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Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University
Theory Assignment for Session 2005-06
Programme : M.Sc. IT (Final Year)
Note : All question carry equal marks. Questions are solved in it sequence as given in
Course Code : MIT -09
First Assignment
Discrete Mathematics
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. If the mth term of an A.P. is 1/n and the nth term is 1/m, find the first term of series.
b. Draw the diagram of the lattice of factors of 20 under disability and show that it is the
same as that of the product of two chains with three and two elements.
Q.2a. Find the equation to the straight line, which passes through the point (4, -5) and which
is parallel to the straight line 3x + 4y + 5 = 0.
b. Prove that set S = { 0, 1, 2, 3} forms a ring under addition and multiplication modulo
4, but not a field
Q.3a. Find the sum of series whose nth term is 3(4n | 2n2) - 4
b. Define Ring and give its example.
Q.4a. Prove that dual f a complete lattice is complete.
b. Define group and give one example of it.
Course Code : MIT -09
Second Assignment
Discrete Mathematics
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. If a2 +2bc, b2 +2ca, c2+2ab are in A.P., then prove that 1/(b-c), 1/(c-a), 1/(a-b) are in
b. Prove that a group (G,*) in which each element is the inverse of itself, i.e. a-1 = a for
all a, is an abelian group.
Q.2a. If C be the set of all complex numbers, then prove that (C, +, .) is afield, where
notations have their usual meanings.
b. Define partially ordered set (Poset) and give an example of it.
Q.3a. Prove that mapping T : V3 (x)  V2 (k) defined by :
T (x1, x2, x3) = (x1, x2) : x1, x2, x3 Є K
Is a linear transformation.
b. Define a vector space over a field and give an example.
Q.4a. If g : R  R and g: : R  R are two maps defined by f(x) = 2x and g(x) = x2 + 2.
then find fog (x) and gof(x) and hence show that fog # gof.
b. Define the following :
One-One mapping
Onto mapping
(iii) Many one mapping
Into mapping
Course Code : MIT-10
First Assignment
Advanced Java
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. Develop an applet that receives three numeric values as input from the user and then
display the largest of the three on the screen.
b. What is the difference between Java and Java Script?
Q.2a. What is finally block? When and how is it used in Java?
b. What is Java? Why is Java platform independent? Write a program to find sum of
digits in an integer.
Q.3a. Explain the characteristics of object-oriented programming. What is method
b. Difference between Applets and Application.
Q.4a. What is an exception? How do we define try/catch block?
b. What is abstract classes method?
Course Code : MIT-10
Second Assignment
Advanced Java
Max. Marks : 30
Define various access specifiers in JAVA. Describe multiple inheritance in Java.
Explain Virtual Java Machine?
What is thread? Describe complete life cycle of a thread.
What is the use of "this keyboard " in Java?
How does Media Traker Work? Describe the various components of swings.
Explain package with example.
What are the advantages of Java Beans? Describe Application Builder Tools of Java
b. Explain Polymorphism in Java with examples.
Course Code :MIT -11
First Assignment
Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming
Max. Marks : 30
What do you understand by handshaking? Discuss the method used for handshaking.
What is Lock and REP prefix? What are its uses?
Explain the working of 8254 programmable timer.
Explain the concept of segmented memory. What are its advantages?
What is the meaning of addressing modes? Discuss any five addressing modes.
What do you mean by Assembler Directives? Discuss any five.
What do you understand by the term Microprocessor? Discuss the Pin-Description of
8086 considering it in maximum mode.
b. Write down the advantages of assembly language over machine language.
Course Code :MIT -11
Second Assignment
Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. Explain the working of 8255 Programmable peripheral Interface.
Q.2a. What is Cache memory? How does it increase speed of fetching? Explain the function
of Cache controller.
b. Write a short note on 2nd and 4th generation microprocessor.
Q.3a. What is the use of memory interface?
b. Explain the logical instructions used for assembly language programming.
Q.4a. What is the advantage of DMA controller? Write down the modes controller 8237.
b. Draw and discuss flag register of 8086 in brief.
Course Code :MIT 12
Numerical and Statistical Analysis
First Assignment
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. With the help of an example describe about various types of hypothesis testing.
b. Obtain equation for Simpson's 1/3 rule and apply it to find the value of integral
(3 x2 + 2x)dx
Q.2a. Define the meaning of term "Curve Fitting". In which respect is it different from
interpolation? Justify your answer with the help of examples.
b. Make a linear fit on data:
Propose a set of data and calculate the Mean, Median and Mode.
Write the significance of numerical differentiation.
Explain the Lagrange's methods.
What is the concept of false position method? Describe in steps. How is computation
stopped in this case.
Course Code :MIT 12
Numerical and Statistical Analysis
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. Differentiate between gauss elimination method and Gauss-Seidal method to find
solution of a set of linear equations.
b. Give a comparative study of Euler's method and 2nd order Runge-Kutta method.
Apply 2nd order Ruuge-Kutte method to find solution of the differential equation :
dy/dx = x + y2 at x= 0, y = 1
Q.2a. Find the correlation between forward difference and backward difference.
b. Use Newton Raphson method to find the solution of transcendental equation
e2 - 3 x = 0 correct to two decimal places.
