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There will be a significant change to an ERMA protocol. The cardiac stress test service choices
(formerly Stress Test –Echo, Stress Test-Nuclear (Thallium) & Stress Test – Other) will slightly
modified in name. The three stress test choices will now be:
Stress Test - Exercise
has NO attached protocol
Stress Test – Echo
has the revised protocol attached
Stress Test - Nuclear (Thallium)
has the revised protocol attached
 Now the PET CT scan also points to the same protocol the PET scan does
 Occupational therapy now has a protocol attached to it
All protocols can be viewed/printed by either clicking on it while generating the referral in
ERMA or going to the website:
DoctorsOnline/Advocate Physician Partners/For the Physician/APP Wide Outpatient Protocols
PLEASE - Remember to check your ERMA Office Inbox/E-sign tab every day for several important
 Referrals that require you to E-Sign before it is able to be viewed in ERMA. No provider will
be able to see that diagnostic test or physical therapy referral, for example, until you E-sign
it. It won’t appear in the task list of your APP Referral Specialist until E-signed.
 Incomplete referrals are in your ERMA Office Inbox. Incompletes are ones that require
further information submitted OR are done incorrectly and need editing. We are required
to turn around all referrals in 5 CALENDAR days, which includes weekends and holidays.
On day 5 we have to close the referral per HMO regulations and you would have to start all
over generating a new referral, with all the info/changes requested in the original one. We
would much rather NOT have you do more work, so please make sure staff are
crosstrained and the Office Inbox is checked every day. Thanks so much!!!
 Also, please document conservative treatment attempted in all non-operative ADULT
physical/occupational therapy, podiatry, dermatology & chiropractic referrals.