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1. AP U.S. History Review
Matching: International Relations
Headright System
Vice-Admiralty Courts
Salutary Neglect
XYZ Affair
Declaratory Act
Gaspee Incident
Macon’s Bill No.2
Neutrality Proclamation
I. Townshend Acts Q. Stamp Act
J. Currency Act
K. Virtual Representation
L. Mercantilism
M. Navigation Acts
N. Tripolitan War
O. Coercive (Intolerable) Acts
P. Washington’s Farewell Address
1.___Economic policy in which the government exercised control over industry nad
colonies were believed to exist in order to provide countries with raw materials and
markets for their manufactured goods.
2.___Series of naval engagements launched by President Jefferson to stop attacks on
American ships by Barbary pirates.
3.___ Forbade trade with England and France, but said the US would resume trade with
whichever country lifted trade restrictions first.
4.___ British customs ship that the colonials boarded and burned.
5.___ Law that said the colonies could not produce paper money in an effort to combat
inflation in the colonies.
6.___ Said that British colonies could only import goods if they were shipped on British
7.___ Warned against foreign alliances.
8.___ Law that required taxes on official documents; Due to the opposition and the
decline in British imports caused by the non-importation movement Parliament repealed
it; Benjamin Franklin testified in Parliament against these taxes.
9.___ Issued by Washington that said the US would not take sides in the fighting
between France and Britain after the French Revolution.
10.___ Passed at the same time that the Stamp Act was repealed, it said that Parliament
had the power to tax the colonies both internally and externally.
11.___ Parcels of land given out to colonists in Virginia and Maryland who brought
indentured servants to America.
12.___ Special courts established in which British judges could try colonials with no
13.___ Taxes that Parliament imposed on paper, lead, tea, and paint; John Dickinson
protested these in "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania; protests over these taxes led
to the Boston Massacre.
14.___ Passed in response to the Boston Tea Party; shut down Boston Harbor;
disbanded the Boston Assembly; required MS to provide provisions for Biritsh soldiers.
15.___ Prime Minister Robert Walpole's policy of dealing with the colonies; believed that
unrestricted trade in the colonies would be profitable for England and so he did not
enforce the mercantilist laws that parliament had passed.
16.___ Doctrine that a representative may not be elected by his constituents, but he can
represent them in his political beliefs and goals; the type of representation that the
colonials had in Parliament.
17.___ Incident when the French prime minister demanded a bribe before meeting with
American representatives about French violations of US neutrality rights.
2. AP U.S. History
Matching: Rebellions and Violence
Paxton Boys
Gabriel Prosser
Shay’s Rebellion
Stono Rebellion
Denmark Vessey
G. Tecumseh
M. Pontiac's Rebellion
H. Bacon’s Rebellion
N. Leisler's Rebellion
I. Whiskey Rebellion
O. Nat Turner's Rebellion
J. Toussaint L'Ouverture
K. King Philip's (or Metacom's) War
L. Glorious Revolution
1.___ Bloody slave uprising in Virginia, 1831; the leader thought he was God's
instrument sent to free his people; led to toughter slave codes.
2.___ Frontier rebellion against the Virginian governor; burned Jamestown; led to
more representation for western counties.
3.___ Indebted farmers in Massachusetts rebelled against taxes; signaled that
the Articles of Confederation were too weak to last.
4.___ Virginia slave who planned a revolt near Richmond in 1800; he and his
followers were found and hanged.
5.___ Indian uprising after the French and Indian War in Ohio River Valley; led to
the Proclamation of 1763.
6.___ After James II was dethroned, NY colonists rebelled against James'
governor, Edmund Andros; Later, the leader was hung.
7.___ Mob of Pennsylvania frontiersmen who slaughtered Natives; Benjamin
Franklin kept them from being hung.
8.___ Bloodless coup that established William III and Mary II as rulers of England
in exchange for increased rights for Parliament.
9.___ Slave rebellion in South Carolina in 1739; instigated by the governor of
Spanish Florida; some slaves escaped to St. Augustine; later slaves escaped
and killed some whites near this river; the uprising was forcibly put down and
most of the rebels were killed.
10.___ Shawnee chief who united the tribes in the Northwestern territories
against the settlers there; fought with the British in the War of 1812. His tribes
were defeated by Willian Henry Harrison at Tippecanoe; he was later killed in the
Battle of the Thames.
11.___ Mulatto who led a slave uprising in Charleston, SC; betrayed before the
revolt started and he and his followers were hung.
12.___ Led a rebellion in Haiti against the French; his success led Napoleon to
give up his dream of a new French empire in the Western Hemisphere.
13.___ Pennsylvania rebellion against Alexander Hamilton's exise tax; George
Washington led army to put down the rebellion and show that the new
government was strong enough to quiet rebellions.
