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B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
Barbara Ellen Corkey, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry
Boston University School of Medicine
Obesity Research Center
Boston Medical Center
650 Albany Street, Room 804
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
Telephone:(617) 638-7091; FAX (617) 638-7124
Research and Professional Experience
2011-2016(6-30) Zoltan Kohn Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine
199819931997- 2002
1996- 2009
1987- 1997
1994- 1996
1989- 1993
1987- 1989
1983- 1986
1981- 1983
1977- 1981
1971- 1977
1968- 1970
1963- 1968
1960- 1962
1957- 1958
Vice Chair of Research, Evans Department of Medicine, Boston University School of
Director, Obesity Research Center, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry, Boston University School of Medicine
Chair of the Board and Founder, AdipoGenix, Inc, 801 Albany Street, Boston, MA
Director and PI, Boston Obesity Nutrition Research Center
Director, Metabolic Research Laboratory, Diabetes and Metabolism Unit, Boston Medical
Co-Director, Boston Obesity Nutrition Research Center
Associate Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry, Boston University School of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry, Boston University School of Medicine
Research Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania,
School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania, in
the lab of John R. Williamson
Graduate Student, Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania,
Supervisor, John R. Williamson
Staff Scientist, Biochemical Pharmacology, Pfizer Inc., Groton, CT, Supervisor John Niblack
Research Specialist, Dept. of Biochemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, in the lab of
John M. Lowenstein.
Research Specialist, Johnson Research Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA. In the lab of Britton Chance
Research Assistant, Dept. of Physiology, University of Colorado, School of Medicine,
Denver, CO, in the lab of Raymond. R. Walsh.
Research Assistant, Dept. of Pharmacology, New York University School of Medicine, New
York, N. Y. in the lab of Richard deBodo and Norman Altszuler.
Ph.D., 1981 University of Pennsylania. "Regulation of Branched Chain Ketoacid
Metabolism "
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
2014 Iota Sigma Pi 2014 National Honorary Member, National Honor Society of Women in
2011 Banting Medal for Outstanding Research in Diabetes, American Diabetes Association
2010 Paul Lacy Medal Lecture, Midwest Islet Club, Indianapolis, Indiana
2007 George Bray Founders Award, The Obesity Society: NAASO, New Orleans
2007 Lydia J. Roberts Lecturer, University of Chicago
2006 Sterling Lecturer, Tufts University
2005 Museum of Science. Women in Science Lecturer
2001 Charles H. Best Lectureship and Award, University of Toronto
2001 The 2001 Pfizer Visiting Professorship in Diabetes, University of Southern California
1991 NIH MERIT Award (DK35914)
1990 Marios Balodimos Award, American Diabetes Association, Mass. Affiliate
1981 Sigma Xi Thesis Award
Appointments, Committees (Current Boldface)
Member, NIDDK Strategic Planning Committee
Member, Research Advisory Board, American Diabetes Association
Member, External Advisory Board, Penn State Institute for Diabetes and Obesity
Member, Cardiometabolic Advisory Board, Sanofi-Aventis
Member, Board of Directors, American Diabetes Association
President, North American Association for the Study of Obesity
Scientific Advisory Board Member, D-Cure, Jerusalem, Israel
Chair of the Board, AdipoGenix, Inc
External Scientific Advisory Board, Diabetes Genome Anatomy Project (DGAP),
funded by NIDDK, C. Ron Kahn, PI
2003 President-Elect, North American Association for the Study of Obesity
2003 Scientific Advisory Board Member, Innodia, Montreal, Canada
2003 Scientific Advisory Board Member, Quantomix, Rehovot, Israel
2003 Molecular Medicine Awards Committee
2003 Novartis Advisory Board, Paris, France
2002 Editor in Chief, Obesity Research
2002 Vice President, North American Association for the Study of Obesity
2002 Committee on the Status of Women in the Department of Medicine
2002 SARA: Streamlined Approach to Research Administration
2002 Faculty Council, Nominating Committee
2002 Self-Study Task Force to oversee BUSM re-accreditation.
2001 Chair, Scientific Sessions Meeting Committee, American Diabetes Association
2001 Advisory Board Member, Mpower Diet, Ltd, Arizona
2001 Scientific Advisory Board Member, Impulse Dynamics, Haifa, Israel
2000 Editorial Board, Current Opinion in Endocrinology and Diabetes
1999 Executive Committee Member, EASD Islet Study Group
1999 Program Committee American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting
1998 Chair, Committee on Faculty Affairs, Boston University School of Medicine
1997 Member, Department of Medicine Research Advisory Committee
1996 External Advisory Committee, Joslin Diabetes Center
1996 Associate Editor, Diabetes
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
2001 Editorial Board, Journal of Biological Chemistry
2000 Chair, American Heart Association Study Group: Metabolism and Transport
1999 Program Committee North American Association for the Study of Obesity
1997 Co-Chair, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Study Section
1996 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Study Section—member
1995 Am. J. Physiol., Editorial Board
1992 NIH Study Section, Metabolism—member
1992, 2000 Faculty Opponent, Doctoral Thesis, University of Uppsala
1992 NIH Ad Hoc Study Section, Diabetes, Endocrine Research Centers
09/01/95 -08/31/97
“Mitochondrial Regulation of Energy Efficiency,” NIH Grant DK99618, PI (O. Shirihai,
B. Corkey)
“Metabolic Signal Transduction in Adipocytes,” NIH Grant DK56690, PI (B. Corkey, O.
Shirihai, W. Guo)
“Mitochondrial Dynamics in ß-Cell Function and Dysfunction,” NIH Grant DK74778,
PI (O. Shirihai, B. Corkey)
"Metabolic Regulation of Insulin Secretion," NIH Grant DK-35914, PI (B. Corkey, O.
"Boston Obesity/Nutrition Research Center," NIH Grant DK46200, PI
“Lipid Signal Transduction and Oscillatory Insulin Secretion” NIH Grant DK63356, PI
"Metabolic Oscillations and Insulin Secretion," NIH Grant DK53064, Co-investigator,
Keith Tornheim, P.I.
"Acyl CoA in Insulin Release: Role in NIDDM and Obesity," NIH Grant DK50662,
"Cellular Biochemistry and Signal Transduction Core," NIH Grant DK46200, Core
Director Center Grant Boston Obesity/Nutrition Research Center, William H. Dietz, New
England Medical Center, P.I.
