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Name: _______________________________
Weekly Geography 1-7 (OL)
Physical Processes
The Earth’s crust is made up of large pieces that move called plates. This
movement, or shifting, causes the Earth’s surface to continually change. For example, in
Asia there are two plates that are moving towards each other. This movement is causing
the Himalaya Mountains to grow about one inch per year. On the other hand, sometimes
plates move away from each other. The Great Rift Valley in Africa is a result of plates
spreading. Because of this movement, earthquakes and volcanoes are common in these
Erosion is the process by which rocks and soil slowly break apart and are swept
away. Erosion can result from weathering, which is when air, water, wind, or ice slowly
wears away rocks and soil. The rocks and soil usually form a new landform in a new
location. Erosion can also be caused by flooding. Severe flooding can ruin farmers’ crops
and erode coastlines.
Use the reading to answer the following questions.
1. S_____________ and E_______________ are two physical processes that
change the earth’s surface.
2. When plates move it can cause natural disasters such as ______________
and _______________.
3. What are large pieces of the Earth called?
4. What type of erosion can ruin crop fields? Plates
or valleys
or flooding
5. Erosion is the process by which rocks and soil slowly _____________ apart.
6. Weathering is caused by air, w___________________, w_________________, and
7. Which landform is growing due to a separation of plates?
Himalaya Mountains or
Great Rift Valley
8. The Himalaya Mountains are growing because ______________ are moving
towards each other.
Climate is the average weather over a long period of time. It includes average
temperature and average precipitation from year to year. For example, Fairbanks, Alaska
has a cold climate. In the winter, the temperature can reach
Four factors that affect a region’s climate are latitude, elevation, wind, and
ocean currents. Places at high latitudes (far from the equator), such as Fairbanks,
Alaska, have a very cold climate. Whereas, places close to the equator have warm or
tropical climates. Places at higher elevations have generally colder temperatures than
places closer to sea level.
Wind and ocean currents also affect climate. Air passing over the water can make
a climate colder or warmer, depending on the ocean current. For example, the Gulf
Stream is a current that carries warm water from the Caribbean Sea towards Europe.
The winds bring warm air and help to create a mild climate along the coast of southern
Use the reading to answer the following questions:
1. Climate describes the _______________ weather over a long time.
2. Climate is affected by four factors:
a) l_____________________
b) e_____________________
c) w_____________________
d) w_____________________
3. Alaska has a cold climate because it is (close or far) from the equator.
Circle one
4. If you were at the top of a mountain, the climate would be
(colder or warmer) than the base of the mountain.
Circle one
5. What causes wind to be cold or warm? Latitude
or ocean currents
6. Which current helps create a mild climate for southern Europe?
Gulf Stream
or elevation
Climate constantly affects our lives. Everyday people have to adapt or adjust their lives
to the environment.
7. The people of Fairbanks, Alaska may have to adapt to their environment
by _________________________________________________________.