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Week 1 Review sheet
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
1. What is a chemical bond?
Biology 212 (1)
2. What determines the chemical behavior of an atom? How many unpaired electrons do C,
N, H, and O each have? Why are these 4 elements particularly important?
3. What is a covalent bond? Give an example. What is the difference between a single
versus a double bond?
4. What is the difference between a non-polar covalent and a polar covalent bond? Which
type binds the atoms of a water molecule together? Draw a water molecule and label
which parts have a partial positive change and which have a partial negative charge.
5. Classify the following as polar or non-polar: O-H, N-H, C-H, P-O, O-O
6. What is an Ionic bond? Give an example of a compound formed by an ionic bond.
7. What is a hydrogen bond? How many neighboring water molecules can a single water
molecule bond with?
8. Arrange the following bonds in order of strongestweakest: Van der Waals, ionic,
covalent, hydrogen
9. What type of interaction is responsible for geckos being able to walk up a wall?
Supplemental Instruction
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  294-6624 
10. Explain why water has a high heat of vaporization.
11. What is the difference between a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic molecule? Which can
form hydrogen bonds with water?
12. At 25°C, what are the concentrations of H+ and OH- in pure water?
13. What is pH? What happens to pH as H+ concentration increases? What happens to pH as
OH- concentration increases? Be able to recognize if a solution is acidic or basic when
given the pH number.
14. What is a hydrocarbon? Is it hydrophilic or hydrophobic?
15. What are the 3 groups of a given amino acid? Give an example of a non-polar, polar,
acidic, and basic amino acid. Describe how the R groups of these different types are
16. What’s a dehydration reaction? What’s hydrolysis?
Supplemental Instruction
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  294-6624 