Download Vocabulary Homework for “The Tell-Tale Heart”

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Vocabulary Homework for “The Tell-Tale Heart”
The underlined words in the sentences below are from “The Tell-Tale Heart.” For each
sentence, write down the word and its antonym (as found in the sentence). Then, use the
antonym to determine the meaning of the underlined word. Write the meaning of the
underlined word. We will check the answers in class on Friday.
My senses were far from dull. They were so acute I could hear his heart beat.
The word dull is an antonym for acute. By using dull as a clue you should be able to
determine that the meaning of acute is “sharp or keen.”
Your answer will look something like this:
acute : dull
Acute means “sharp or keen.”
1. Although the old man’s manner soothed him, the narrator became increasingly vexed
as a result of the old man’s vulture eye.
2. The officers conversed quietly, but the narrator’s words were spoken more and more
3. I believe honesty and integrity are better than dissimilation because concealing the
truth of a situation is never a good policy.
4. Although the officers were sincere, the narrator insisted that they were being
5. With audacity, the narrator placed his chair over the floorboards that concealed the old
man’s body. He was proud that he exercised no cautious restraint in this matter.
6. The narrator showed no signs of awkwardness. He greeted the officers with suavity.
7. Instead of becoming indistinct, the beating of the heart became definitive.