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WW2 Test Review Questions
1. a) How did the Treaty of Versailles, that ended WWI help
to cause WWII?
- The money Germany was forced to pay the winners was
destroying her economy.
- Many Germans wanted to see the land taken from her,
back as part of Germany. (Czechoslovakia etc. )
- Germans hated the guilt clause that said they were the
cause of WWI
b) When did WW2 start and finish?
- Sept. 3, 1939 with declarations of war by France and
Britain on Germany. It finishes Sept. 2, 1945 with Japan’s
2. a) Who were the Axis Powers?
- Japan, Germany and Italy
b) List 4 of the countries who fought for the Allies, other
than Canada.
- France, Britain, United States, Russia, China
3. a) What was the convoy system.
- sending ships in large groups, protecting important
supply ships with smaller destroyer ships on the outside
such as a corvette
b) What did Canada supply Britain with during the Battle of
the Atlantic?
- food and military supplies, medical supplies.
4. a) What happened at the “Miracle” of Dunkirk?
- The British and French armies were pinned against the
French coast. A fleet of fisherman and merchant boats
saved 340,000 – 350,000 men.
b) What was the goal of Germany during the Battle of
- destroy the RAF (Royal Air Force) so a land invasion of
Britain could be carried out. A second goal was to
demoralize the Brits into surrendering by bombing British
c) What is the German word for “lightening attack”?
- Blitzkrieg
d) What was the German air force called?
- Luftwaffe
5. a) Why did the Germans invade Russia?
- Russia was a long standing enemy of Germany. Hitler
could not successfully invade Britain, because the RAF was
not defeated, so, he decides to turn the armies on Russia.
b) Identify 3 reasons the Germans were not successful in
taking over Russia?
-Russian retreated and burned the land, destroying all
available food for the Germans.
- Terrible winter in 1941
- Too long of supply lines to get food and supplies to the
German army.
6. What was done to Japanese Canadians after the attack
on Pearl Harbor?
-fired from their jobs.
-interned in camps
- moved away from the coast of British Columbia
- Their possessions were sold off by the government.
- Men were forced to work, and separated from their families
7. What did Tommy Douglas do for Canadians at home
during the war?
-introduced free hospital care for pensioners, cancer patients
and those on government support. He was the leader of the
CCF in Saskatchewan.
8. a) Give 2 reasons why Canadians invaded Sicily, Italy.
- Italy was the considered the weak link and from there the
allies could gain access to Europe again
- take pressure off the Soviet Union who was facing the
Germans on their own.
b) Why was the Battle of Ortona, Italy so difficult for
-fighting was in the streets, could not see the enemy.
9. a) Identify 3 reasons for the Dieppe raid.
- take pressure off the Soviet Union (Russia)
-gather information about the German defenses in France.
- give the Canadians something to do.
b) What happened to the Canadians here?
- slaughtered. Less than ½ return.
c) At what later assault, did the Allies apply the lessons
they learned at Dieppe?
10. a) When and where did D-day take place?
- beaches of Normandy, June 6, 1944.
b) What beach were Canadians responsible for taking?
- Juno
c) Why was D-Day so significant?
- largest assault ever. Beginning of the Liberation of Europe
from the Nazis
d) What does V-E Day stand for? When did this take
- Victory in Europe Day. May 7, 1945
11. a) Name the two Japanese cities the U.S. dropped the
atomic bomb on.
- Hiroshima, Nagasaki
b) What was Canada’s contribution to the making of the
atomic bomb?
- supplied uranium
c) What German scientist fled to the US and convinced the
US to develop the bomb?
- Albert Einstein.
d)) What does V-J Day stand for? When did this take
-Victory in Japan Day.
12. a) What was the Holocaust?
- the killing of 6-10 million Jews from across Europe in
Concentration camps.
b) What was Auschwitz?
- the largest of these concentration camps, that the Soviets
13. a) What items did Canadians contribute to the war on the
home front?
-metals, clothes, planes, food etc.
b) What is rationing? What did Canadians ration?
- you were only allowed a limited amount of gasoline etc.
c) What are Victory Bonds?
- You invested money in the government that they used
to pay for the war. You got your money back plus
interest after the war.
d) What issue divided French and English Canadians again
on the home front? How was this issue solved?
-conscription. Conscripts for home defense were sent
14. a) What two countries emerged as superpowers after
-Soviet Union, USA
b) Name the organization formed to help solve any future
international conflicts.
- United Nations
15. Identify the following: Mussolini, RAF, Churchill,
POW, Mein Kampf, anti-Semitism
- Mussolini was the dictator of Italy
- RAF stands for Royal Air Force (Britain’s)
- Churchill was a church on a hill that got bombed!
- Just kidding! Churchill was the leader of Britain.
- POW stands for Prisoner of War
- Mein Kampf was Hitler’s book where he talks about the
“Jewish problem” and the final solution.
16) Identify 10 countries Hitler’s armies overtook by 1941.
-Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, France, Austria,
Czechoslovakia, Poland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, Greece