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Longforgan Primary Numeracy Programme –
Experiences and
Number and number
I can use addition,
multiplication and
division when solving
problems, making best
use of the mental
strategies and written
skills I have
First Level
First Developing
First Consolidating
First Secure – apply what he/she has learned in
new and unfamiliar situations
I can :
 count on in 10s.
 begin to add using
commutative law (i.e. 10 + 5
= 5 + 10) and add using
associative law (i.e. 3 + 1 + 1
= 3 + 2).
 use number bonds within 20.
 add and subtract TU without
 recall times table facts from
2,5 and 10 times and can
count on mentally.
 use doubles within 20.
 solve word problems
involving the addition and
subtraction as appropriate to
knowledge and
 begin to understand inverse
and related functions in
processes and is able to use
the bonds for addition and
 show calculations can be
represented horizontally and
begin to use vertically
 use mathematical notation: +,
-, x, =
 use the vocabulary associated
with addition and subtraction,
e.g. more than, less than,
add, take away, plus,
subtract, equals, total,
I can :
 add tens onto whole numbers using
mental and written strategies.
 beginning to use strategies for
addition and subtraction (e.g. add
using commutative law, i.e. 14 + 5 =
5 + 14 and add using associative
law, i.e. 3 + 15 + 2 = 10 + 10).
 begin to use knowledge of number
bonds for calculations in addition
and subtraction for numbers to 50.
 add and subtract TU with carrying
 recall times table facts from 2,3,5
and 10 times and is able to use them
in multiplication/division
calculations in 2 digit examples
mentally and written.
 use doubles and begin to use halves.
 solve word problems involving the
four number operations as
appropriate to knowledge and
 understand inverse and related
functions in processes and is able to
use the bonds for addition and
subtraction and beginning to
understand for
 show calculations can be represented
horizontally and vertically
 use mathematical notation: +, -, x, ÷,
 use the vocabulary associated with
addition and subtraction, e.g. more
than, less than, add, take away, plus,
I can :
 add/subtract tens and units to whole numbers
using mental and written strategies.
 use mental strategies to help add and subtract
i.e. ( +10 -1 = + 9).
 use knowledge of number bonds for
calculations in addition and subtraction in at
least 2 digit examples (e.g. 4 + 3 = 7 so 24 + 3
= 27, 9 – 4 = 5 so 19 – 4 = 15)
 add and subtract HTU
 recall times table facts from 2,3,4,5 and 10
times and is able to use them in
multiplication/division calculations in at least
2 digit examples mentally and written.
 use different strategies i.e. repeat addition to
help understand multiplication and division.
 use doubles and near doubles (e.g. 7+8 =
7+7+1)and use halves. (e.g.4 x 8 = (2 x 8) +
(2 x 8) 5 x 6 = half of 10 x )
 solve word problems involving the four
number operations as appropriate to
knowledge and understanding.
 Understand inverse and related functions in
processes and is able to use the bonds in the
four operations (e.g. to find 20 - 13 think “13
and what makes 20?” and/or splitting numbers
to find answer to addition or subtraction sum,
e.g. 23 + 45 = (20 + 40) + (3 + 5) )
 show calculations can be represented
horizontally and vertically
 use mathematical notation: +, -, x, ÷, =
 use the vocabulary associated with addition
and subtraction, e.g. more than, less than, add,
take away, plus, subtract, equals, total,
First Level - Number
Experiences and
First Developing
First Consolidating
altogether, sum
I have investigated
how whole numbers
are constructed, can
understand the
importance of zero
within the system and
can use my knowledge
to explain the link
between a digit, its
place and its value.
begin to show awareness of
place value of 2 digit
numbers. E.g. use the digits 0
– 9 in different combinations
to make numbers explain that
the value of a digit depends
on where it is placed
add or subtract showing zero
does not change the answer
begin to read number names
to 100
order numbers to 100
subtract, equals, total, altogether,
begin to use the vocabulary
associated with multiplication and
division, e.g. times, multiplied by,
divide, share, sets of, lots of,
grouped, double, half
altogether, sum
 Use the vocabulary associated with
multiplication and division, e.g. times,
multiplied by, divide, share, sets of, lots of,
grouped, double, half
begin to extend knowledge of place
value to 2 digit numbers and more.
Show awareness of zero as a place
holder for whole numbers and add or
subtract showing zero does not
change the answer
 begin to extend knowledge of place value to 3
digit numbers and more.
 begin to understand zero as a place holder for
whole numbers
First Level - Number
First Secure – apply what he/she has learned in
new and unfamiliar situations