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Practice Test Ⅲ (Genetics, tissues, prokaryotes, viruses)
1. AIDS is an disease affecting primarily
A. The musculoskeletal system
B. The cardiovascular system
C. The immune system
D. The respiratory system
E. The urogenital system
2. Tuberculosis is caused by
A. Bacterium
B. Virus
C. Fungus
D. Parasite
E. Avitaminosis
3. False for autosomal recessive inheritance
1. Affected people can have healthy parents
2. Both sexes can be affected
3. Affected people is homozygous
4. Affected people is heterozygous
A: 1,2,3
B: 1,3
C: 2,4
D: 4
E: 1,2,3,4
4. True for X-linked dominant inheritace
A. A son of an affected woman is affected ( the father is healthy)
B. A son of an affected man is affected ( the mother is unaffected)
C. Sons of an affected man are sick while his daughters are healthy ( the mother is unaffected)
D. Daughters of an affected man are sick while his sons are healthy ( the mother is unaffected)
5. True for viruses
1. They consist of nucleic acid and protein coat
2. The host cell replicates them
3. They often causes diseases
4. They have no own metabolism
A: 1,2,3
B: 1
C: 2,4
D: 1,4
E: 1,2,3,4
6. True for X-linked recessive inheritance
1. It is transmitted from mother to son
2. It is transmitted from father to son
3. Many females are healthy carriers
4. No males are affected
A: 1
B: 1,3
C: 2,4
D: 2,3,4
E: 1,2,3,4
7. Two homologous chromosomes are
A. Completely identical
B. Completely different
C. Have the same sequence of DNA
D. Have precisely the same type of mutation
E. Have the same genes
8. Which statement is true ?
1. The zygote contains 23 maternal and 23 paternal chromosomes
2. Each transport chromosome contains one molecule of DNA
3. When germ cells are formed paternal chromosomes recombine during crossing over
4. In females one of the X chromosomes is inactivated
A: 1,2,3
B: 1,3
C: 2,4
D: 1,4
E: 1,2,3,4
9. What is the probability that two heterozygous parents have a boy with sickle cell anemia ?
A. 12.5%
B. 16.6%
C. 25%
D. 33.3%
E. 50%
The following four questions refer to the pedigree chart of a family with hemophilia
10. The genotype of individualⅡ is
A. Homozygous recessive
B. Homozygous dominant
C. Heterozygous
D. Cannot be identified according to the chart
11. The genotype of individual Ⅴ is
A. Homozygous recessive
B. Homozygous dominant
C. Heterozygous
D. Cannot be identified according to the chart
12. The probability that individual Ⅴ carries an allele for hemophilia
A. 0
B. 0.25
C. 0.50
D. 1
E. 0.66
13. The genotype of individual Ⅳ is
A. Homozygous recessive
B. Homozygous dominant
C. Heterozygous
D. Hemizygous
E. Cannot be identified according to the chart
14. True for antibiotics
1. Block some metabolic pathways in viruses
2. Block some metabolic pathways in bacteria
3. Block some metabolic pathways in protozoa
4. Include penicillin
A: 1,2,3
B: 1,3
C: 2,4
D: 4
E: 1,2,3,4
15. A mother has blood group O and her daughter has blood group B. What is the possible blood group of the
father ?
A. A or AB
B. AB or O
C. AB or B
D. B only
16. True for autosomal dominant inheritance
1. Both sexes can be affected
2. Affected people can be homozygous dominant
3. Affected people can be heterozygous
4. Affected people can be homozygous recessive
A: 1,2,3
B: 1,3
C: 2,3,4
D: 1
E: 4
17. False for epithelial tissue
A. It covers body surface
B. It lines blood vessels
C. It does not contain blood vessels
D. It has a basement membrane
E. The cells are separated by extracellular substance
18. Connective tissue is located
1. In the wall of big blood vessels
2. In the wall of intestine
3. In the wall of bladder
4. In the wall of air sacs of the lung
A: 1,2,3
B: 2,3
C: 2,4
D: 2,3,4
E: 1,2,3,4
19. True for hemophilia
1. Only females show the symptoms
2. It can be transmitted from mothers to sons
3. It is an X-linked recessive inheritance
4. It is a failure of blood clotting
A: 1,2,3
B: 1
C: 2,3,4
D: 4
E: 1,2,3,4
20. Which of the disorders could not be detected by microscopic chromosome examination ?
A. Down syndrome
B. Phenylketonuria
C. Klinefelter syndrome
D. Turner syndrome
E. Fragile X syndrome
21. Epithelial tissue is located
1. on the skin surface
2. in the cavity of gaster
3. in blood vessels
4. in sweat glands
A: 1,2,3
B: 1
C: 2,4
D: 4
E: 1,2,3,4
22. Heterozygote
1. It refers to diploid cells
2. Two different alleles are present of a gene
3. It is the opposite of homozygote
4. It refers to haploid cells
A: 1
B: 1,2,3
C: 2,4
D: 3,4
E: 1,2,3,4
23. True for X-linked recessive inheritance
1. It is transmitted from mother to son
2. It is transmitted from father to son
3. Many females are healthy carriers
4. No males are affected
A: 1,2,3
B: 1,3
C: 2,4
D: 4
E: 1,2,3,4
24. Genetically the same
A. Father and son
B. Mother and daughter
C. Brother and sister if they are twins
D. Offsprings of asexual reproduction
E. None of the above
25. True for autosomal dominant inheritance
A. Affected people appear in every second generation
B. Approximately equal number of affected males and females in the family
C. Heterozygotes are healthy carriers
D. Only homozygotes are affected
E. It is inherited from mother to son
26. You leave a pot of meat soup at room temperature for seven days. It becomes cloudy and smells most likely
A. Its proteins are denatured on light
B. Some bacterial contamination occurs
C. Some viral contamination occurs
D. Some proteins form supramolecular aggregates
27. In a genetic cross between AaBb and aabb produces only two genotypes. This is possible if
A. Crossing-over occurred
B. The genes are completely linked
C. Independent assortment occurred
D. A mutation took place
28. A trisomic mutant cell always has
A. An even number of chromosomes
B. An odd number of chromosomes
C. Three times the normal number of chromosomes
D. One third of the normal number of chromosomes
E. 47 chromosomes
29. Which statement is false ?
A. Down syndrome is caused by autosomal trisomy
B. Turner syndrome is caused by monosomy
C. Klinefelter syndrome is caused by trisomy
D. Color blindness is caused by monosomy
30. A man with normal vision marries a color blind woman. The probability that their sons will be color blind is
A. 100%
B. 75%
C. 50%
D. 25%
E. 0%