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Year 7 Chemical Reactions and Acids and Alkalis
Traffic Lights Self-assessment Sheet
Identify the need for air when things burn
Be able to observe some changes during reactions
Identify that it is oxygen from the air that is needed for burning
Be able to identify when a chemical reaction takes place
Describe a chemical reaction as new materials being formed
Describe changes during chemical reactions simply e.g. bubbles
Describe the test for hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide
Use the term oxide for products of burning in oxygen
Describe the use of an indicator
Describe the reaction between acids and alkalis as a neutralisation
Describe reaction between acids and metals
Describe the reactions between acids and carbonates
Be able to identify gases produced in the reactions of acids and metals
and acids and carbonates
Use simple word equations to represent burning reactions
Be able to use word equations to represent reactions of acids with
metals and acids with carbonates
Be able to use work equations to describe reactions of acids and alkalis
At the topic’s beginning
At the topic’s end
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Year 7 Cells and Reproduction
Traffic Lights Self-assessment Sheet
Describe and differentiate between a plant and an animal cell
Use a microscope to look at plant and animal cells
Name some specialised cells
Relate the structure of some specialised cells to their function
Remember the seven characteristics of living organisms
Understand the relationship between cells, tissues, organs and organ
Identify parts of the human reproductive system
Distinguish between internal and external fertilisation
Explain what fertilisation is
State the stages of childbirth
Recall the different stages in pregnancy
Name and describe the changes that girls and boys go through during
Give a brief explanation of the menstrual cycle
Name and explain the changes during adolescence
At the topic’s beginning
At the topic’s end
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Year 7 - The Particle Model, Heating and Cooling
Traffic Lights Self-assessment Sheet
To be able to describe the properties of solids, liquids and gases
To represent solids, liquids and gases using particle diagrams
Know that heat is a form of energy
Know that temperature is a measure of heat energy
The speed of particles is dependent on the temperature
Describe the term diffusion in terms of movement of particles from a high
concentration to a low concentration
Define the term density, related to mass and volume
Understand that density can be applied to any state of matter
To use the particle model of solids and energy transfer to explain the
process of convection
Understand that heat energy can be passed easily in a solid but difficult
in liquids and gases
Understand the terms insulator and conductor
Understand what radiation is and where it comes from
At the topic’s beginning
At the topic’s end
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Year 7 Variety, Classification and Environment
Traffic Lights Self-assessment Sheet
Use of scientific words to describe living organisms
Identify similarities and differences between organisms
Sort plants and animals into groups
Explain the different causes of variation
Use real-life examples of how organisms survive in their habitats
To be able to create a food chain
To understand that the arrow in the food chain represents the flow of
energy from different organisms
To be able to link food chains to make a food web
Understand that all organisms are interdependent
Model effects of introduction of pesticides into food chain
Explain energy transfer in food chains and webs and relate this to
the abundance of organisms
At the topic’s beginning
At the topic’s end
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Year 7 Forces
Traffic Lights Self-assessment Sheet
Describe forces as pushes and pulls
Recognise where forces are balanced or unbalanced and use the arrow
model to show direction of motion
Identify different kinds of forces such as gravity, friction, magnetic etc
Explain the difference between mass and weight.
Understand what a restoring force is
Understand that liquids (and gases) exert a force on objects called
Recognise that friction is a force that acts between surfaces in contact
with each other.
Describe effects of friction on motion.
Use the model of arrows to describe the direction and size of forces
Describe qualitatively how weight would differ in other parts of the solar
Describe simply the changes in movement or shape of an object in
terms of the forces acting on it
At the topic’s beginning
At the topic’s end
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Year 7 Energy Resources and Sustainability
Traffic Lights Self-assessment Sheet
Recognise the need for energy in our society.
Recognise that energy is stored in fuels and this is known as
chemical energy
Compare the energy stored in two or three different types of fuels
Explain what a fossil fuel is and how they are formed
Understand the advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuel
Know the difference between renewable and non renewable energy.
Provide a balanced argument to weigh up the advantages and
disadvantages of renewable vs non renewable energy resources.
Recognise the sequence of energy transformations that take place
for us to use this energy
Know that foods contain chemical energy which we use to survive
At the topic’s beginning
At the topic’s end
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Year 7 Solutions, Atoms and Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
Traffic Lights Self-assessment Sheet
Know what an Atom is
Understand what an element is
Give an example of an element from the periodic table
To be able to recognise a periodic table
To be able to describe the periodic table
To define a compound and give an example
To define a mixture and give and give one example
To recognise a chemical reaction
Be able to recognise chemical formula and symbols of chemical
Construct a simple symbol equation
know the procedures for filtration and evaporation
give an example of what you could separate using filtration and
To be able to separate salt from rock salt
To understand the relationship between density and the distance moved
by a solute in chromatography
Understand what is meant by the term saturated solution
To describe how temperature affects solubility
At the topic’s beginning
At the topic’s end
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Year 7 Electricity and Magnets
Traffic Lights Self-assessment Sheet
I know that cells are a source of electrical energy
I can define voltage
I know the units of voltage
I can define current
I can explain the current around a circuit
I can explain the relationship between voltage and current
I can draw a series circuit
I am able to draw a parallel circuit
Understand the how a parallel and series circuit affect the current
To be able to include some simple components in a circuit diagram
I understand why mains electricity can be dangerous
To explain the voltage in bulbs around a parallel and series circuit
I know that magnets have a north and south pole
I know which metals are magnetic
I can define magnetism
Define magnetised
I can draw a magnetic field diagram
To be able to explain domain theory is explaining how a magnetic material can
be magnetised
I understand what an electromagnet is and how it works
To be able to explain how the strength of the electromagnet can be altered
I can explain the relationship between the field strength and the current in an
At the topic’s beginning
At the topic’s end
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Year 7 Microbes and Disease
Traffic Lights Self-assessment Sheet
I can give the names of three types of microbes
I can explain what microbes can be useful
I can give examples of when microbes are harmful
To be able to explain how diseases are spread
To be able to explain how the spread of disease can be controlled
To understand and describe how the body is adapted to keep microbes
To be able to define immunity
To explain what antibodies do
I can explain what antibiotics are used for
I can explain how antiseptics are useful
At the topic’s beginning
At the topic’s end