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Bentley Chapter 3
AP World History
Corder 08-09
(1) Who is credited with documenting in writing the process of Egyptian mummification? Read the introduction
describing the process of Egyptian mummification and burial. What does this process tell us about the early Egyptian
(2) What existed in the area now occupied by the Sahara Desert in 10,000 B.C.E.? How did people survive in this
(3) Complete: “About 8000 B.C.E., inhabitants of the western Sudan began to cultivate yams in the region between the
___________________ and _________________ rivers.” What did they grow in this region?
(4) Describe the political organization and religious practices of Sudanic peoples in 5000 B.C.E.
(5) What event occurred, creating the Sahara desert and forcing humans into new areas around water such as Lake Chad
and the valley of the Nile River? What is the source of the water of the Nile River? What is unique or special about the
Nile River? On your map, lightly shade in brown the Sahara desert. Also, draw and label the Nile River, Lake Victoria,
the Nile’s delta, and the Mediterranean Sea. Describe the natural process that makes the Nile River Valley so fertile.
(6) What two complex societies emerged in the Nile River valley? Study the map on page 65. Color the kingdom of
Egypt in green.
(7) Who introduced the practice of collecting wild grains to Egypt and Nubia? Who introduced the African crops of
gourds and watermelons and animal domestication? From where here did the people of Egypt and Nubia acquire wheat
and barley? By what year were Egyptians and Nubians relying heavily on agriculture?
(8) As with Mesopotamia, Egypt also experienced dramatic ___________________ growth as a result of increase in
agricultural production. “By 4000 B.C.E., ________________________ along the Nile traded regularly with one another
and cooperated in building ___________________ networks.”
(9) Describe the political organization of these early Egyptian and Nubian states.
(10) What ruler is credited with bringing unified rule to Egypt in 3100 B.C.E.? Where was his capitol located and what
was it called? Label on a map.
(11) Complete: “Menes and his successors built a _________________ state ruled by the ____________, the Egyptian
king. The early ______________ claimed to be gods living on the earth in human form, the owners, and absolute rulers
of all the land.” What were some of the religious practices under the pharaoh?
(12) When was the power of the pharaoh the greatest? What was it called? What architectural structure at Giza near
Cairo represents the power of the pharaoh? How many men and years did it take to build the structure?
(13) Who introduced horses and horse-drawn chariots to Egypt? What advantages did these nomadic people have over
(14) Describe the rule of the Pharoahs of the New Kingdom. Be specific in describing the political organization and its
benefits. Describe the extent of imperial control of the New Kingdom under the Pharoahs. See map on page 70. Color
Imperial Egypt in 1400 B.C.E. in light pink on your map. What caused the decline of the Pharoahs of the New Kingdom?
(15) What features of social development did the Egptians share with the Mesopotamians?
(16) Describe the organization of the social classes in Egypt. How was the organization of the ruling classes different
from those of Mesopotamia? Discuss the extent of women in the ruling class in Eygpt and Nubia. Who was Queen
(17) What occupations developed in cities throughout the Nile valley?
(18) How many centuries following the adoption of bronze technology in Mesopotamia did the Egyptians develop the use
of bronze implements? Why was the use of bronze limited to only a few? Why was bronze production not as prominent
in Nubia as in Egypt? What other metal technology developed in sub-Saharan Africa?
(19) Complete: “Within Egypt, the _________________ greatly facilitated transportation and Egyptians traveled up and
down the river before _____________ B. C. E. Meanwhile, prevailing winds blow almost year-round from the north, so
that by raising a _________, boats could easily make their way upriver from ________ to __________ Egypt. Woon
after, Egyptians sailed beyond the Nile into the __________________, and by 2000 B.C.E. they had also explored the
waters of the _________ Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the western portion of the ____________ Sea.” On your map, label
the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, and the Arabian Sea.
(20) With whom did the Egyptians trade? What items were traded on the Nile River? Locate the illustration of the
wooden model on page 76. Study the picture and read the caption. When and where was this model found? What can we
learn from studying this model?
(21) When did the Egyptians begin trading with the Mesopotamians? What did the Egyptians acquire from Lebanon?
How was this transported? What did the Egyptians send in exchange for this item?
(22) According to scholars, the ancient region of Punt is most likely located in what modern day countries? How do we
know that the Egyptians traded with the people of Punt? According to this artifact, what did the people of Punt export to
the Egyptians?
(23) When did writing first appear in Egypt? How did the Egyptian writing system evolve over time? On what surface
has the writing been found? What were some of the uses of writing in early Egyptian society?
(24) What artifact communicated the Egyptian value of literacy? What specific ideas were communicated in this work?
(25) What two gods were revered in ancient Egypt? What did each god represent? How did Egyptian religious beliefs
change during the New Kingdom?
(26) Who was Akhenaten and how did he influence religion during the period from 1353 to 1335 B.C.E.? Why was this
development so historically significant? Though historically significant, why was the cult of Aten disappear?