"Role of long chain acyl CoA in insulin secretion by pancreatic ß-cells," Juvenile
Diabetes Foundation International File # 195014., PI
"Oscillations and the Control Of Glycolysis", NIH Grant DK-31559, Co-investigator,
Keith Tornheim, P.I.
"Signal Transduction in Human Abdominal and Gluteofemoral Adipocytes," NIH Grant
DK46200, Center Grant Pilot/ Feasibility Study Co-investigator, Kathleen L. Kelly, P. I.
"Mechanism of Glucose-induced Stimulation of Mitochondrial Metabolism in
Pancreatic Islets " Juvenile Diabetes Fdn File #190411
"Acyl CoA Esters and Energy Metabolism in Reye Syndrome ", NIH Grant NS-17752.
Program Project. "Pathogenesis of Reye Syndrome."
98-38 Novel Diagnostic Screens and Therapeutic Treatmens for Type 1 Diabetes
99-59A New Modification of Dietary Fat for Weight Control Purposes
00-73 Stimulation of FFA Oxidation by Decreasing CPT-1 Inhibition by Malonyl CoA 60/280,682
Society Memberships
American Diabetes Association
American Obesity Association
American Society of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Biology
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
Biochemical Society
European Association for the Study of Diabetes
International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids
The Obesity Society (North American Association for the Study of Obesity)
American Society for Nutritional Sciences
Invited Lectures (International
Kocaeli, Turkey: “Insulin Resistance, Cause or Consequence of ß-Cell Dysfunction” in symposium on
“ Beta Cells in Health and Disease”
Montreal, Canada: “Role of Redox Regulation in Obesity and Diabetes.”
Kyoto, Japan: “Reactive Oxygen Species, Insulin Hypersecretion and Type 2 Diabetes” at 17th
Biennial Meeting of Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRRI2014)
Karolinska Institut, Stockholm, Sweden: “Hyperinsulinemia, Cause or Consequence?”
Clermont Ferrand, France “Redox Regulation of Metabolic Function in Liver, Fat and ß-Cells Affects
Glucose Homeostasis, Lipid Handling and Insulin Secretion” at Second International Conference of
Translational Research in Human Nutrition.
MolMed 2012, Vellore, India: “Are New Substances in our Food Supply Important in the Diabetes
Weizman Institute, Rehovot, Israel: “Insulin Hypersecretion and Food Additives as the Cause of
Obesity and Diabetes”
5th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, Sitges, Spain: “Are New Substances in our
Food Supply Important in the Diabetes Epidemic.”
Danish PhD Summer School, Gl. Avernæs, Denmark: “Metabolic Signal Transduction in ß-cells.”
Danish PhD Summer School, Gl. Avernæs, Denmark: “Novel Aspects of Lipid Metabolism and
EASD Islet Study Group, Steinschaler Dörfl, Austria: “Signaling Molecules in the KATP-Independent
Pathway: The signals for basal hyperinsulinemia.”
Danish PhD Summer School, Gl. Averæs, Denmark: “Metabolic Signal Transduction in the
Pancreatic ß-cell.”
Satellite Meeting Genesis of Obesity: genetic, epigenetic, environmental, “Gaps in Understanding
Obesity and Diabetes: Excess Food or a Toxic Environment,” Mumbai, India
5th Asia Oceania Conference on Obesity “Fat Cells and ß-Cells: Co-conspirators in Obesity,” Mumbai,
Fourth World Conference on the Future of Science on the theme Food and Water for Life, “Obesity
and Diabetes: Excess Food or Toxic Environment,” Venice, Italy
Best of ADA India 2006, “Highlights from the ADA Meeting 2006,” “Fat Cells and ß-Cells Coconspirators in the Obesity Epidemic,” Nagpur, Chandighar and Lucknow, India
Russell Berrie Foundation Lecture, “The Importance of Communication: ß-Cell to Adipocyte,”
Digital Calcium and the Role of Mitochondria in Insulin Secretion, University of Southern Denmark
Graduate school of Metabolism Summer School, Odense, Denmark
Gaps in Understanding the Pathophysiology of Obesity and Diabetes, Israeli Biotech Conference
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
50th Anniversary of the Israel Diabetes Association, “Calcium and Acyl CoA Synergize to Modulate
Insulin Secretion,”,Jerusalem,. Israel
Third International Symposium on Obesity and Hypertension, Invited Speaker, “The Role of the
Adipocyte in Lipid Metabolism,” Berlin, Germany
50th Anniversary of the Israel Diabetes Association, “The role of Fatty Acid Metabolism in Insulin
Secretion,”,Jerusalem,. Israel
Coimbra University, “Metabolic Regulation of Insulin Secretion,” Coimbra, Portugal
Canadian Diabetes Association and the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Plenary
Speaker, “Role of ß-cells in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes,” Vancouver, British Columbia
Fernstrom Symposium , , Ystads Saltsjobad
Pancreatic Islet Physiology and Pathology Program, Barcelona, “Fatty Acid Metabolism and Secretion
in Pancreatic ß-Cells.”
Janssen Research, Beerse, Belgium, “Determination of mechanisms regulating fat storage”
University of Toronto, Banting Lecture, “Metabolic Regulation of Insulin Secretion”
NAASO Annual Meeting, Quebec City, “New Approaches to Assessing Adipocyte Metabolic
Regulation and Fuel Partitioning”
EASD Islet Study Group, Glasgow “Mechanisms and Protection from Hyperlipidemia-Induced ß-Cell
University of Uppsala, "Long Chain Acyl CoA and the ß-Cell."
Pharmacia Upjohn, Sweden "Interactions of Glucose and Fatty Acids in ß-Cell Stimulus-Secretion
Spanish Diabetes Association, Invited Plenary Speaker "Fatty Acids and ß-Cell Stimulus-Secretion
Oxford Symposium, Oxford, UK, Invited Speaker, “Fatty acids and the ß-Cell.”
British Diabetic Association, Edinburgh, Scotland “Membranes and metabolism, an alliance for
coordinate pulses?”
