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Characteristics of Life
1. Carbon based, uses millions of molecular types.
2. Cellular composition
3. Development of metabolic activity (use energy to grow and reproduce)
4. Reproduction- all cells are preceded by other living cells.
5. Genetic identity- all life forms are unique and yet share countless common genetic traits; evolution proceeds as
changes in the gene pool
6. homeostasis- maintenance of internal environmental conditions
Article: It’s Alive and Question Sheet
Major Unifying Themes in Biology
ENERGY- most organisms tend to maximize energy input and minimize energy output (for maximum efficiency)
EVOLUTION- past characteristics are contained in the present
WHY questions are often answered by evolution
ECOLOGY- all organisms are ultimately connected with each other in the biosphere
ETHICS- the study of life is controlled by our moral voice
Organization of life
Cells tissues organs organ systems organisms populations communities ecosystems biomes
Cell theory
1. The cell is the basic structural unit of life.
2. The cell is the basic functional unit of life.
3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.
1.1 The Molecular Basis of Life
review bonding (see handout), periodic table (see handout)
Types of Molecules
1. inorganic
2. organic
Inorganic Molecules
small, can be made without the assistance of a living organism (H20, CO2, O2)
Water- special properties that are a necessity of life
remains liquid over a wide temperature range, dissolves most substances, changes temperature gradually when
heated or cooled, provides a stable environment for cell reactions, the only pure substance that expands when
it solidifies, molecules cling together (cohesion) and stick to other substances (adhesion), polar
Handout: Unusual Properties of water
Organic Compounds
o always contain both H and C, sometimes contain O, N, S and P
o cannot be generated without life
o rings or chains of C with H bonded to the C
(Fig. 1.6)
Macromolecules- composed of smaller subunits (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids)
function: short or long term energy storage
structure:- CH2O ratio is almost always maintained
o Simple Sugars
monosaccharide – 3-7 carbon atoms (glucose, fructose, galactose)
disaccharide – 2 monosacccharides linked (sucrose, lactose)
o Complex Carbohydrates
polysaccharide –many simple sugars connected
plants- starch, cellulose
animals- glycogen
hydrolysis - when simple sugars bond, the O and the OH join to make water
dehydration - when complex sugars are broken apart, water makes the O and OH
MiniLab p. 11 Modelling Sugars
Lipids – don’t dissolve in water
function: energy storage (2.5x more E than carbs for same mass), insulation, cushioning, hormones, compose part of
cell membrane, dissolve fat soluble vitamins…
structure: glycerol chain with 3 fatty acid chains
o glycerol – 3 carbon chain with each carbon having an OH
o fatty acids- carbon chain ending COOH
o each fatty acid can be different
o saturated- all single bonds (solid at room T)
o unsaturated- has double bonds where more H could join (liquid at room T)
function : enzymes, transport substances, messengers, cell structures
structure : made from amino acids
o 20 amino acids
o 8 are essential- cannot be manufactured by the body (must be eaten)
o all amino acids have 2 C, 2 O, 4 H, 1 N in the following structure
o each has a different R group to distinguish it from other amino acids Eg. Figure 1.16 p. 14
o the shape of a protein determines its function
o dipeptide- 2 amino acids joined
a peptide bond forms when OH from one amino acid joins to an H and water is released
o polypeptide- chain of amino acids, once there are over 30 amino acids they are twisted due to parts of the
functional group interacting to bind O and H
o Figure 1.19 p. 16
denaturing: changing the shape of the protein- caused by temperature, pH ..
CD Activity/Internet Mini Lab- p. 20
Investigation 1A p. 18-19
Nucleic Acids
function: direct the growth and development of every living thing by means of a chemical code, determine how the cell
functions and what characteristics it has
types: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid)
how it works:
1. DNA composes genes
2. Genes direct the production of RNA
3. RNA directs the production of proteins
structure: made of nucleotides, phosphate, sugar and nitrogenous base
only 4 types of nucleotide, see Figure 1.20 p. 17
see Figure 1.22 p. 17
DNA- double helix
RNA - single chain
Section Review p. 20#1-10, Unit Investigation Prep
1.2 Cell Membrane Structure
The Fluid Mosaic Model (Figure 1.29 p. 24 and handout)
phospholipid bilayer
phospholipid structure (Figure 1.27 p. 23)
o polar head (glycerol) - attracted to water, water soluble
o non polar tail (2 fatty acids) - repels water
o bilayer has tails toward each other and head to the outside…this makes a water barrier in the middle to control the
movement of water in and out
proteins imbedded
o integral proteins- imbedded through the membrane- involved in movement of materials into and out of the cell
o peripheral proteins- stick out of the membrane to the inside- connect the cytoskeleton
o glycoprotiens- stick out of the membrane to the outside and identify the cell- protein
with a carbohydrate stuck to it
glycolipids- provide stability and mobility by reacting to temperature - lipid with a carbohydrate stuck to it
Section Review p. 24 #1-10
1.3 Through the Cell Membrane
homeostasis- maintaining a steady state
ECF- extracellular fluid- surrounds the cell
ICF- intracellular fluid-inside the cell
Types of Membranes- permeable, selectively permeable and impermeable
cell membrane is selectively permeable
o some molecules are small enough to fit between the phospholipids
o some molecules are too large (glucose)
o some molecules are insoluble in lipids (glucose)
o some molecules are charged (ions)
Passive Transport- NO energy is expended
Diffusion- the movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. (Down a
concentration gradient)
the molecules are constantly moving and collide and change directions..
Brownian motion- random movement
works well over short distances and with small molecules like O2 and CO2
maximized efficiency when a cell has a high surface area to volume ratio
Mini-Lab p. 26
Osmosis- the diffusion of the solvent (usually water) across a biological membrane
occurs down the concentration gradient (concentration of water)
isotonic- concentration equal inside and outside
o water moves in and out at equal rate
hypotonic- concentration of water is greater outside than inside
o water moves into the cell
hypertonic- concentration of water is greater inside than outside
o water moves out of the cell
Figure 1.33 p. 27
Investigation 1B p. 28-29 Osmosis in a Model Cell
Facilitated Diffusion
carrier proteins (integral proteins) in cell membrane change shape to allow the molecule to cross the membrane
channel proteins (also integral) opens up to allow charged particles (ions) through if the particle is small and of the
correct charge (opposite to the charge of the channel)
movement is down the concentration gradient
Active Transport
movement against the concentration gradient (low to high concentration), requires energy
used to get rid of highly toxic waste or to keep nutrients inside
energy is used to run a Na-K pump p. 33 Figure 1.38
p. 34#16
Section Review p. 34#1-15
Section 1.4 Bulk Membrane Transport
some particles are too big or too polar to use any of the previous methods to enter or leave the cell
Endocytosis- cell membrane folds inward and creates vesicles containing the ingested particles
pinocytosis-cell drinking
phagocytosis- cell eating
receptor assisted- special proteins in cell membrane allow only certain molecules to attach to them and then be
ingested eg. cholesterol p. 37 Figure 1.41
Exocytosis- a vesicle containing particles fuses with the cell membrane and its contents are expelled
The Mystery of the Frozen Frogs
Mini Lab- Freezing Cells
Section Review p. 38#1-8
Chapter Review p. 39-41