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COLEGIO VILLA MARÍA MIRAFLORES ENGLISH SYLLABUS - SECOND GRADE – 2016 CRITERIA Oral Expression/ Comprehension Reading Spelling/ Phonics AIMS OF ACHIEVEMENT Listen for various purposes. Listen carefully to oral reading, discussions, and spoken messages. Understand and retell text and messages heard. Understand the main idea in spoken messages. Connect experiences and ideas with those of others through speaking and listening. Respond appropriately to questions, directions, text read aloud, and oral presentations. Expand vocabulary by listening and speaking. Build sentences orally. Participate in dialogues. Participate in rhymes, chants and songs. Present researched topics. Present dramatic interpretations of short stories. Retelling of personal written work. Read and write the date and numbers in digit form. Identify parts of a book Activate and use prior knowledge to preview a story. Predict and verify predictions. Recognize the main idea in a text. Relate one´s experience to what is being read. Identify the sequence of events. Read orally with appropriate fluency. Recognize and understand high frequency words and spelling vocabulary through reading. Use strategies to comprehend texts. Recognize and comprehend elements in a story. Show an interest in and respond to texts read aloud. Recognize missing words in incomplete sentences. Synthesize literary experience through drawing or dramatizing. Develop phonemic awareness: Divide words into syllables. Blend, divide, and count phonemes Add initial sounds Delete final sounds Identify position of sounds Understand that spoken words are composed of sounds which are represented by alphabetic letters. Identify short and long vowel sounds following the CVCe pattern (a,e, i, o, u) Identify, spell, and write words with long vowel sounds (y: long i, long e; a: ay, ai; e: e, ee, ea, o: oa, ow, i: ie, igh).), r-controlled (or- ore-ar, ir, er, ur), compound words, plural words (-s or –es), comparative endings –er, -est, present or past verbs by adding –s or –ed, verbs by adding the –ing form, and final diagraphs ng, nk. Spell possessives saying the word “apostrophe”. Write sentences using spelling vocabulary. Written Expression/ Grammar Use capitalization and punctuation in a sentence. Use an apostrophe to show belonging. Order words to make meaningful sentences. Write short and simple paragraphs. Develop grammar awareness (nouns, singular and plural, irregular plurals, naming and action part, verbs, verb to be -present and past, comparative and superlative adjectives, contractions –not, pronouns and descriptive adjectives: color, size, shape, quantity, and kind). Use the five-step writing process. Identify the characteristics and write a couplet, triplet, and a 5 “Ws” poem.