International Diabetes Federation, Invited Symposium Speaker, Helsinki, Finland, “Oscillations of
Insulin Secretion and Glucose Metabolism in the ß-Cell.”
Sixth Workshop of the Islet Research European Network, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, UK, Invited
Speaker, “Role of Ca2+ in ß-cell mitochondrial function.”
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Invited Faculty for Course “Regulation of hormone release.”
British Diabetes Association, Harrogate, UK, Invited Speaker, “Dyslipidemia and the Role of the
Pancreatic ß-Cell.”
Fourth World Conference on Diabetes Research, Athens, Invited Speaker, "Role of Malonyl
CoA/CPT-1 and Stimulus Secretion Coupling."
75th Anniversary of Insulin Meeting, Toronto, Invited Speaker "Glucose Metabolism in the Pancreatic
ß-Cell Generates the Signals for Insulin Secretion.
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm "The Role of Free Fatty Acids and Lipolysis in Insulin Secretion."
EASD-Islet Study Group, Invited Speaker, Vienna, "Malonyl CoA and Cytosolic Long Chain Acyl
CoA: Role in ß-Cell Signaling and NIDDM"
Uppsala University, Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala, Sweden
Karolinska Institute, Department of Endocrinology, Stockholm, Sweden
Post EASD Symp. Biochemistry and Biophysics of Insulin Secretion, Coleraine, N. Ireland
University of Geneva, Division de Biochimie Clinique, Geneva, Switzerland
Karolinska Institute, Department of Endocrinology, Stockholm, Sweden
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
Invited Lectures (National)
“The Science of Nutrition Research – What is Contributing to the Increases in Obesity/Diabetes?” at
74th Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, CA
“Insulin Hypersection: Cause or Consequence?” James C. Melby, M.D. Memorial Endocrinology
Grand Rounds, Boston Medical Center
“Obesity and Diabetes: Are New Substances in our Food Supply Responsible?” GREAT Symposium,
Oklahoma City, OK
"Role of Redox Regulation in Obesity and Diabetes," Mitochondria & Metabolism 2012 at
Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
“Is Hyperinsulinemia the Cause of Diabetes?” NIH, Bethesda, MD
“Insulin Hypersecretion and Food Additives as the Cause of Obesity and Diabetes” Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA
“Is Hyperinsulinemia the Cause of Diabetes?” East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
“Hyperinsulinemia: Cause or Consequence?” Banting Lecture, ADA Meeting, San Diego
“Basal Insulin Hypersecretion of Insulin and Insulin Resistance: Cause or Effect,” Iconoclasm in
Metabolic Regulation, Orlando, FL
“Mechanisms for Basal Hypersecretion of Insulin,” Midwest Islet Club, Indianapolis, IN
“The Thrifty Phenotype: a View from the Fat Cell,” University of Alabama Birmingham
“The Signals for Basal Hypersecretion of Insulin,” Northwestern U, Chicago
“Reduction of Acyl CoA Synthetase Decreases Fat Storage in Human Adipocytes and Body Weight
and Fat Mass in DIO Mice,” ADA Meeting, New Orleans
"Fat Cells and ß-Cells, Co-conspirators in the Obesity Epidemic" Albert Einstein University, N. Y.,
“”Mitochondria and Insulin Secretion,” U. Penn, Philadelphia
“The Thrifty Phenotype: a View from the Fat Cell,” Philosophy Club, Philadelphia
“Gaps in Understanding Obesity and Forgotten Lessons,” George Bray Founders Award Lecture, The
Obesity Society: NAASO, New Orleans
“Adipocytes and the thrifty phenotype” FASEB Summer Conference, Saxton’s River, Vermont
"Fat Cells and ß-Cells, Co-conspirators in the Obesity Epidemic" Lydia J. Roberts Lecture, University
of Chicago
“Mitochondria Generate Signals for Insulin Secretion,” University of Chicago
“An adipocentric explanation for the thrifty phenotype,” Obesity Conference Roundtable, Cleveland
Clinic, Cleveland, OH
“Fat Cells and ß-Cells, Co-conspirators in Obesity,” Keynote speaker, BU School of Dental Medicine
26th Annual Science Day
“Peripheral targets to treat obesity” NAASO, The Obesity Society, Boston
“Fat Cells and ß-Cells, Co-conspirators in the Obesity Epidemic,” Sterling Lecture, Tufts University
“Highlights of the Scientific Sessions” ADA Meeting, Washington, DC
“Inflamed Adipocytes: Reactive Oxygen and the Thrifty Phenotype,” Pennington Symposium, Baton
Rouge, LA
“Mitochondria Generate Signals for Insulin Secretion,” San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
“A Metabolic Reason for the Thrifty Phenotype,” Endocrine Grand Rounds, BUSM, Boston
“The Thrifty Phenotype: Adipocyte Metabolic Anomaly,” Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem,
“The Thrifty Phenotype,” Adipose and Metabolic Tissue Study Group, Boston, MA
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
"Gaps in Understanding Obesity and Diabetes," Women’s Health Initiative Research Center, Boston,
“Metabolic Signals and Cell Communication.” Washington University, St. Louis, MO
"Gaps in Understanding the Pathophysiology of Obesity," Obesity Summit Conference, Boston, MA
"Gaps in Understanding the Pathophysiology of Obesity and Diabetes," Grand Rounds, Hispanic
Nutrition Research and Education Center, Harlingen, Texas
Iconoclasm in Metabolism, “Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Diabetes”
ADA Symposium, “Back to Kennel - Revisiting the Dogma (The Fools of Rules)” San Diego
Museum of Science. Women in Science series, “Gaps in Understanding Diabetes and Obesity”
UCLA, Reactive Oxygen and Insulin Secretion
Pennsylvania State University, “Metabolic Regulation of Insulin Secretion.”
NAASO Meeting, "Adipose Tissue Metabolism: Constant or Pulsatile," Las Vegas, NV
Rimonabant Integrative Physiology Conference, Sanofi, NY
TOPROL-XL roundtable Meeting, Astra Zeneca, NY
ADA State of the Art lecture, “Mitochondria and the ß-Cell,” Orlando, FL
NIH Alcohol Conference, “Fat Metabolism and Signal Transduction,” Symposium on the Role of Fatty
Liver and Obesity in the Progression of Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD), Bethesda, MD
Diabesity conference, “Gaps in Science,” Invited Speaker,
Evans Medical Rounds, BU “The Role of Metabolic Signal Transduction in Insulin Secretion.”
