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Mnemonic for Step 2 CS
PAM HUGS FOSS (a mnemonic for past medical history)
P-revious history of smilar symptoms
A-llergies (medications, foods, over-the-counters, etc.)
M-edications (mediations the patient may be taking, including non-prescription
H-ospitalization (previous hospitalizations for any illnesses or surgeries)
U-rinary changes (frequency, urgency, dysuria, hematuria, foul-smelling urine)
G-astrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, bowel habit changes, melena, etc.)
S-leep pattern (insomnia, early waking)
F-amily history (any illnesses in the family, particulary first-degree relatives)
O-b/Gyn history (last menstrual period, pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions, length
of periods)
S-exual habits (STDs, male/female preference)
S-ocial history (smoking, alcohol, drugs, occupation)
LIQOR AAA (useful for asking about pain)
L-ocation of the symptom (abdomen, back, leg)
I-intesity (use a scale from 1-10)
Q-uality of the symptom (sharp, dull, crampy, burning)
O-nset of the symptoms (when did it start, what precipitated the pain?)
R-adiation of the pain (radiation to the back, arm, groin, etc.)
A-ssociated symptoms (nausea, dysuria, chest pain, shortness of breath)
A-lleviating factors (leaning forward, lying still, using a hot pack)
A-ggravating factors (moving, eating, physical effort)
PQRST (also helpful for asking about pain)
Q-uality (sharp, dull, crampy, burning)
R-adiation (radiation of the pain to the back, arm, groin, etc.)
S-everity (use a scale from 1-10)
T-timing (worse with meals, bowel movements, time of day, etc.)
SODAS (useful for obtaining a detailed social history)
S-moking (cigarettes, marijuana, how much, how many years)
O-ccupation (what does the patient do for a living?)
D-rugs (what drug, how do they use it, any IV drug use?)
A-lcohol (whaty type of alcohol, how often, how much, consider doing a CAGE
S-exual history (number of partners, protection, STDs, pregancies, etc.)