14.___ Carolina frontiersmen who rebelled against the eastern colonial
government which they thought was corrupt.
15.___ Bloody violence between New England settlers and the Wampanoag
Indians; after the Indians were defeated, their territory was open for settlement.
3. AP Review Matching - From Colonial Times through
Matching: Supreme Court Cases
A. Charles River Bridge Co. v. Warren Bridge Co.
B. Gibbons v. Ogden
C. Commonwealth v. Hunt
D. Marbury v. Madison
E. Dartmouth College v. Woodward
F. McCulloch v. Maryland
G. Worcester v. Georgia
H. Dred Scott v. Sanford
I. Fletcher v. Peck
J. Prigg v. Pennsylvania
1.__ 1819 case that upheld the power of Congress to charter a national bank;
said a state could not tax a federal agency; justified Hamilton's interpretation of
the elastic clause
2.__ 1837 Supreme Court ruling that a state can not grant a charter to a company
that would be to the public's disadvantage; said the state could not grant a
monopoly right.
3.__ 1819 decision that declared that private corporation charters were contracts
and immune from the state's legislative action .
4.__ 1810 case which involved the first state law declared unconstitutional by the
Supreme Court; involved a state interfering with a man's legal purchase of land
that the owner had obtained through corruption.
5.__ The Court in 1832 ruled that a state could not abrogate a treaty made with
an Indian tribe; Jackson refused to enforce the treaty and it was basically ignored
as Indians were forced to move to the Oklahoma territory.
6.__ 1843 Massachusetts case which ruled that it was constitutional for unions to
strike and conspiracy laws could not be used to put down a strike.
7.__ 1824 case in which the Court ruled that only the federal government had
authority over interstate commerce.
8.__ 1857 infamous decision that ruled that blacks were not citizens and so could
not sue in federal court; stated that Congress did not have the right to keep
slavery out of the territories and thus the Missouri Compromise was
9.__ Established the Supreme Court's power of judicial review in 1803; the case
arose over the Jefferson administration's attempt to avoid hiring a federalist
10__The Court ruled it was unconstitutional for bounty hunters or anyone but the
owner of an escaped slave to apprehend the slave; ruling weakened the fugitive
slave laws
4. AP U.S. History Review
Matching: Important Women in U.S. History
Jane Addams I. Harriet B. Stowe Q. Sojourner Truth X. Geraldine Ferraro
Rosa Parks J. Frances Willard
R. Sandra Day
Y. Jeannette Rankin
Alice Paul
K. Frances Perkins
Z. Susan B. Anthony
Peggy Eaton L. Margaret Sanger S. Mary Harris (Mother) Jones
Ida Tarbell M. Shirley Chisholm T. Sarah & Angelina Grimke
Carry Nation N. Jeanette Rankin U. Mary McLeod Bethune
Dorothea Dix O. Catherine Beecher V. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Ida B. Wells P. Anne Hutchinson W. Carrie Chapman Catt
1.___Detailed the cruel treatment of the insane in jails; her work led to the establishment of statesupported hospitals for the insane; supervised women nurses during the Civil War.
2.___ Organized the Women's Christian Temperance Union and also worked with women's
suffrage activists to combine the two causes
3.___ Founded Hull House, a settlement house for immigrants; one of founders of the NAACP;
helped found the Women's Peace Party.
4.___ Helped found the Social Democratic party and the Industrial Workers of the World; powerful
speaker for labor.
5.___ First woman to serve in a president's cabinet; was Secretary of Labor under FDR.
6.___ Founded a school for Negro Girls that is a college today; during the New Deal she was a
director of Negro Affairs for the National Youth Administration.
7.___ First woman ever elected to Congress; dedicated pacifist who voted against WWI and
8.___ Helped organize the Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls in 1848; also helped
found the National Woman Suffrage Association.
9.___ President of the National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) from 1900 to
1904 and then from 1915 to 1920; also helped to organize the League of Women Voters.
10.___ Campaigned against lynchings in her native Memphis, TN.
11.___ Expelled from Massachusetts for daring to question Puritan doctrine.
12.___ Fought for women's suffrage using more confronational tactics; advocated rejecting a
state-by-state route as too slow and that women should push for a national amendment.
13.___ Refused to give up her seat on a bus to begin the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
14.___ Championed women as grammar-school teachers since she felt that women were
naturally more nurturing; wrote a book on Domestic Economy encouraging women to make their
homes more efficient.
15.___ First woman ever to sit on the Supreme Court.
16.___ Most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad; also served as a spy for federal
forces in the South.
17.___ Born a slave, she became a religious missionary, nationally famous for preaching against
slavery and for women's suffrage.