Iconoclasm in Metabolism, “Mobilization of Fat as a Mechanism to Increase Fat Oxidation, Half
Moon Bay, CA
Conference on The Obesity/Diabetes Link: Mechanism to Intervention in Minority and Underserved
Populations, Invited Speaker, "The Link between Fat Metabolism and Insulin Secretion," Athens,
Keystone Meeting on Obesity: New Insights into Pathogenesis and Treatment Energy Metabolism in
the Pancreatic Beta Cell
Pennington Biomedical Research Institute, "Regulation of fatty acid metabolism in fat cells," Baton
Rouge, LA
Endocrine Grand Rounds, “Adipocyte Metabolic Regulation and Fuel Partitioning,” Boston University
University of Wisconsin, “Fuel-Induced Signal Generation in Pancreatic ß-Cells.”
University of Southern California, Pfizer Visiting Professor, The ß-Cell and the fat cell in Type 2
Diabetes" and "Controversies in metabolic signal transduction in the ß-Cell.”
Diabetes Management Planning Group, Palm Beach “Fuel Regulation of the ß-cell.”
Bayer Pharmaceutical, New Haven "Role of Glucose and Fatty Acids in Insulin Secretion"
FASEB Conference, Snowmass, Colo, “Regulation of Fatty Acid Partitioning in Adipocytes”
Iconoclasm in Metabolism, Cape May, NJ, “Role of the Mitochondria in Insulin Secretion”
University of Lund, “Glucose and Fatty acid signaling in pancreatic ß-cells”
University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, “Metabolic signal transduction in pancreatic ß-cells”
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, “The Role of Long Chain Acyl CoA in ß-Cell
Signal Transduction”
University of Pittsburgh, “The Role of Long Chain Acyl CoA in ß-Cell Signal Transduction”
University of Southern California, “The Long Chain Acyl CoA Hypothesis of ß-Cell Signal
Transduction." Invited Speaker, Islet Minisymposium.
Abbott Laboratories, “Metabolic signal transduction in pancreatic ß-cells”
Gordon Conference on Membrane Transport Proteins, “FFA Transport and Fatty Acyl CoA Regulation
of Membrane Proteins”
Marine Biological Institute, Woods Hole, MA, “Metabolic Regulation of Insulin Secretion”
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
University of Southern California, “The ß-Cell-Lipid Connection.”
Heterodox Mitochondriacs, Organizer, Sante Fe, NM
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, “Role of Acyl CoA in Signal Transduction.”
Smithwick Symposium, “Obesity, the Disease,” Invited Symposium Speaker
ß-Cell Roundtable, “Lipids in ß-Cell Signal Transduction,” Washington, DC
Cornell University, “The link between glucose and fatty acids in ß-cell fuel sensing.”
Gordon Conference on Lipids, “Physiological role for Acyl-CoA in Regulation of Insulin Secretion.”
Iconoclasm in Metabolism, Coronado Island, Invited Speaker, “The ß-cell evolved to sense fatty
Experimental Biology 99, Invited Symposium Speaker, “Role of Acyl CoA in Signal Transduction.”
University of Washington, “Fatty Acids and the ß-Cell”
Massachusetts General Hospital, Endocrine Grand Rounds, “Interactions of Glucose and Fatty Acids
in Stimulus-Secretion Coupling of the Pancreatic ß-Cell.”
Molecular Mechanisms for the Link between Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus, New Haven, CT,
“Regulation of ß-cells by free fatty acids.”
Harvard School of Public Health, “Goals in obesity research: the missing links.”
Insulin Sensitizers Conference, Philadelphia, PA “Expression of adipocyte fatty acid binding protein
and free fatty acid uptake in differentiated preadipocytes from different anatomic regions”.
Treatment of Obesity and Eating Disorders, Boston, MA “Adipocyte Metabolism.”
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA “Fatty acids and insulin secretion.”
ADA Consensus Development Conference, Los Angeles, CA, “Free fatty acids, lipid metabolism and
insulin action.”
University of Massachusetts, Dept. of Endocrinology, Worcester, MA, “The Role of Lipids in Insulin
Joslin Diabetes Center, “The Role of Lipids in Stimulus-Secretion Coupling of the Pancreatic ß-Cell.”
NIH Concensus Conference on Diabetes Research, Bethesda, MD
American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Invited Symposium Speaker "A Permissive
Role for Ca2+ in Glucose-Induced Insulin Secretion"
"Forum on iconoclasm in metabolic diseases," Gloucester, MA, Invited Participant
Novartis, N.J., “Metabolic Regulation of Signal Transduction in the Pancreatic ß-Cell.”
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, “Metabolic Regulation of Signal Transduction in the
Pancreatic ß-Cell: Role of Lipids.”
Keystone Symposium-The Adipose Cell, Park City, Utah, Invited Speaker, "Fatty Acid Transport in
Adipocytes: Effects of Free Fatty Acid Diffusion across the Plasma Membrane, Lipolytic Agonists and
University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX, "Metabolic Regulation of Insulin Secretion: The Role
of Lipids."
Advances in the Understanding and Treatment of Insulin Resistance, Syposium, Washington, D.C.,
Invited Speaker "Are the ß-Cell Signaling Molecules, Malonyl and Cytosolic Long Chain Acyl CoA,
Implicated in Multiple Tissue Defects of Obesity and NIDDM?"
