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Environmental Science
Name __________________________________ Period __________ Date ________________
Chapter 4, Section 3, The Diversity of Living Things – Notes
• Name the six kingdoms of organisms and identify two characteristics of each.
• Explain the importance of bacteria and fungi in the environment.
• Describe the importance of protists in the ocean environment.
• Describe how angiosperms and animals depend on each other.
• Explain why insects are such successful animals.
The Diversity of Living Things
• Most scientists classify organisms into _____________________________________
based on different _______________________________________.
• Members of the six kingdoms get their _________________ in different ways and are
made up of different types of cells, the smallest unit of ________________________.
• The cells of animals, plants, fungi, and protists all contain a ____________________.
While cells of bacteria, fungi, and plants all have ____________________________.
• Bacteria are extremely _________________, single-celled organisms that usually have a
cell wall and reproduce by ________________________________________.
• Unlike all other organisms, bacteria lack __________________________.
• There are two main kinds of bacteria, _________________________________________.
Most bacteria is ______________________________________.
Bacteria live in every habitat on Earth, from _________________________________ to
the bodies of animals.
Bacteria and the Environment
• Some kinds of bacteria break down the _______________________________________
of other organisms and return the _____________________________ to the soil.
• Others recycle nutrients, such as nitrogen and ______________________________.
• Certain bacteria can _______________________________________ from the air into a
form that plants can use. This conversion is important because nitrogen is the main
component of __________________________________________________
• Bacteria also allow many organisms, including humans, to extract __________________
from their food.
• The bacterium, Escherichia coli or E. coli, is found in the ________________________
of humans and other animals and helps digest food and ___________________________
that humans need.
• A fungus is an organism whose cells have nuclei, __________________________, and
no _______________________________ and that belongs to the kingdom Fungi.
• Cell walls act like _____________________________ that allow fungi to stand up right.
• A mushroom is the _______________________________________ of a fungus. The rest
of the fungus is an underground network of ____________________ that absorb food
from ___________________________________________ in the soil.
Fungi get their food by _____________________________________________ that help
break down organic matter, and then ____________________________ the nutrients.
The bodies of most fungi are _______________________________ of threads that grow
through the soil dead wood, or other material on which the fungi is feeding.
Like bacteria, fungi play an important role in _________________________________
the bodies of dead organisms.
Some fungi, like some bacteria, ____________________________________. Athlete’s
foot is an example of a ____________________________ caused by fungi.
Other fungi add flavor to food as in ___________________________. The fungus gives
the cheese both its blue color and strong flavor.
Yeasts are fungi that produce the gas that makes _______________________________.
• Protists are ________________________________ that belong to the kingdom Protista.
• Some, like amoebas, are _______________________. Others are plantlike, such as kelp,
and some _________________________________________.
• Most protists are one-celled microscopic organisms, including _____________________,
which float on the ________________________________________,
• Another protist, Plasmodium, is the ___________________________________ that
causes the disease malaria.
From an environmental standpoint, the most important protists are _______________.
Algae are ______________________ protists that can make their own food using the
They range in size from the ______________________________ to the one-celled
____________________________________, which are the initial source of food in most
ocean and freshwater ecosystems.
• Plants are many-celled organisms that make their __________________________ using
the __________________________________and have cell walls.
• Most plants live on _________________ where they use their leaves to get sunlight,
oxygen, and _________________________ from the air. While absorbing nutrients and
water from the soil _________________________________________.
• Leaves and roots are connected by vascular tissue, which has _____________________
and serves is system of ___________________ that carries water and food.
Lower Plants
• The first land plants had _____________________________, and swimming sperm.
They therefore had to live in _____________________ and couldn’t grow very large.
• Their descendents alive today are small plants such as ____________________.
• Ferns and club mosses were the ______________________________________, with
some of the ferns being as large as small trees.
• Gymnosperms are woody vascular _____________________________ whose seeds are
not enclosed by an __________________________________________.
• Conifers, such as pine trees, are gymnosperms that _____________________________.
• Much or our ______________________________________ comes form gymnosperms.
Gymnosperms have several _________________________ that allow them to live in
drier conditions than _______________________________________.
• They can produce ___________________, which protects and moves sperm
between plants.
• These plants also produce seeds, which _______________________________
from drying out.
• A conifer’s ___________________________ leaves also lose little water.
• Angiosperms are flowering plants that produce seeds __________________________.
Most ______________________________________ are angiosperms.
• The flower is the _________________________________ of the plant. Some
angiosperms, like ______________________, have small flowers, that use wind to
• Other angiosperms have large flowers to attract _________________ and birds. Many
flowering plants depend on animals to disperse their seeds and carry ________________.
• Most land ______________________ are dependent on flowering _________________.
Most of the food _____________________, such as wheat, rice, beans, oranges, and
lettuce comes from ___________________________________.
Building materials and fibers, such as _____________________________, also come
from flowering plants.
• Animals cannot make their own food. They ____________________________ it in from
the environment.
• Animal cells also have __________________________, making their bodies soft and
flexible. Although, some animals have evolved _______________________________.
• As a result, animals are much _________________________ than plants. All animals
move around in their environment during at least ______________________________.
• Invertebrates are animals that do not have _______________________________.
• Many live attached to hard surfaces in the _______________________ and filter their
food out of the water, such as _________________________________, and mollusks.
• These organisms are only ____________________ when they are larvae. At this early
stage in their life they are part of the _______________________________________.
Other invertebrates, including squid in the ocean and insects on land, _______________
in search of ____________________________________.
More insects ___________________________________ than any other type of animal.
Insects are successful for many reasons: they have a ____________________________,
can move and _______________________________, most insects can fly, and their
small size allows them to live on little food and to hide from enemies in small places.
Many insects and plants have ________________________________ and depend on
each other to survive.
Insects carry ____________________ from male fruit parts to fertilize a plant’s egg,
which develops into ________________________ such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and
Insects are also valuable because they ________________________________ that we
consider to be pests.
However, insects and humans are often __________________________.
Bloodsucking insects transmit ___________________________ such as malaria,
sleeping sickness, and _____________________________________________.
Insects do most damage indirectly by ______________________________________.
• Vertebrates are animals that ____________________________________, and includes
mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.
• The first vertebrates were _______________________, but today most vertebrates live
The first land vertebrates were ______________________. These animals were
successful because they have an almost _____________________________ which
allows the egg to hatch on land, away from _______________________________.
Birds are _______________________________ vertebrates with feathers. They keep
their hard shelled eggs and young warm until they have developed _________________
of fat and feathers.
Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates that have fur and ________________________.
Birds and mammals have the ability to _______________________ a high body
temperature which allows them to live in _____________________, where other animals
cannot live.
______ 1. Most scientists classify organisms into
a. five kingdoms.
c. three kingdoms.
b. six kingdoms.
d. two groups.
______ 2. Most land animals depend on angiosperms for
a. reproduction.
c. food.
b. water.
d. warmth.
______ 3. What converts nitrogen in the air into a form plants can use?
a. bacteria
c. protists
b. fungi
d. animals
______ 4. Which of the following protists is a type of algae that uses energy from
the sun to make food?
a. seaweed
c. giant kelp
b. phytoplankton
d. all of the above
______5. Which of the following animals is successful because it moves quickly,
reproduces rapidly, and has a waterproof external skeleton?
a. ant
c. bird
b. mouse
d. squirrel