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Name: _________________
Period: _________
Plate Tectonics Matching Exercise
Directions: Write the letter of the definition next to the vocabulary word or phrase on the
left in the blank space provided.
_____ Subduction zone
_____ Oceanic-continental
_____ Divergent plate boundary
_____ Transform plate
_____ Oceanic-oceanic collision
_____ Hot Spots
_____ Silica
_____ Viscosity
_____ High Viscosity
_____ Low Viscosity
_____ Basaltic Magma
_____ Andesitic Magma
_____ Rhyolitic Magma
_____ Ocean
_____ Pyroclastic Flow
_____ Shield Volcano
_____ Cinder Cone
_____ Composite Volcano
_____ Convergent plate
Definition Bank
A. When two lithospheric plates grind past each other such as in California on the San
Andreas fault
B. Hot plume of magma rises to the surface creating a volcano straight above the source
C. This type of magma contains the least amount of silica, therefore pressure doesn’t
build up, and it flows easily over time
D. Magma that easily flows, low silica content, not explosive, has this type of viscosity.
Example: water or alcohol
E. When two lithospheric plates collide or come together
F. When a volcano’s top collapses in on itself forming a bowl or basin shape
G. The chief ingredient in magma which determines its viscosity
H. Magma that flows real slow, high silica content, and is explosive has this type of
viscosity. Example: maple syrup
I. A cone shaped volcano where magma is thrown into the air which cools before it hits
the ground
J. Location where the most volcanic hot spots are located
K. A specific zone where two lithospheric plates collide and one goes under the other
due to increased density
L. A materials resistance to flow
M. A type of volcano with a broad base and gentle slopes. Can grow to great height.
Example is Mauna Loa in Hawaii.
N. A type of volcano that accumulates layers of lava and pyroclastic flow over time.
They are quiet for a while, then erupt violently such as Mt. Saint Helens
O. A type of collision where one oceanic plate is denser than the other oceanic plate.
Subduction occurs at this type of boundary
P. This magma contains an intermediate amount of silica, therefore pressure builds up
and it explodes violently in spurts. Example: Andes Mountains
Q. Ejected rock fragments consisting of hot gas and dust that rush down the volcano at
hundreds of miles an hour
R. When two lithospheric plates spread away from each other such as at the Mid-Ocean
Ridge system
S. This magma is similar to Andesitic magma. Has the highest amount of silica which
causes it to explode violently. Example: Yellowstone
T. A type of collision between two plates where one plate subducts under the other such
as in the Andes Mountains