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Draw an ATP molecule and indicate where the available energy is located.
-Energy is stored within the bonds- can access by removing a phosphate group
Write the chemical equation for lactic acid fermentation. Explain what it represents.
Glucose  2 pyrivate  2 lactic acid
What are NADH and NAD+ and what are they used for?
-Electron carriers for cellular respiration; NADH is carrying an electron and is therefore
reduced. NAD+ is oxidized and has lost its electron so it is free to pick up an electron.
What is the function of the guard cells of a plant? What would happen if there were a mutation that
caused a plant to have no guard cells?s
-The guard cells open and close the stomata, regulating gas exchange and water loss from
the plant. The opening and closing of the stomata may be impaired, preventing gas
exchange from occurring.
Does glucose actually react with oxygen during cellular respiration? Explain
-No, glucose is split by glycolysis prior to the aerobic parts of cellular respiration, when
oxygen enters the process
A student is doing an experiment to measure the rate of alcoholic fermentation in yeast and chooses
to measure CO2 production. Why does this student choose to measure CO2 production?
-CO2 if a product of alcoholic fermentation, so measuring the amount can give a clue about
the rate of reaction.
Describe the functions of the blade and petiole in a leaf.
-The blade collects sunlight fro the plant. The petiole connects the blade to the stem.
Do all organisms rely directly or indirectly on sunlight and photosynthesis as their source of
chemical energy? Explain your answer.
-No- chemosynthesis
What is the main advantage of aerobic respiration? What is the main advantage of anaerobic
-Aerobic- more ATP; anaerobic fermentation- keeps glycolysis going when there is no
What type of carbon-based molecules are most often broken down to make ATP? Explain how ATP
production differs depending on the type of carbon-based molecule that is broken down.
-Carbohydrates; breakdown of lipids produces the most ATP, followed by carbohydrates
and proteins
Describe the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Discuss the functions of
chloroplasts and mitochondria’.
-The reactants and products of the overall processes are essentially the reverse of each
other. The chloroplasts and mitochondria also have approximately opposite functions.
Chloroplasts absorb energy and build carbon-based molecules, and mitochondria break
down-carbon-based molecules to release energy.
You want to do an experiment to examine how the rate of photosynthesis can change. What are two
variables you can manipulate to do this? Explain.
-Light intensity- distance from the light
-Color of the light- depends on what color will get absorbed and the energy extracted
How do the palisade and spongy mesophyll layers help a leaf perform photosynthesis?
-Palisade cells absorb light , and spongy mesophyll cells aid in gas diffusion The air spaces
between these cells connect to the outside of the plant through the stomata.
Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. How does spongy mesophyll play a
role in the diffusion of these gases into an out of the leaves?
-Spongy mesophyll has loosely packed cells with air spaces between them. These connect to
the outside of the plant through the stomata.
What is the difference between light-dependent and light-independent reactions?
-Light dependent requires energy from sunlight takes place within and across the
membrane of the thylakoids. Water and sunlight are needed.
-Light independent uses energy from the light dependent reactions to make sugars. -Occurs
in the stroma of chloroplasts. Carbon dioxide is needed.
Explain the process of cellular respiration using an original diagram.
What is ATP?
-Adenosine triphosphate- molecule that transfers energy from the breakdown of food
molecules to cell processes
Explain how the thylakoid and stroma are related to photosynthesis.
-Thylakoid- membrane enclosed compartment containing chlorophyll and other light
absorbing molecules- light depend reactions occur here
-Stroma- fluid surrounding the grana inside a chloroplast- light independent reactions occur
Explain how the cytoplasm is related to cellular respiration.
-Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm (step 2)
Explain how mitochondrion is related to cellular respiration.
-Krebs cycle and electron transport chain occur here
-Krebs in the mitochondrial matrix
-Electron in the inner mitochondrial membrane
-Mitochondria release the chemical energy to make ATP
Do plants use cellular respiration? Explain.
-Yes- they need to break down glucose to generate ATP
-They make food during photosynthesis (glucose) and they have to release the energy
stored in that food  supplies their energy needs and helps with growth
Explain the process of photosynthesis using an original diagram.
What is the purpose of glycolysis?
-Break glucose down into 2 three-carbon molecules called pyruvate- makes 2 ATP
Write the chemical equation for photosynthesis. Explain what it represents.
6H2O + 6CO2 + light (sun)  6O2 + C6H12O6
Write the chemical equation for cellular respiration. Explain what it represents.
6O2 + C6H12O6  6H2O + 6CO2 + ATP
Write the chemical equation for alcoholic fermentation. Explain what it represents.
Glucose  2 pyruvate  2 alcohol, 2 CO2
Describe how and where energy from light is absorbed during photosynthesis. What happens to
the energy after it is absorbed?
-Molecules absorb energy in the chloroplast and transfer the energy to electrons that move
through the thylakoid membrane. These are used to produce energy0carrying molecules.
What is the function of the Krebs cycle? Describe the products of the Krebs cycle and what happens
to them.
-The Krebs cycle breaks down pyruvate and produces electron carriers (NADH and FADH2)
and carbon dioxide waste. The electron carriers are used to provide energized electrons to
the electron transport chain.
Why are chloroplasts green?
-Reflect green light
Is photosynthesis a single step process? Explain your answer.
-No- multistep- show a diagram
Explain why glycolysis produces a net gain of 2 ATP.
-Uses an initial 2 ATP to get it going
Describe the similarities and differences between cellular respiration and fermentation
-Both produce ATP through the breakdown of carbon-based molecules, and both allow
glycolysis to continue by recycling electron acceptors. Cellular respiration requires oxygen
and produces much more ATP than fermentation does.