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Early Republic Test Review
1. What is a precedent? Name the precedents established by President George
A precedent is an example for others to follow. President Washington’s
precedents included being called “Mr. President”, having a limit of just two
terms as president, and choosing a panel of advisors known as a cabinet.
2. What warnings did George Washington give upon his retirement and what was
the title of that letter to the citizens of the U.S?
Washington’s Farewell Address advised Americans to try and avoid debt
(owing money to anyone), beware of political parties because they can divide
the nation, make sure the government follows the Constitution, and try to
remain neutral by not getting involved in other countries’ wars.
3. What disagreement caused a split in the Federalist party?
President John Adams chose to follow Washington’s advise and keep us out
of war with France. The leader of the Federalist, Alexander
4. Why did American leaders form political parties?
Americans disagreed about how strong our federal government should be.
5. Based upon George Washington’s advise, how did President Adams and President
Jefferson direct our forign policy?
Both President Adams and President Jefferson chose to keep the United
States out of wars with other countries by saying we would be neutral.
6. Which is the year 1803 significant to US history?
In 1803, the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from France.
7. What is the significance of the Louisiana Purchase?
The Louisiana Purchases doubled the size of the United States.
8. What is judicial review?
Judicial Review is the power the supreme court has to declare laws
9. Which political party supported the Alien and Sedition Acts? What did the Alien
and Sedition Acts do?
The Alien and Sedition Acts were Federalist policies. The Alien Act said
immigrants would not be allowed to vote for 14 years. The Sedition Act said
if you spoke out against the government or the president, then you would be
thrown in jail.
10. What is the significance of the court case Marbury v. Madison?
Marbury v. Madison established judicial review, meaning the Supreme
Court would be in charge of declaring laws unconstitutional.
11. What were some of the problems George Washington and other leaders of the
early republic had to deal with?
George Washington and other leaders had to deal with several problems
during the Era of the Early Republic including deciding what powers the
national government should have, determining how to keep the United States
secure and out of war, and getting the United States out of debt and creating
a stable economic system.
12. What did the Democratic Republicans support? Who was their leader?
Democratic Republicans – led by Thomas Jefferson
- State governments should be stronger
- France should be our #1 ally
- Economy based on Agriculture
13. What did the Federalists support and who was their leader?
Federalist – led by Alexander Hamilton
- Federal Government should be stronger
- England should be our #1 ally
- Economy based on manufacturing
14. In what way did protective tariffs help people living in the North? How did they
hurt people living in the South?
Protective tariffs helped people in the north by encouraging people to buy
American made products instead of European products. The result was
manufacturers then needed to hire more workers. Protective tariffs hurt the
people in the south because they did not have American made versions of the
farm products they needed. It caused the South to have to pay more for
15. How did Washington choose to deal with the Whiskey Rebellion?
Washington ordered the military to put down the rebellion, demonstrating
the authority of our federal government.
16. What actions by England caused Americans to become angry and declare war in
the War of 1812?
England was impressing our soldiers, meaning they took sailors off of
American ships and forced them to serve in the British Navy. England also
gave weapons and ammunition to the indigenous people (that means Native
17. Who were our first, second and third presidents of the United States?
George Washington, John Adams, then Thomas Jefferson