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United States History Mid-term Review
1. What did President George Washington’s decision to use the state militia to put down the
Whiskey Rebellion demonstrate?
2. What was the most significant result of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Marbury v.
Madison (1803)?
3. What did George Washington warn against in his Farewell Address?
4. What was the main idea of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?
5. What was an effect of the United States federal government’s American Indian policy in
the early 1800’s?
6. What group of people was most affected by the invention of the cotton gin?
7. What was the most controversial issue in Jefferson’s purchase of Louisiana?
8. Why was Pinckney’s Treaty of 1795 with Spain a triumph for the United States?
9. What were the main causes of the War of 1812?
10. How did the Missouri Compromise of 1820 settle the issue of slavery in the Louisiana
11. In which case did the United States Supreme Court rule that the Cherokee tribe had a
right to their land?
12. Which territory was associated with the slogan “Fifty-four forty or Fight?”
13. What story by James Fenimore Cooper described life on the American Frontier?
14. What type of work was the Hudson River School of painters best known for?
15. What were three beliefs held by the transcendentalists? Name two transcendentalists.
16. Which author is associated with the concepts of civil disobedience and self-reliance?
17. What elements did the supporters of Henry Clay’s American System believe were
necessary in order for America to prosper?
18. Why did many Southerners defend slavery?
19. Who invented the steamboat?
20. How was the Monroe Doctrine an example of nationalism and the growing American
21. Which president was elected as a result of the “corrupt bargain” in 1824?
22. What caused South Carolina to be the first nation to secede from the Union?
23. What group sought equal rights and met at Seneca Falls to discuss their situation?
24. Who worked to establish humane treatment for the mentally ill?
25. Horace Mann is best associated with which reform movement?
26. Who wrote The Liberator?
27. How did religious movements influence social reform in the 1830’s and 1840’s?
28. What broad religious movement swept through the United States during the early 1800’s?
29. What was the fundamental difference debated between Lincoln and Stephen Douglas?
30. What did the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska
Act all have in common?
31. What was deemed unconstitutional by the Dred Scott decision?
32. What was an important result of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
33. What was Lincoln’s main goal at the outbreak of the Civil War?
34. What event caused South Carolina to secede from the Union?
35. How did the Anaconda Plan prove to be a successful strategy?
36. What did President Lincoln do as a result of pressure from abolitionist groups and a
desire to turn the war into a moral cause?
37. Which battle became the turning of the Civil War?
38. What did Grandfather clauses, Black Codes and Jim Crow laws have in common?
39. What brought the end of Reconstruction?
40. What did the Radical Republicans support during Reconstruction?
41. How did the Civil War increase the power of the Federal Government?
42. What did the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments show about the federal
43. What did the 13th and 14th amendment show about the power of the federal government?
44. Describe the cowboys on the open range.
45. What was the Homestead Act of 1862?
46. What was the main cause of the Indian Wars that occurred between 1860 and 1890?
47. What was the policy of the federal government toward American Indians in the late
48. What was the significance of the American Indians’ victory at Little Bighorn?
49. What were the goals of the Grangers?
50. What legislation did the federal government pass in response to the problems between the
farmers and the railroads?
51. List the Populist demands.
52. How did the Western farmers modify their farming methods?
53. What impact did barbed wire have on the West?
54. What was the Nativist view on immigration?
55. What were tenement houses?
56. Which group did the US government pass its first immigration restrictions?
57. How did industrialists defend their wealth with the idea of “survival of the fittest?”
58. Why were trusts dangerous?
59. What is the difference between vertical and horizontal integration?
60. List the correct industry each entrepreneur was involved ina. Carnegieb. Rockefellerc. Vanderbiltd. Morgan61. Who founded the American Federation of Labor?
62. Which event causes public opinion to turn against labor unions?
63. How were court injunctions used to end strikes?
64. Did government support big business or labor unions?
65. What did the Pendleton Civil Service Act create?
66. What was the Sherman Anti-trust Act designed to prevent?
67. Why did the US change from isolationism to imperialism?
68. What did Alfred T. Mahan believe was most important for America to become a world
69. What arguments would Imperialists give to increase US involvement in World Affairs?
70. United States acquired lands through war?
71. How did yellow journalism influence US’ entry into the Spanish- American War?
72. What was the major reason for American entry into the Spanish-American War?
73. What territories did the US gain from the Treaty of Paris (1898)?
74. Name 3 countries that are still US territories today.
75. Why was the Panama Canal so important?
76. What was the name of William H. Taft’s policy towards Latin America?
77. What was the nickname of Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy?
78. What American policy in Cuba granted the United States the right to establish a naval
base and power to intervene in foreign affairs if necessary?
79. What was the reason for John Hay’s announcement of an Open Door Policy in China in
80. What does imperialism mean?