Q.3a. Use Newton's Interpolation formula to find the value of unknown y corresponding to
argument x = 1.4 using the following data:
b. Obtain equation for the trapezoidal formula for integration. Use the obtained formula
to write a computer program to obtain the value of an integral.
Q.4a. With the help of examples describe about different types of probability distributions
b. Explain Bi-section method using example.
Course Code : MIT -13
Artificial Intelligence
First Assignment
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. What is an AI Technique? Give appropriate algorithm for solving Tic-Tac-Toe
b. What do you understand by a frame? How is it useful in knowledge representation?
Q.2a. Describe the database of a cricket term using frames.
b. Explain why a good knowledge representation is useful in reasoning knowledge.
Q.3a. A problem solving search can proceed either forward or backward. Give some
examples of both types of problems.
b. Draw Breadth First search and Depth First Search trees for Water Jug Problem.
Q.4a. Convert the following facts into clause form:
Ramu is clever
If ramu is cleaver then ramu will succeed
Monika is married to Kumar
All men are mortal.
b. Draw semantic nets for the following facts:
Every player hits the ball
Every dog eats a cat
Course Code : MIT -13
Artificial Intelligence
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. What is the difference between vision and speech of AI Problem?
b. What is an expert system? What are its characteristics? Explain MYCIN.
Q.2a. A problem solving search can proceed either forward or backward. Give some
examples of both types of problems.
b. What is dependency directed backtracking?
Q.3a. What do you mean by learning by induction? Explain with one example.
b. What is difference between frames and meta-frame.
Q.4. Write short notes on the followings:
Theorem Proving
Search Knowledge
Importance of Expert System
Course Code : MIT-14
Computer Graphics
First Assignment
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. What is multimedia? What are the different types of basic multimedia tools?
b. What are the logical classifications of input devices? Explain the working of Light
Q.2a. What is the difference between WAV and MIDI file? What is the role of sound cards?
b. Explain the working of Raster Scan Display. What is the difference between VGA
and SVGA resolutions?
Q.3a. Describe how a 3-D object is presented on the screen using perspective projection.
Give an example for illustration.
b. What are the graphics primitives? Mention some typical graphics primitives that a
package may provide.
Q.4a. Explain Axes Convention the Right hand rule.
b. Describe method for generation of circle.
Course Code : MIT-14
Computer Graphics
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. What is the difference between symmetric and skew symmetric matrix? Explain with
b. What are plasma panels and how do they work?
Q.2a. What is Bezier Curve? What are the properties of Bezier curve?
b. Discuss and explain the Bresenham's drawing algorithm for generating a circle in first
quadrant having center (xc, yc) and radius r.
What do you mean by two-dimentional clipping? Explain clipping methods.
Describe the function of Image Scanner.
Explain the DDA algorithm for line generation.
describe parametric method for generation of circle.
Course Code : MIT -15
Simulation and Modeling
First Assignment
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. What is simulation? Explain the real time simulation and feedback simulation.
b. What is Monte-Carlo technique? Explain the Monte-Carlo method to find the area of
any model.
Q.2a. What is aircraft simulation? Explain with example.
b. What is a system? Describe discrete and continues system. Give an example of each.
Q.3a. Explain the different components of factory system. Draw a diagram to represent:
entities, attributes, activities, environment and system boundary.
b. Write notes on Feed Lack Simulation.
Q.4a. What steps must be performed in model validation?
b. What is goal-seeking problem?
Course Code : MIT -15
Second Assignment
Simulation and Modeling
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. What is GPSS? Explain the different advanced blocks used in GPSS.
b. Explain the different areas where simulation and modeling are used. Also give
suitable example for each.
Q.2a. What is the role of simulation in business process re-engineered?
b. What is model? Explain the different types of models?
Q.3a. Write notes on Real Time Simulation.
b. How are the activities of a system classified? Explain deterministic and stochastic
Q.4a. What are the limitation of Simulation?
b. What are pseudo-random numbers? How will you ascertain the randomness of a
distribution of a number generator?
Course Code : MIT -16
Software Engineering
First Assignment
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. What is prototype Model? Under what circumstances is it beneficial to construct a
prototype model?
b. Discuss system Development Life Cycle. Write their strengths and weaknesses.
Q.2a. Write role of software engineering in software development.
b. What are the various automated estimation tools?
Q.3a. Enumerate key quality attributes of SRS.
b. Define waterfall model and spiral model and compare these models.
Q.4a. You are the project manager for a major software company. You have been asked to
lead a team that's developing "Next Generation" word processing software. Create a
risk table for the project.
b. Discuss COCOMO model in detail.
Course Code : MIT -16
Software Engineering
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. What are the measures of software quality assurance? Explain how SDLC model
assure to users for better development.
b. Explain characteristics and applications of software. What myths about software still
exist? Discuss.
Q.2a. What do you mean by CASE? Explain software process.
b. What is software process? Discuss various software process models in brief.
Q.3a. What is an indirect measure and why are such measures common in software metrics
b. Discuss different type of coupling and cohesion.
Q.4a. Explain the process of configuration management during the operational stage.
b. Explain Data dictionary and feasibility study in detail.