Download Honors Geometry Chapter 12 You Can . . . Find the ratio of surface

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Honors Geometry Chapter 12
You Can . . .
 Find the ratio of surface areas or volumes of two different solids with equal
width and height
 Find the surface area and volume of a prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone,
and/or sphere
 Use proportions to find missing linear measurements, areas, and/or
volumes of similar solids (12.7)
 Find the volume or surface area of a solid formed from combining two
solids, or from removing a part of a solid.
 Find r,l, H, and or θ given information about a cone and its net(Cone WS)
 Find the surface area and volume of a Frustum resulting from a square
pyramid intersected by a plane.
o Memorize ALL formulas, including base area formulas.
o Go over all notes, worksheets, reviews, and homework assignments.