Invited Participant "Forum on Iconoclasm in Metabolic Diseases," Inverness, CA
Provocateur at Symposium, Boston, "Changes in Adipose Tissue throughout the Lifecycle"
Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, "Metabolic Regulation of Insulin Secretion"
B. U. Medical Center Endocrine Grand Rounds "The Role of Fatty Acids in Insulin Secretion"
B. U. Medical Center Program on Women's Health "What Makes a Fat Cell Fat?"
Thomas Jefferson University "Glucose-Induced Insulin Secretion in Pancreatic ß-Cells is Mediated by
Metabolic Changes"
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
The Adipose Study Group of the Boston Obesity/Nutrition Center "Acyl CoA Regulation of Signal
Post EASD Symposium of the EASD-Islet Study Group, Invited Speaker "Metabolic Oscillations and
Regulation of Insulin Release"
American Diabetes Association Invited Symposium Speaker "Metabolic Oscillations and Regulation
of Insulin Release"
University of Pennsylvania "Metabolic Oscillations as Signals in Fuel-Induced Insulin Secretion"
Beth Israel Hosp, Endocrine Grand Rounds "Metabolic Signals in Fuel-Induced Insulin Secretion"
Glaxo, Inc. "Metabolic Signals in Fuel-Induced Insulin Secretion"
Boston University Evans Research Roundtable "Fatty Acid Transport"
Tufts University "Metabolic regulation of signal transduction in pancreatic ß-cells"
Boston Obesity/Nutrition Center "Signal transduction in fat cells"
Boston University: Renal Section "Movement of fatty acids across model membranes and cell
Boston University, Center for Photonics Research Retreat and Planning Session
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Harvard/Tufts CME course "Treatment of Obesity and Eating Disorders," Cambridge, MA.
B. U. Medical Center Program on Women's Health "Horizons in Research on Diabetes."
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Bioichemical Rounds on Metabolic Regulation.
NIH, Bethesda, MD
Biohybrid Technologies, Inc., Worcester, MA
University Hospital, Evans Department of Medicine, Boston, MA
Cornell University, Department of Pharmacology, Ithaca, NY
Harvard University, Brigham and Woman's Hospital, Boston, MA
Harvard University, Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, MA
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Immunology Division, Philadelphia, PA
Biophysical Society Symposium "Stimulus-secretion coupling and mechanisms of hormone
secretion," Baltimore, MD
NIH Workshop on Sulfonylureas: Molecular Mechanism of Action, Bethesda, MD
University of South Carolina, Department of Pharmacology, Columbia, SC
University of Massachusetts, Dept. of Physiology, Worcester, MA
Gordon Conference, Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Santa Barbara, CA
University Teaching and Departmental Responsibilities
HS387/587: Cellular Exercise Physiology-Main Campus
MED 790: Advanced Biochemistry, Receptors and Signalling
Oral Exam Committee, Department of Biochemistry Qualifying Exam
Committee member, University-wide "Science Day '95"
Metabolism course for Biochem. Graduate Students (co-organizer with K. Tornheim)
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program, planning committee
MMEDIC Biochemistry ME 555: Metabolic Regulation Series
Metabolism ME 760: Regulation of Fatty Acid Oxidation and Signal Transduction
Fourth Year Basic Sciences in Clinical Medicine: Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Thesis Comittee Member: Many students studying various aspects of metabolism or signal
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
Post-graduate students: Barbara A. Cunningham (MS, PhD); Jean-François Geschwind
(MD); Glenn E. Fusonie (MS, MD); John Friel (MS, MD); Sheila Fitzpatrick (MS); Pragnesh
M. Patel (MS); Nicolas Husni (M.D, PhD); Lihan Liu (PhD student); Sarah Krawczyk (PhD
Peer Reviewed Publications (B.E. Corkey, formerly B.E.Herzceg)
1. Williamson, J.R., Herczeg, B. E., Coles, H.S. and Danish, R. (1966). Studies on the ketogenic effects of
glucagon in the intact rat liver. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 24:437
2. Williamson, J.R., Olson, M.S., Herczeg, B. E. and Coles, H.S. (l967). Control of citrate formation in rat
liver mitochondria. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 27:595
3. Williamson, J.R., Cheung, W.Y., Coles, H.S., and Herczeg, B. E. (1967). Glycolytic control mechanism.
IV. Kinetics of glycolytic intermediate changes during electrical discharge and recovery in the main organ of
Electrophorus Electricus. J. Biol. Chem. 242:5112
4. Williamson, J.R., Herczeg, B. E., Coles, H.S. and Cheung, W.Y. (1967). Glycolytic control mechanisms.
V. Kinetics of high energy phosphate intermediate changes during electrical discharge and recovery in the main
organ of Electrophorus Electricus. J. Biol. Chem. 242:5119
5. Corkey, B. E., Peterson, M.J., Pereira, J.N. and Mayhew, D.A. (1972). Inhibition of hepatic fatty acid
oxidation by 5-methoxyindol-2-carboxylic acid. Israel J. Med. Sci. 8:855-857.
6. Schwartz, S.S., Corkey, B. E., Williamson, J.R. and Rubenstein, A.H. (1980). Effect of bovine pancreatic
polypeptide on isolated rat liver cells. Endocrinology 106:1178-1181.
7. Corkey, R.F., Corkey, B. E. and Gimbrone, M.A. Jr. (1980). Hexose transport in normal and SV-40
transformed human endothelial cells in culture. J. Cell. Physiol. 106:425-434.
8. Corkey, B. E., Brandt, M., Williams, R.J. and Williamson, J.R. (l98l). Assay of short chain acyl coenzyme
A intermediates in tissue extracts by high pressure liquid chromatography. Anal. Biochem. 118:30-41.
9. Coll, K.E., Joseph, S.K., Corkey, B. E. and Williamson, J.R.(1982). Determination of the matrix free Ca2+
concentration and kinetics of Ca2+ efflux in liver and heart mitochondria. J. Biol. Chem. 257:8696-8704.
10. Corkey, B. E., Martin-Requero, A., Walajtys-Rode, E., Williams, R.J. and Williamson, J.R. (l982).
Regulation of the branched chain -ketoacid pathway in liver. J. Biol. Chem. 257:9668-9676.
11. Martin-Requero, A., Corkey, B. E., Cerdan, S., Walajtys-Rode, E. and Williamson, J.R. (1983).
Interactions between -ketoisovalerate metabolism and pathways of gluconeogenesis and urea synthesis in
isolated hepatocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 258:3673-3681.
12. Stanley, C.A., Hale, D.E., Coates, P.M., Hall, C.L., Corkey, B. E., Yang, W., Kelley, R.I., Gonzales, E.L.,
Williamson, J.R. and Baker, L. (1983). Medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency in children with
non-ketotic hypoglycemia and low carnitine levels. Pediatr. Res. 17:887- 884.
13. Kelley, R.I. and Corkey, B. E. (1984). Increased sensitivity of cerebrohepatorenal syndrome fibroblasts to
Antimycin A. J. Inher. Metab. Dis. 6:158-162.
