Download Marcus Viana was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in a family of

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Marcus Viana was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in a family of musicians.
His father, Sebastião Viana, a well known conductor, was the assistant of the
greatest brazilian composer Villa Lobos.
In spite of his family musical background, Marcus only began his violin
lessons at the age of 13, with the Hungarian teacher Gabor Buza.
In the end of his adolescence, Marcus lived in Harvertown, Pensilvannia,
USA, and played violin in the Harvertown Symphonic Orchestra and
produced his first compositions.
Returning to Brazil, Marcus participates in several Pop Music Festivals all
over his state, Minas Gerais, always winning the first prizes.
Although his deep envolvement with music, this only became a profession
when he started to play at the Minas Gerais Symphonic Orchestra, where he
remained for seven years as a violinist.
Besides his work at the orchestra, his participation as a musician on the
“Saecula Saeculorum” group, opened him the doors of another musical style:
the progressive rock.
Marcus Viana, since the 70s has always been interested in the electrification
of the violin, trying a fusion of classical, rock and brazilian music elements.
In 1979, Marcus creates “Sagrado Coração da Terra”, a group that mixes vocal
and instrumental music in the progressive symphonic rock line with emphasis
in ecological and spiritual matters.
Actually, Sagrado has already released six albums (four of them also in Japan)
and is considered by the international specialized critics as the best latin
american progressive band.
During the 80s, Marcus Viana records and tours with Milton Nascimento,
Beto Guedes, Lô Borges and Flavio Venturini, all over Brazil.
In 1988 Sagrado’s second album (Flecha) has the title song chosen to be a
theme of a Globo TV soap opera and from this moment on, Marcus begins his
career as a soundtrack composer.
1990 starts with an invitation from Manchete TV for Marcus to create the
soundtrack and ouverture of the series “Pantanal”, directed by Mr. Jayme
Monjardim and also the love theme of the main couple of the story. “Pantanal”
became a huge succcess and today remains as one of the top Brazilian’s TV
series of all times. In December of this year, he releases “Pantanal –
Symphonic Suite”, the first instrumental CD of a soundtrack in Brazil. From
“Pantanal” on, Marcus Viana and Jayme Monjardim stablish a partnership that
still continues now.
Besides being the producer of his own CDs and making soundtracks for TV
series, films, theater and ballet, he has also received several prizes as an author
of jingles and soundtracks for radio and TV commercials.
In the years after the production of “Pantanal”, Marcus creates the label
“Sonhos & Sons” (Sounds & Dreams) – a reflex of his multiple talents. Many
music styles are released by Sonhos & Sons such as children folk songs, the
instrumental collection “Trilhas e Temas”(Themes and Soundtracks), that
brings his music for TV; the new age music collection “Música das Esferas”
(Music of the Spheres), dedicated to meditation and inner healing and also
Sagrado Coração da Terra’s CDs.
During the 90s, Marcus Viana continues his work as a soundtrack composer,
besides Sagrado Coração da Terra and his many other phonographic projects.
When the director Jayme Monjardim returns to Globo TV, Marcus is invited
to produce the soundtrack of the serie “Chiquinha Gonzaga”, a great carioca
composer of the beginning of the XX century. Concerning this work, he
dedicates himself to an extreme research work about the Brazilian music from
1845 to 1935.
After “Chiquinha Gonzaga”, Viana composes the “Terra Nostra” soundtrack,
released in a CD named “Speranza” and also the serie “Aquarela do Brasil”,
both of them in Globo TV and under the direction of Jayme Monjardim.
In his label, many titles are released: three children’s Cds, the 5th CD of
Sagrado Coração da Terra – “Leste do Sol, Oeste da Lua” and “Terra” – 3rd
volume of “Musica das Esferas” collection that was indicated to the 2001
Latin Grammy Awards as the “Best Pop Music Instrumental Album”.
In the beginning of 2001, Marcus Viana produces and releases “Francisco de
Assis” (St. Francis of Assissi) – a Cd with the musical history of the great
mystical character of the 12th century and “Sacred Heart of Earth” a collection
of Sagrado’s songs originally composed in English.
From the second semester of 2001 on, Marcus Viana, as musical director of
the TV series “The Clone” (El Clon), composes all the instrumental
soundtrack, the opening song and the love theme of the main couple that
became a hit in the brazilian radio stations. This love song, “A Miragem”, has
been recorded by Mr. Michael Bolton in an English version named “All for
He also participates as a composer, arranger and musical producer of the Cd
“Velho Chico”, a part of an ecological and social project of the São Francisco
River in Brazil.
In the beginning of 2002, Mr. Viana releases the CD “Maktub” with the
instrumental soundtrack and the main songs of the TV series “The Clone”.
The great success of the soap opera in Portugal and in the USA, opens to
Marcus’ music a new public, making possible the release of his CDs out of