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Human Body: End of Year Review [518071]
1. Which situation is an example of a feedback system in the body that maintains
A. a mouse pushing a lever to release food
B. a dog going to a food bowl when a bell rings
C. students receiving star stickers for good behavior
D. the brain signaling blood vessels to return to normal
2. Which statement correctly describes a relationship between the muscular and respiratory
A. The lungs are composed of smooth muscle tissue.
B. Muscles in the nostrils filter air before the air enters the lungs.
C. Oxygen diffuses from the lungs directly to the muscles.
D. Contraction of the diaphragm expands the lungs during inspiration.
3. The picture shows how the circulatory system and the urinary system are connected in
the human body.
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Which statement best describes how the circulatory and urinary systems work together?
A. The urinary system filters wastes from the blood.
B. The urinary system excretes wastes from the body.
C. The circulatory system carries electrical messages to the kidneys.
D. The circulatory system produces oxygen for the kidneys.
4. Mr. Mendoza’s class studied different body systems. What is an important function of the
circulatory system?
A. providing structural support to muscles
B. carrying oxygen to cells
C. getting energy from food
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D. sending messages to the brain
5. Below is a chart containing information on various diseases.
The diseases listed are most likely caused by a malfunction of the
A. digestive system.
B. immune system.
C. nervous system.
D. skeletal system.
6. Which two body systems are involved in inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide?
A. endocrine and skeletal
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B. excretory and nervous
C. circulatory and respiratory
D. digestive and reproductive
7. Which biological activity occurs in a repeated rhythm?
A. sneezing
B. coughing
C. breathing
D. blinking
8. The human body is made up of several systems. The mouth, esophagus, and stomach are
all parts of which system?
A. circulatory
B. digestive
C. nervous
D. skeletal
9. In which of these organs does most absorption of nutrients take place?
A. liver
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B. stomach
C. small intestine
D. large intestine
10. When blood that is high in carbon dioxide exits the heart, it immediately enters which
body system?
A. nervous
B. respiratory
C. digestive
D. muscular
11. Heart disease can result in a reduced amount of oxygen moving properly through the
body. Which body system does heart disease most directly affect?
A. skeletal
B. excretory
C. circulatory
D. nervous
12. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that occurs when the body attacks its own tissues.
Which body system becomes disordered first?
A. immune
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B. nervous
C. digestive
D. circulatory
13. Which of the following is a function of the digestive system of the human body?
A. carrying oxygen to the lungs
B. sending signals from the brain to the spinal cord
C. breaking down food into nutrients
D. providing support for the body
14. The job of the bladder in an animal is to store wastes. Which organ in an animal
removes wastes from the blood?
A. liver
B. heart
C. stomach
D. kidney
15. Charles planted a rose bush in a flower bed outside a window.
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Which part of the plant releases the most oxygen during photosynthesis?
A. the roots
B. the seeds
C. the leaves
D. the flower
16. Which mechanism is not an example of a negative feedback mechanism in the human
A. contracting muscles
B. regulating blood pressure
C. regulating body temperature
D. maintaining blood sugar level
17. A student practicing for the outdoor track team begins to sweat. To what stimulus is the
body responding?
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A. an increase in heart rate
B. an increase in body temperature
C. an increase in oxygen demand
D. an increase in breathing rate
18. The circulatory system is composed of blood vessels that travel from the heart to the
rest of the body and back to the heart. Why does blood make a complete loop
throughout the body?
A. so blood can fill all internal organs
B. so blood can distribute fat to all of the arteries
C. to carry nutrients throughout the body and remove wastes
D. so carbon dioxide and wastes can be circulated throughout the entire body
19. The production of sweat is typically a response to an increase in the body’s
A. blood circulation.
B. temperature.
C. respiration.
D. heart rate.
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20. Which of the following helps to produce urine in humans and other mammals?
A. bladder
B. urethra
C. kidneys
D. ureter
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