14. Joseph, S.K., Williams, R.J., Corkey, B. E., Matschinsky, F.M. and Williamson, J.R. (1984). The effect of
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106. Branstrom, R., Leibiger, I. B., Leibiger, B., Aspinwall, C. A., Corkey, B. E., Larsson, O. and Berggren,
P.-O. (2007) Single residue (K332A) Substitution in Kir6.2 abolishes the stimulatory effect of long chain acylCoA ester: Indications for a long chain acyl-CoA ester binding motif. Diabetologia 50:1670-1677
107. Han J. R., Deng B., Sun J., Chen C. G., Corkey B. E., Kirkland J.L., Ma J. and Guo W. (2007) Effects
of dietary medium-chain triglyceride on weight loss and insulin sensitivity in a group of moderately overweight
free-living type 2 diabetic Chinese subjects. Metabolism 56:985-991
108. Guo, W., Bigornia, S., Xie, W., McDonnell, M., Clemente, K., Leizerman, I, Pirtskhalava, T., Kirkland, J.
L., Gokce, N., Corkey, B. E., Sullivan, C. L. and Apovian, C. (2007) A new scanning electron microscopic
method for determination of adipocyte size in human fat tissue: correlations with weight loss and fat depot
origin. Obesity 15:1657-1665
109. Deeney, J. T., Branstrom, R., Corkey, B. E., Larsson, O. and Berggren, P.-O. (2007) 3H-Serotonin as a
Marker of Oscillatory Insulin secretion in Clonal ß-Cells (INS-1) FEBS Lett. 581:4080-4084
110. Wikstrom, J. D., Katzman, S. M., Mohamed, H., Twig, G., Graf, S. A., Elorza, A., Heart, E., Corkey, B.
E., de Vargas, L. M., Danial, N. N., Collins, S., Shirihai, O. S. (2007) ß-Cell mitochondria exhibit membrane
potential heterogeneity that can be altered by stimulatory or toxic fuel levels. Diabetes 56:2569-2578
111. Song, D. H., Getty-Kaushik, L., Tseng, E., Simon, J., Corkey, B. E, and Wolfe M. (2007) Glucosedependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) enhances adipocyte development and glucose uptake in part through
Akt activation. Gastroenterology 133:1796-1805
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
112. Trus, M., Corkey, R. F., Nesher, R., Richard, A. M., Deeney, J. T., Corkey, B. E. and Atlas, D. (2007)
The L-Type voltage-gated Ca2+-channel is the Ca2+ sensor protein of stimulus-secretion coupling in pancreatic
ß-cells. Biochemistry 46:14461-14467
113. Twig, G., Elorza, A., Molina, A., Mohamed, H., Wikstrom, J., Walzer, G., Stiles, L., Haigh, S., Katz, S.,
Las, G., Deeney, J.T., Corkey, B. E. and Shirihai, O. S. (2008) Fission and Selective fusion govern
mitochondrial segregation and elimination by autophagy. EMBO J. 27:433-446
114. Danial, N.N, Walensky, L. D., Zhang, C.-Y., Choi, C. S., Fisher, J. K., Molina, A. J. A, Datta, S. R.,
Pitter, K., Bird, G. H., Wikstrom, J. D., Deeney, J.T., Robertson, K., Morash, J., Kulkarni, A., Neschen, S.,
Kim, S., Greenberg, M. E., Corkey, B. E., Shirihai, O. S., Shulman, G. I., Lowell, B. B. and Korsmeyer, S. J.
(2008) Dual Role of Pro-apoptotic BAD in Insulin Secretion and ß-Cell Survival. Nature Med. 14:144-153
115. Pi, J., Bai, Y., Daniel, K., Liu, D., Lyght, O., Edelstein, D., Brownlee, M., Corkey, B. E. and Collins, S.
(2009) Persistent Oxidative Stress due to Absence of Uncoupling Protein 2 associated with Impaired Pancreatic
ß-Cell Function. Endocrinology 50:3040-3048
116. Getty-Kaushik, L., Richard, A.-M., Deeney, J. T., Shirihai, O. and Corkey, B. E. (2009) The CB1
Antagonist, Rimonabant, Decreases Insulin Hypersecretion in Rat Pancreatic Islets. Obesity 17:1856-1860
117. Molina, AJ, Wikstrom, JD, Stiles, L, Las, G, Mohamed, H, Elorza, A, Walzer, G, Twig, G, Katz, S,
Corkey, BE and Shirihai, OS (2009) Mitochondrial networking protects ß-cells from nutrient induced
apoptosis. Diabetes 58:2303-2315
118. Wang, T., Si, Y., Shirihai, O., Schultz, V., Hu, L., Deeney, J. T., Guo, W. and Corkey, B. E. (2010)
Respiration in Adipocytes is inhibited by Reactive Oxygen Species. Obesity, 18:1493-502 2009 [Epub ahead of
print] Dec 24.
119. Pi, J., Zhang Q., Fu, J., Woods, C. G., Hu, Y., Corkey, B. E., Collins, S. and Andersen, M. E. (2010)
ROS signaling, oxidative stress and Nrf2 in pancreatic ß-cell function. Toxicol and Applied Pharmacol. 244:7783
120. Zhong, J., Krawczyk, S.A., Chaerkady, R., Huang, H., Goel R., Bader J., Wong, G.W., Corkey, B. and
Pandey, A. (2010) Temporal Profiling of the Secretome during Adipogenesis in Humans. (2010) J Proteome
Res. 9:5228-38
121. Haller, J., Krawczyk, S. A., Gostilovitch,L., Corkey, B. E., and Zoeller, R. A. (2011) Glucose-6phosphate isomerase deficiency results in mTOR activation, failed translocation of lipin 1 alpha to the nucleus
and hypersensitivity to glucose: Implications for the inherited glycolytic disease. BBA - Molecular Basis of
Disease, 1812:1393-402. Epub 2011 Jul 21.
