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Alcohol Quiz
1. After drinking one pint of normal strength lager, how long will it take
before the alcohol is completely gone from the body?
a) 1 hour
b) 2-3 hours
c) 4 hours
2. Which is stronger?
a) a pint of ordinary lager b) a small glass of wine c) a single whiskey
3. The recommended weekly units for men and for women are:
a) M 14/F 10
b) M 21/F 14
c)M 24/F 20
4. The recommended amount of units per week for under-18’s is two.
a) True
b) False
5. A large pizza contains the same number of calories as how many pint(s)
of beer?
a)1 pint
b) 2 pints
c) 3 pints
b) a depressant
c) neither.
6. Alcohol is a:
a) a stimulant
7. Alcohol affects women more than men.
a) True
b) False
8. The total value of the UK alcoholic drinks market exceeds:
a) £15 billion
b) £25 billion
c) £30 billion
9. How much money annually does the UK drinks industry spend on
a) £650 million
b) £800 million
c) £950 million
10. If you are 16 years old you can buy a pint of beer with a meal in a pub
a) True
b) False
11.Approximately how many people died of an alcohol related disease in
Scotland in 2009?
a) 950
b) 2300
c) 3100
12.Mixing drinks makes you drunker.
a) True
b) False
13.According to government statistics, which age group is most likely to
drink heavily (more than 8 units a day for men and 6 for women)?
a) 11-15 year olds
b) 16-24 year olds
c036- 44 year olds
13.In the world league table of alcohol consumption Scotland is placed:
a) 8th
b) 10th
c) 20th
14.Approximately how many children in the UK live in a home where one or
both parents are problem drinkers?
a) 412,000
b) 740,000
d) 920,000
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