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Start on p. 210; read & answer the questions. You will have a quiz on viruses & bacteria on
Wednesday. Test 3 is next Tuesday. Read section 2 of chapter 7 and continue on if you don’t
return to class this week until you have read the entire chapter.
1. What is a virus?
2. Are viruses cells?
3. How are viruses like living organisms?
4. Where do viruses reproduce/multiply?
5. What is a host?
6. What is a parasite & how do viruses differ from parasites?
7. What shape are viruses?
8. What is the structure of a virus? It has 2 parts.
9. What allows viruses to attach to host cells?
10. How does this affect the location of viruses in cells in the body?
11. How do viruses multiply/reproduce?
12. How are active & hidden viruses different in their reproduction?
13. If you get sick w/a cold, the flu, etc., what type of virus do you have active or hidden?
14. Give an example of active & hidden viruses.
15. How are viruses spread?
16. How are viral diseases treated?
17. How are viral diseases prevented?
18. Why don't vaccines cause viral disease themselves?