122. Saadeh M, Ferrante TC, Kane A, Shirihai O, Corkey BE and Deeney JT. (2012) Reactive oxygen species
stimulate insulin secretion in rat pancreatic islets: studies using mono-oleoyl-glycerol. PLOSone e30200. Epub
2012 Jan 17.
123. Krawczyk, S. A., Haller, J. F., Ferrante, T., Zoeller, R. A. and Corkey, B. E. (2012) Reactive Oxygen
Species Facilitate Translocation of Hormone Sensitive Lipase to the Lipid Droplet During Lipolysis in Human
Differentiated Adipocytes Reactive Oxygen Species Facilitate Translocation of Hormone Sensitive Lipase to the
Lipid Droplet During Lipolysis in Human Differentiated Adipocytes. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e34904. Epub 2012
Apr 6. PMID: 22493722 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
124. Johnston-Cox H, Koupenova M, Yang D, Corkey B, Gokce N, Farb MG, Lebrasseur N, Ravid K, The
a2b adenosine receptor modulates glucose homeostasis and obesity. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e40584. Epub 2012
Jul 25. PMID: 22848385
125. Guo, W., Li, Y., Liang, W., Wong, S., and Corkey, B. E. (2012) Beta-mecaptoethanol Suppresses
Inflammation and Induces Adipogenic Differentiation in 3T3-F442A Murine Preadipocytes, PLoSOne.
2012;7(7):e40958. Epub 2012 Jul 23. PMID: 22911724 [PubMed - in process]
126. Ravid, K., Faux, R., Corkey, B. and Coleman, D. (2012) Building Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research
Using Novel Collaboratives, Acad Med. 2013 Feb;88(2):179-84. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31827c0f79.
127. Schoeller DA, Thomas D, Archer E, Heymsfield SB, Blair SN, Goran MI, Hill JO, Atkinson RL, Corkey
BE, Foreyt J, Dhurandhar NV, Kral JG, Hall KD, Hansen BC, Heitmann BL, Ravussin E, Allison DB. (2013)
Self-report-based estimates of energy intake offer an inadequate basis for scientific conclusions. Am J Clin
Nutr. 2013 Jun;97(6):1413-5. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.113.062125. No abstract available. PMID: 23689494 [PubMed
128. Husni, NR, Jones, IV, AR, Simmons, A and Corkey, B. E. (2014) Fibroblasts From Type 1 Diabetics
Exhibit Enhanced Ca2+ Mobilization after TNF or Fat Exposure. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 23;9(1):e87068. doi:
10.1371/journal.pone.0087068. eCollection 2014. PMID: 24466329 [PubMed - in process]
129. Wikstrom, J., Mahdaviani, K., Sereda, S, Si, Y., Liesa, M., Las, G., Twig, G., Corkey, B., Cannon, B.,
Nedergaard, J. and Shirihai, O. (2014) Hormone-induced mitochondrial fission is utilized by brown adipocytes
as an amplification pathway for energy expenditure. EMBO J. 2014 Mar 3;33(5):418-36. doi:
10.1002/embj.201385014. Epub 2014 Jan 15. PMID: 24431221 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
130. Wong, S., Kirkland, J., Corkey, B. and Guo, Wen (2013) Dietary ß-Mercaptoethanol Reduces Fat Mass
and Fat Tissue Inflammation and Increases Locomotion and Metabolic Activity, in Diet-induced Obese Mice,
Life Sci. 2014 Jun 27;107(1-2):32-41. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2014.04.031. Epub 2014 May 5. PMID: 24802126
[PubMed - in process]
131. Deeney, J. T., Luc, E., Ao, A., Flanagan, J., Schultz, V., Richards, A. M., Yaney, G. C., Tornheim, K.,
Sabban, Gileadi, Zik, O., and Corkey, B. E. (2013) Triacsin C Inhibits Glucose-Induced Insulin Secretion from
Rat Islets and Clonal Pancreatic ß-Cells: Evidence in support of the "Long Chain Acyl-CoA Hypothesis"
132. Molina, A. J. A., Stiles, L, Sereda, S, Liesa, M., Chan, D. C., Corkey, B. and Shirihai, O. S. (2013)
Reduction of Mfn2 mediates diet induced β-cell dysfunction in-vivo. Submitted
Invited Chapters and non-Peer Reviewed* Publications (B.E. Corkey, formerly B.E.Herzceg)
1. Williamson, J.R. and Corkey, B. E. (1969). Assays of intermediates of the citric acid cycle and related
compounds by fluorometric enzyme methods. Methods Enzymol. 13:434-513.
2. Williamson, J.R. and Corkey, B. E. (1979). Assay of citric acid cycle intermediates and related
compounds: Update with tissue metabolite levels and intracellular distribution. Methods Enzymol. 55:200-222.
3. Williamson, J.R., Martin-Requero, A., Corkey, B. E., Brandt, M. and Rothman, R. (1981). Interactions
between -ketoisovalerate, propionate, and fatty acids on gluconeogenesis and ureogenesis in isolated
hepatocytes. IN Metabolism and Clinical Implications of Branched Chain Amino and Ketoacids (Walser, M.
and Williamson,J.R., Eds.) pp. 105-117, Elsevier North Holland, New York.
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
4. Corkey, B. E., Martin-Requero, A., Brandt, M. and Williamson, J.R. (1981). Regulation of ketoisocaproate and -ketoisovalerate metabolism and their interactions with the citric acid cycle in isolated
hepatocytes. IN Metabolism and Clinical Implications of Branched Chain Amino and Ketoacids (Walser,M.
and Williamson, J.R., Eds.) pp. 119-127, Elsevier North Holland, New York.
5. Williamson, J.R., Corkey, B. E., Martin-Requero, A., Walajtys-Rode, E. and Coll, K.E. (1984). Ketoisovalerate metabolism in liver and interactions with other metabolic pathways IN Proceedings of
International Symposium on Branched Chain Aminoacids and Ketoacids in Health and Disease. (P. Schauder,
ed.) Karger, Basel pp. 41-80.
6. Williamson, J.R., Corkey, B. E., Martin-Requero, A., Walajtys-Rode, E. and Coll, K.E. (1986). Metabolic
repercussions of branched chain ketoacid metabolism in liver IN Problems and Potential of Branched Chain
Amino Acids in Physiology and Medicine (R. Odessey, ed.) Elsevier North Holland, Amsterdam, ,pp. 135-172.
