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Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________ Block: ______
Chapter 3 – Test Review Questions
1. What area is distorted on a Mercator projection? _______________________________________________
2. Name the projection that is made from a cone of paper. _______________________________________
3. Name the projection that shows the whole world except the extreme polar regions? ______________
4. Where are landmasses distorted on gnomonic projections? ______________________________________
5. The northern and southern hemispheres are divided by what line of latitude? ____________________
6. The eastern and western hemispheres are divided by what line of longitude? _____________________
7. How many degrees of latitude separate the north and south poles? _____________________________
8. What is the greatest number of degrees that a traveler can ever be (east or west) from the prime
meridian? _______________________________
9. 1:1,000 indicates what kind of map scale? ______________________________________________________
10. How many contour lines would be needed to show an island 250 feet high on a map with a contour
interval of 50 feet? ____________________________________
11. What is the name of the contour lines which show craters of volcanoes? __________________________
12. What landform is shown when many contour lines are drawn close together? ____________________
13. When a contour line crosses a river what shape does it make? __________________________________
14. Using the shape of the contour lines, how can you tell which way a river is flowing?
15. The North Pole is located at what latitude? ___________________________________________________
16. Lines parallel to the equator are called _______________________________________________________
17. Another name for lines of longitude is _________________________________________________________
18. What type of map shows changes in elevation of the Earth’s surface using contour lines?
19. What is the name for lines that connect equal elevations? ______________________________________
20. Another name for a map key is _____________________________________________________________.
21. The most accurate representation of the earth’s surface (without distortion) is a _________________
22. Name the two north poles on Earth. _________________________________________________________
23. Define magnetic declination. ________________________________________________________________
24. Define topography. ________________________________________________________________________
25. What is the scale on a map used for? _________________________________________________________
26. Write out 10o 15’ 20” N Lat in words. _______________________________________________________
27. What is the elevation of sea level? ____________________________________________________________
28. What is a contour interval? __________________________________________________________________
29. How can you tell steep elevations from gentle elevations on a topographic map?
30. What two symbols are used to indicate a bench mark (or exact elevation)? _____________________
31. What line is 0o Latitude? _____________________________________________________________________
32. What word describes the layout of the land, landscape or landforms? __________________________
33. What is used to explain each symbol on a map? _______________________________________________
34. What line is at 180o Longitude? _____________________________________________________________
35. What is a flat, 2-dimensional representation of Earth’s surface? _________________________________
36. What is used to indicate distance on map? ____________________________________________________
37. Name some Human-made features on a topographic map. ___________________________________
38. What grid system is used to find a town’s exact location on a map? _____________________________
39. Earth is divided into 4 halves which are called ________________________________________________.
40. Name some Natural features on a topographic map. __________________________________________
41. What was the main method of mapping in the United States before the 1940’s?
42. What does the Global Positioning System (GPS) allow people to determine anywhere in the world?