* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Frankenstein Project (50 pts.) Dual Credit – Brit. Lit. II Miller Students need to select one of the following four options to complete. The assignment should be typed and presented in MLA format (as allowed by constraints of selection). The Frankenstein Project is due February 26, 2010. 1. Find at least three songs that can be connected to the novel: theme, plot, characters, setting, language, literary devices (metaphor, symbol, irony, allusion, etc.), mood, and tone. Three different songs must be connected to three different aspects (no student should find three songs that relate to the character of Frankenstein, for example, but a student may find three songs that relate to three different characters). Students are encouraged, however, to branch out and explore different aspects rather than limiting themselves to characters or some other individual aspect. For each selected song, students must provide a copy of the lyrics (edited if need be for school appropriateness). For each song, students must write a paragraph which includes the following: a topic sentence that includes the title of the song and name of artist as well as the paragraph’s main idea (connection explored) supporting details that clearly explain why this song relates to some aspect of the novel— use direct quotes from the novel and the song in each paragraph transitions (words, phrases, sentences) which make ideas cohesive third person, present tense, MLA formatted prose correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics parenthetical citations that show where the quotes can be found in the novel 2. Select three incidents from Frankenstein which are referred to briefly but not described in detail. Creatively elaborate the incidents patterning the writing after Mary Shelley’s style paying particular attention to word choice and sentence structure. Each incident should be at least onehalf page but no more than two pages in length. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics should be considered. 3. Plan movie versions (at least two) of Frankenstein. Version possibilities include Hollywood blockbuster production, animated adaptation, PBS/A&E/Merchant Ivory-type version, made-forTV movie, contemporary translation (Shakespeare’s Hamlet set in contemporary New York instead of Denmark with guns instead of swords, a corporation instead of the kingdom), etc. For each movie planned, the following must be addressed: actors—cast at least five parts (voice actors as appropriate) followed by reasoning for selection settings (studio? On location? True to novel?) followed by reasoning for decision scripting specifics (although Frankenstein is a relatively short novel, the entire text of the book cannot be presented in a two-hour movie—identify what scenes might be eliminated or altered to fit within the time constraints. Include reasoning for deletion and alteration of scenes special effects (specify CG or make-up for creature) followed by reasoning for selection correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics 4. Select either Frankenstein or the creature and write at least three letters of advice to him (letters should be approximately one page in length). The letters must address the character at different times throughout the novel and demonstrate knowledge of Shelley’s story. For the second and third letters, it must be assumed that the previous advice was ignored and the tone should show increasing concern or frustration. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics should be considered. The Frankenstein Project is worth 50 points and will be graded on the following rubric. Students should consider the rubric while completing the project. On the day the project is due, students should staple their rubric to the top of their completed projects. Students should write their names and the project number selected on the rubric before handing in the project. Frankenstein Project Rubric Student ___________________________________ Project Number selected ______ Selection instructions followed/thorough completion of selection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Creativity/thoughtfulness/logic (as appropriate for selection) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Apparent Effort 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Demonstrated Knowledge of Shelley’s Frankenstein 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Six traits (as appropriate for selection) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total ______/50