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Chapter 3 EST Practice Problems
Show all of your work. Ignore air resistance and friction.
E mE p E k
E p  mgh
E k  mv2
g = 9.8N/kg
E T  mcT
1. Titanium metal is used as a structural material in many high-tech
applications such as jet engines. What is the specific heat of titanium in
J/goC if it takes 89.7 J to raise the temperature of a 33.0 g block by 5.20
2. A car with a mass of 700 kg is travelling at a constant velocity of 100
km/h. Calculate the kinetic energy of the car.
3. A baby carriage is sitting at the top of a hill that is 21 m high. The
carriage with the baby weighs 12 N. What is the potential energy of the
4. A metal ball of mass 200 g is tied to a light string to make a pendulum.
The ball is pulled to the side to a height (A), 10 cm above the lowest point of
the swing (B). Air friction and the mass of the string can be ignored. The
ball is let go to swing freely. What is the maximum velocity that the ball will
reach during its motion?
5. A water slide is 20 m high. A 60-kg woman slid down from the top of the
slide and reached the bottom at a speed of 8.0 m/s. As she slid down, she
lost a certain amount of mechanical energy. How much mechanical energy did
she lose?
6. A 200kg motorcycle is parked on a ramp with an incline of 30o. Calculate
the effective force that is trying to pull the motorcycle down the inclined
ramp. To help visualize this, also draw a diagram of the situation. Remember,
the gravitational force is 9.8N/kg.