18.___ Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin to arouse anti-slavery feeling in the North.
19.___ First black woman elected to Congress in 1968.
20.___ Democratic congresswoman; was the first woman ever nominated by a major political
party to run as vice president.
21.___ Waged journalistic war on the trusts of the late 19th century; wrote History of the Standard
Oil Company.
22.___ Wife of Jackson's Secretary of War, she was the subject of a scandal that consumed
Jackson's first term.
23.___ Gave speeches to small groups of women about abolition for the American Anti-Slavery
Society; also spoke up for women's rights.
24.___ Advocate of birth control to help the poor get out of poverty by having fewer babies.
25.___ Campaigner for temperance, famous for using her axe to destroy saloons.
26.___ Co-founded the National Woman Suffrage Association;first woman to be depicted on a US
5. AP U.S. History Review
Matching: Treaties
A. Ostend Manifesto
B. Adams-Onis Treaty (Transcontinental Treaty)
C. Monroe Doctrine
D. Oregon Treaty
E. Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo
F. Treaty of Paris 1783
G. Jay’s Treaty
H. Webster-Ashburton
I. Convention of 1818
J. Rush-Bagot Treaty
K. Treaty of Greenville
L. Treaty of Paris 1763
M. Treaty of Ghent
N. Pinckney’s Treaty
1.___ Gave the US the land between the Appalachians and the Mississippi.
2.___ Gave the US navigation rights to the Mississippi and set the border
between the southern US and Florida.
3.___ Divided the Oregon Country between the US and Canada at the 49th
parallel (1846).
4.___ Settled the US - Canadian border in Maine and to Oregon and agreed to
joint occupation of Oregon Country (1842).
5.___ Provided for the mutual disarmament of the Great Lakes and also the rest
of the US-Canadian border (1817).
6.___ Restored the status quo ante bellum; territory captured during the war was
returned to the original owner.
7.___ Declared that Europe should not interfere in the affairs of the Western
Hemisphere and that any attempt would be considered a threat to the US
8.___ Set the border between the US and Canada at the 49th parallel and
affirmed US rights to fisheries along NE Canada.
9.___ Gave Britain control of Canada, land between the Appalachians and
Mississippi as well as Florida. Spain received Louisiana.
10.___ The US received Florida and recognized Spain's claims to Texas and the
American Southwest; Spain gave up their claims to the Oregon territory
11.___ Indian tribes gave the Americans the Ohio Valley territory in exchange for
a reservation west of the Mississippi.
12.___ Britain agreed to leave forts in the Ohio Valley; no resolution of neutral
shipping rights.
13.___ Secret attempt to buy or annex Cuba.
14.___ Established the Rio Grande as the southern border of the US and ceded
California and the American Southwest to the US.
6. AP Review Matching - From Colonial Times through
Matching: Supreme Court Cases
A. Charles River Bridge Co. v. Warren Bridge Co.
B. Gibbons v. Ogden
C. Commonwealth v. Hunt
D. Marbury v. Madison
E. Dartmouth College v. Woodward
F. McCulloch v. Maryland
G. Worcester v. Georgia
H. Dred Scott v. Sanford
I. Fletcher v. Peck
J. Prigg v. Pennsylvania
1.__ 1819 case that upheld the power of Congress to charter a national bank;
said a state could not tax a federal agency; justified Hamilton's interpretation of
the elastic clause
2.__ 1837 Supreme Court ruling that a state can not grant a charter to a company
that would be to the public's disadvantage; said the state could not grant a
monopoly right.
3.__ 1819 decision that declared that private corporation charters were contracts
and immune from the state's legislative action .
4.__ 1810 case which involved the first state law declared unconstitutional by the
Supreme Court; involved a state interfering with a man's legal purchase of land
that the owner had obtained through corruption.
5.__ The Court in 1832 ruled that a state could not abrogate a treaty made with
an Indian tribe; Jackson refused to enforce the treaty and it was basically ignored
as Indians were forced to move to the Oklahoma territory.
6.__ 1843 Massachusetts case which ruled that it was constitutional for unions to
strike and conspiracy laws could not be used to put down a strike.
7.__ 1824 case in which the Court ruled that only the federal government had
authority over interstate commerce.
8.__ 1857 infamous decision that ruled that blacks were not citizens and so could
not sue in federal court; stated that Congress did not have the right to keep
slavery out of the territories and thus the Missouri Compromise was
9.__ Established the Supreme Court's power of judicial review in 1803; the case
arose over the Jefferson administration's attempt to avoid hiring a federalist
10__The Court ruled it was unconstitutional for bounty hunters or anyone but the
owner of an escaped slave to apprehend the slave; ruling weakened the fugitive
slave laws