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Science Quiz: Ch. 4- Planets and Stars
Part 1: Matching
A. Solar System
1.____Orion is a constellation from a story from this place.
B. orbit
2.____ something that burns to give heat or light.
C. atmosphere
3.____ everything in space.
D. galaxy
4.____ a group of stars that make a pattern.
E. asteroids
5.____ this helps you see the stars or planets.
F. comet
6.____ These scientists study the stars, planets, and
G. poisonous gases
7.____ This number is more than a billion.
H. reflection
8.____ comets do this with the sun’s light.
I. telescope
9.____ Venus has this covering the planet.
J. astronomers
10.____ This is the shape of the planet’s orbit.
K. constellation
11.____ A ball of ice and dust.
L. universe
12.____ Earth has this around it that is made of gases.
M. trillion
13.____ A group of stars, planets, gases, and dust.
N. ancient Greece
14.____ Our planets are part of this.
O. fuel
15.____ The movement of planets around the sun.
P. oval
16.____ Pieces of rock and metal.
Part 2: Short Answer
17. How do you use the word orbit as a noun and a verb? Write 2 sentences.
18. List the nine planets in order from the sun, identify inner and outer planets, and describe
19. Why is Venus hotter than Mercury?
20. Compare and Contrast asteroids and comets.
21. Why can’t people live in the outer planets?
22. Draw a picture of a constellation and explain a myth about it (a story).
Extra Credit: Who is the famous astronomer who had a telescope named after him?
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