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Exercise # 6
Linear Equation
Roll number:
 Linear Equation:
An equation in which only one variable is used and the highest
power of variable is one is called linear equation.
E.g 2x + 3 = 1
6x – 2 =7
Standard form is: ax + b = 0
 Degree of Equation:
Heist power of variable in given equation is called degree of
e.g. x7 + 2x2y + 3xy2 + 3 = 0
Degree # is (7)
 Variable :
Values which do not remain constant are called variable.
E.g. Temperature of a day.
 Constant:
A value which remains unchanged is called constant.
e.g. Numbers of days in a week.
 Equation :
An algebraic expression is a symbolic statement in which two
sides of expression are equal to each other.
e.g. 2x + 3 = 4
 Unknown:
The letter whose value is desired is called value.
2x + 3 = 6
x unknown.
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 Root:
The desired value of unknown is called root of equation.
e.g 2x + 3 = 6
x = 3 / 2 is Root
 Expression:
Expression is a collection consisting of symbols and numbers
joined by arithatic operator.
e.g 2x2 + 3x + 8
 Term:
A single part of expression is called term. E.g. 2x2, 3x, 8.
 Identical Equation:
If two sides of equation are same then they are called identical
e.g 3x + 2x = 5x
 Conditional Equation:
An equation that is true for certain value of variable is called
conditional equation.
e.g 2x + 3 = 5
 Transposition :
The process of changing a quantity from one side to another by
changing the signs plus or minus is called transposition.
e.g 2x + 3 =1
2x = 1- 3
The End
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