut off import
- End: 1960-90: 750,000 Cuban refugee; Propose Marshal Plan for LA: $500 mil
- Sum up Ike: virgor, leadership; 1955-61: Ike control Leg; 2/169 veto overriden; prosper, expand (HI); No Civil RT 
- 1960 election: Kennedy (Space, R. Cath: S , N) v. Nixon (made VP more !): TV Debate: Ken won
- Eco: homes up, suburb up, 1940: 1st big computer; 1956: 1st: white collar > blue collar; ideal house “cult o domestisity”
- 1950: Credit card; ’60: TV up; Sports: more important; pop music: Elvis; Move start: Marioyn Monroe=> Playboy
- Minds: prewar realist (Hemingway, Steinbeck); Poetry: critical, despairng; Play: William & Miller
Kennedy, LBJ, Vietnam: -1965
- New Frontier: 60s: Civil RT, sex rev, youth, Vietnam, fem. Rev  Stormy Sixites
- Problem:1) Republic & S. Demo: don’t like his fed. Aid  edu,medical care for aged, tax reduction  no pass
- Did get min wage raised & Housing Act
- 2) Econmy: Ike’s reccession => Ken. Deal w/ inflation => ‘62: Noninf. Wage Agreement (Co. no raise price)
steel idustry still raised price => Ken ; tax cut!  more money
- 1961: Europe: Berlin Wall; W. Eu  w/ Marshall Plan