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Chapter 5
1. Which of the following individuals was associated with the Anti-Federalist movement?
a. Benjamin Franklin
c. George Washington
b. Thomas Jefferson
d. John Adams
2. Who is considered the founder of the Federalist Party?
a. John Adams
c. George Washington
b. James Madison
d. Alexander Hamilton
3. Which political party dominated American politics between the years 1932-1968?
a. Federalist
c. Republican
b. Green
d. Democratic
4. Which political party is the oldest current party in American politics?
a. Democratic
c. Republican
b. Independent
d. Progressive
5. What is the name given to the function or purpose of a political party that involves keeping a
close eye on the opposing party?
a. Informer-Stimulator Function
c. Government Function
b. Bonding Agent Function
d. Watchdog Function
6. Which of the following issues was created by a “Third Party?”
a. 40 hour work week
d. All of the above
b. minimum wage
e. A and C only
c. women’s suffrage
7. Which American President was the only one to be elected without the backing of a political party?
a. Theodore Roosevelt
c. George Washington
b. James Garfield
d. Andrew Jackson
8. What is considered the most important influence on how a person consistently votes?
a. issues
c. religion
b. family
d. candidate
9. Which political party dominated American politics between the years 1860-1932?
a. Whig
c. Democratic
b. Republican
d. Progressive
Short Answer:
10. Explain what you liked and disliked about working in your groups for the mayoral campaign. Also, highlight at
least two key points that were presented during your class that you thought were really good ideas.
Matching II: Match the appropriate forms of propaganda with the descriptions given below
11. Plain Folks
12. Name Calling
13. Testimonial
14. Bandwagon
15. Glittering Generalities
16. Transfer
17. Card Stacking
a. After a benefit concert, rapper Jay-Z announces to the crowd: “Vote for Obama! He is the best candidate for
U.S. President.”
b. Presidential candidate Mitt Romney began a televised debate by stating, “Like many of my fellow Americans,
I grew up in humble surroundings and had to work hard to succeed in life.”
c. At a news conference actor Ben Affleck commented, I am voting for Obama, Matt Damon is
voting for Obama, and Jennifer Lopez is voting for Obama. All informed Americans should
vote for Barack Obama.”
d. In a 60 Minutes interview presidential candidate Newt Gingrich stated, “I’m for peace,
prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness.”
e. In a statement to a New York Times reporter presidential candidate Ron Paul stated, “President Obama
changes his mind on issues like people change clothes – every day. He’s a real flip-flopper.”
f. Presidential candidate Rick Santorum informs CNN that a poll taken by his staff shows him leading fellow
Republican Mitt Romney by 7% in the Illinois Presidential Primary.
g. President Barack Obama approached a red, white and blue stage in Indianapolis to deliver a
speech while a local high school band played “Stars and Stripes Forever,” and five Air Force jets flew
Short Answer:
18. Explain whether you think you are liberal, moderate, or conservative. You may need to refer to page 126
in your textbook to review the basic description of each viewpoint.
19. Take the political typology quiz that Mr. Gibson has set up for the class. How did you rate after taking the quiz?
Did this match your own prediction of your political viewpoint?