7. Matschinsky, F.M., Meglasson, M., Ghosh, A., Appel, M., Bedoya, F., Prentki, M., Corkey, B. E., Shimizu,
T., Berner, D., Najafi, H. and Manning, C. (1986). Biochemical design features of the pancreatic islet cell
glucose-sensory system. Adv. Exp. Biol. Med. 211:459-469.
8. Corkey, B. E. (1988) Analysis of acyl CoA esters in biological samples. Methods Enzymol. 166:55-70.
9. Corkey, B. E., Tornheim, K., Deeney, J.T., Glennon, M.C., Matschinsky, F.M., Ruderman, N.B. and
Prentki, M. (1989). Metabolic regulation of Ca2+ handling in permeabilized insulinoma cells. IN Cell Calcium
Metabolism '87 (ed. G. Fiskum). pp 369-377, Plenum, N. Y.
10. Corkey, B. E., Tornheim, K., Deeney, J.T., Glennon, M.C., Matschinsky, F.M., Ruderman, N.B. and
Prentki, M. (1989). Integrated mitochondrial and microsomal regulation of free Ca2+ in permeabilized
insulinoma cells. IN Integration of Mitochondrial Function (ed. J. J. Lemasters, C.R. Hockenbrock, R.G.
Thurman and H.V. Westerhoff). pp 543-550, Plenum, N.Y.
11. Corkey, B. E. and Deeney, J. T. (1989) Acyl CoA regulation of metabolism and signal transduction. Progr.
Clin. Biol. Res.321:217-232
12. Matschinsky, F. M., Corkey, B. E., Prentki, M., Meglasson, M. D., Erecinska, M., Shimazu, T., Ghosh, A.
and Parker, J. (1989) Metabolic connectivity and signaling in pancreatic ß-cells. IN Diabetes 1988 (eds. R. G.
Larkins, P. Z. Zimmet, and D. J. Chisholm) pp 17-26, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam.
13. Prentki, M., Visher, S., Brun, T., Glennon, M. C. and Corkey, B. E. (1991) Metabolic coupling factors in ßcell insulin secretion. IN Diabetes 1991 (eds. H. Rifkin, J. A. Colwell, S. I. Taylor) pp 156-160, Elsevier,
14. Corkey, B. E., Deeney, J. T., Varnum, B. A., Civelek, V., Tornheim, K. and Prentki, M. (1994) Metabolic
basis for glucose-induced insulin secretion in pancreatic ß-cells. IN Frontiers of Pancreatic ß-Cell Research (ed,
P. R. Flatt) pp 91-96
15. Juntti-Berggren, L., Tornheim, K., Corkey, B. E. and Berggren, P.-O. (1994) Regulation of intracellular pH
in the pancreatic ß-cell. IN Frontiers of Pancreatic ß-Cell Research (ed, P. R. Flatt) pp 145-151
16. Prentki, M. and Corkey, B. E. (1996) Are the ß-Cell Signaling Molecules, Malonyl and Cytosolic Long
Chain Acyl-CoA, Implicated in Multiple Tissue Defects of Obesity and NIDDM? Diabetes 45:273-283
17. Prentki, M., Tornheim, K. and Corkey, B. E. (1997) Signal transduction mechanisms in nutrient-induced
secretion. Diabetologia 40:S32-S41
18. Prentki, M., Segall, L., Roche, E., Thumelin, S., Brun, T., McGarry, J. D., Corkey, B. E. et
Assimacopoulos-Jeannet, F. (1999) Gluco-lipotoxicité et expression génique dans la cellule ß-pancréatique.
Diabète et Metabolism, 17-27
B. E. Corkey Curriculum Vita
19. Corkey, B. E., Deeney, J. T., Yaney, G. C., Tornheim, K. and Prentki, M. (2000) The Role of Long Chain
Fatty Acyl CoA Esters in ß-Cell Signal Transduction. J. Nutr. 130:299S-304S
20. Deeney, J. T., Prentki, M. and Corkey, B. E. (2000) Metabolic control of ß-cell function. Sem. Cell Devel.
21. Prentki, M., Roduit, R., Lameloise, N., Corkey, B. E. and Assimacopoulos-Jeannet, F. (2001)
Glucotoxicity, lipotoxicity and pancreatic ß-cell failure: A role for malonyl CoA, PPAR and altered lipid
partitioning? Can. J. Diabetes Care 25:36-46
22. Yaney G. C. and Corkey B. E. (2003) Fatty Acid metabolism and insulin secretion in pancreatic ß-cells.
Diabetologia 46:1297-1312
23. Kirkland, J.L., Corkey, B.E., Tchkonia, T. Current views of the fat cell as an endocrine cell: lipotoxicity. IN
Overweight and the Metabolic Syndrome, George A. Bray and Donna H. Ryan, Eds., Endocrine Updates 2006,
Springer pp 105-123.
24. Corkey, B. E. and Prentki, M. (2007) Malonyl CoA and Long Chain Acyl-CoA Signaling in Health,
Obesity and Diabetes. Diabetes
25. Corkey, B. E. (2008) Metabolic Regulation of Insulin Secretion, Monograph entitled “Pancreatic Beta Cell
in Health and Disease,” Springer Japan KK (53-75)
26. Pi, J., Zhang Q., Fu, J., Woods, C. G., Hu, Y., Corkey, B. E., Collins, S. and Andersen, M. E. (2010) ROS
signaling, oxidative stress and Nrf2 in pancreatic ß-cell function. Toxicol and Applied Pharmacol. 244:77-83
27. Corkey, B. E. (2012) Banting lecture 2011 Hyperinsulinemia: Cause or Consequence? Diabetes. 61:4-13
28. Corkey, B. E. and Shirihai, O. (2012) Metabolic Master Regulators: Sharing Information among Multiple
Systems, Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Dec;23(12):594-601. doi: 10.1016/j.tem.2012.07.006. Epub 2012 Aug
30. PMID: 22939743 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE].
29. Corkey, B. E. (2012) Insulin Hypersecretion and Food Additives: Cause of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes?
Diabetes Care. 2012 Dec;35(12):2432-7. doi: 10.2337/dc12-0825
30. Simmons, AL., Schlezinger, JJ and Corkey, B. E. (2014) What are we putting in our food that is making us
fat? Food additives, contaminants, and other putative contributors to obesity. Current Obesity Reports, In press
Non Peer-reviewed Publications
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